# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. shopping-page-title = Nakupowanje z { -brand-product-name } # Title for page showing where a user can check the # review quality of online shopping product reviews shopping-main-container-title = Kontrola pógódnośenjow shopping-beta-marker = Beta # This string is for ensuring that screen reader technology # can read out the "Beta" part of the shopping sidebar header. # Any changes to shopping-main-container-title and # shopping-beta-marker should also be reflected here. shopping-a11y-header = .aria-label = Kontrola pógódnośenjow – beta shopping-close-button = .title = Zacyniś # This string is for notifying screen reader users that the # sidebar is still loading data. shopping-a11y-loading = .aria-label = Zacytujo se… ## Strings for the letter grade component. ## For now, we only support letter grades A, B, C, D and F. ## Letter A indicates the highest grade, and F indicates the lowest grade. ## Letters are hardcoded and cannot be localized. shopping-letter-grade-description-ab = Spušćobne pógódnośenja shopping-letter-grade-description-c = Měšańca ze spušćobnych a njespušćobnych pógódnośenjow shopping-letter-grade-description-df = Njespušćobne pógódnośenja # This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers # over the letter grade component without a visible description. # It is also used for screen readers. # $letter (String) - The letter grade as A, B, C, D or F (hardcoded). # $description (String) - The localized letter grade description. See shopping-letter-grade-description-* strings above. shopping-letter-grade-tooltip = .title = { $letter } - { $description } ## Strings for the shopping message-bar shopping-message-bar-warning-stale-analysis-message-2 = Nowe informacije, kótarež se maju pśeglědowaś shopping-message-bar-warning-stale-analysis-button = Něnto kontrolěrowaś shopping-message-bar-generic-error = .heading = Tuchylu informacije njejsu k dispoziciji .message = Źěłamy na rozwězanju toś togo problema. Pśiźćo pšosym skóro zasej mimo. shopping-message-bar-warning-not-enough-reviews = .heading = Hyšći njejo dosć pógódnośenjow .message = Gaž toś ten produkt ma wěcej pógódnośenjow, móžomy jich kwalitu kontrolěrowaś. shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available = .heading = Produkt njejo k dispoziciji .message = Jolic wiźiśo, až toś ten produkt jo zasej na skłaźe, dajśo to k wěsći a buźomy na kontrolěrowanju pógódnośenjow źěłaś. shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-button2 = K wěsći daś, až produkt jo na skłaźe shopping-message-bar-thanks-for-reporting = .heading = Wjeliki źěk za powěźeńku! .message = My dejali w běgu 24 góźin informacije wó pógódnośenjach toś togo produkta měś. Pśiźćo pšosym mimo. shopping-message-bar-warning-product-not-available-reported = .heading = Informacije skóro pśidu .message = My dejali w běgu 24 góźin informacije wó pógódnośenjach toś togo produkta měś. Pśiźćo pšosym mimo. shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-title2 = Kontrola kwalitu pógódnośenjow shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-message2 = To mógło na 60 sekundow traś. # Variables: # $percentage (Number) - The percentage complete that the analysis is, per our servers. shopping-message-bar-analysis-in-progress-with-amount = Kontrola kwality pógódnośenja ({ $percentage } %) shopping-message-bar-page-not-supported = .heading = Njamóžomy toś te pógódnośenja pśeglědowaś .message = Bóžko njamóžomy kwalitu pógódnośenja za wěste produktowe typy kontrolěrowaś. Na pśikład za darjeńske kórty a tšugajuce wideo, muziku a graśa. ## Strings for the product review snippets card shopping-highlights-label = .label = Wjerški z nejnowšych pógódnośenjow shopping-highlight-price = Płaśizna shopping-highlight-quality = Kwalita shopping-highlight-shipping = Rozpósłanje shopping-highlight-competitiveness = Zamóžnosć do wuběźowanja shopping-highlight-packaging = Pakowanje ## Strings for show more card shopping-show-more-button = Wěcej pokazaś shopping-show-less-button = Mjenjej pokazaś ## Strings for the settings card shopping-settings-label = .label = Nastajenja shopping-settings-recommendations-toggle = .label = Wabjenje w kontroli pógódnośenjow pokazaś shopping-settings-recommendations-learn-more2 = Buźośo wótergi wabjenje za relewantne produkty wiźeś. Wabimy jano za produkty ze spušćobnymi pógódnośenjami. Dalšne informacije shopping-settings-opt-out-button = Kontrolu pógódnośenjow znjemóžniś powered-by-fakespot = Kontrola pógódnośenjow se wót { -fakespot-brand-full-name } spěchujo. ## Strings for the adjusted rating component # "Adjusted rating" means a star rating that has been adjusted to include only # reliable reviews. shopping-adjusted-rating-label = .label = Pśměrjone pógódnośowanje shopping-adjusted-rating-unreliable-reviews = Njespušćobne pógódnośenja wótwónoźone ## Strings for the review reliability component shopping-review-reliability-label = .label = Kak spušćobne toś te pógódnośenja su? ## Strings for the analysis explainer component shopping-analysis-explainer-label = .label = Kak kwalitu pógódnośenja póstajamy shopping-analysis-explainer-intro2 = Wužywamy technologiju KI z { -fakespot-brand-full-name }, aby my spušćobnosć produktowych pógódnośenjow kontrolěrowali. To buźo jano pomagaś, kwalitu pógódnośenjow pósuźiś, nic kwalitu produktow. shopping-analysis-explainer-grades-intro = Pśirědujomy pógódnośenjam kuždego produkta pismikowu cenzuru wót A do F. shopping-analysis-explainer-adjusted-rating-description = Pśiměrjone pógódnośowanje jano na pógódnośenjach bazěrujo, kótarež mamy za spušćobne. shopping-analysis-explainer-learn-more = Zgóńśo wěcej wó tom, kak { -fakespot-brand-full-name } kwalitu pógódnośenja póstaja. shopping-analysis-explainer-learn-more2 = Zgóńśo wěcej wó tom, kak { -fakespot-brand-name } kwalitu pógódnośenja póstaja. # This string includes the short brand name of one of the three supported # websites, which will be inserted without being translated. # $retailer (String) - capitalized name of the shopping website, for example, "Amazon". shopping-analysis-explainer-highlights-description = Wjerški su z pógódnośenjow { $retailer } w běgu slědnych 80 dnjow, kótarež mamy za spušćobne. shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-reliable = Spušćobne pógódnośenja. Myslimy se, až pógódnośenja su nejskerjej wót wopšawdnych kupcow, kótarež su zawóstajili spšawne, bźezpśedsudkowe pógódnośenja. shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-mixed = Wěrimy, až dajo měšańcu spušćobnych a njespušćobnych pógódnośenjow. shopping-analysis-explainer-review-grading-scale-unreliable = Njespušćobne pógódnośenja. Myslimy se, až pógódnośenja su nejskerjej sfalšowane abo wót pógódnośujucych z pśedsudkami. ## Strings for UrlBar button shopping-sidebar-open-button2 = .tooltiptext = Kontrolu pógódnośenjow wócyniś shopping-sidebar-close-button2 = .tooltiptext = Kontrolu pógódnośenjow zacyniś ## Strings for the unanalyzed product card. ## The word 'analyzer' when used here reflects what this tool is called on ## fakespot.com. If possible, a different word should be used for the Fakespot ## tool (the Fakespot by Mozilla 'analyzer') other than 'checker', which is ## used in the name of the Firefox feature ('Review checker'). If that is not ## possible - if these terms are not meaningfully different - that is OK. ## Strings for the unanalyzed product card. ## The word 'analyzer' when used here reflects what this tool is called on ## fakespot.com. If possible, a different word should be used for the Fakespot ## tool (the Fakespot by Mozilla 'analyzer') other than 'checker', which is ## used in the name of the Firefox feature ('Review Checker'). If that is not ## possible - if these terms are not meaningfully different - that is OK. shopping-unanalyzed-product-header-2 = Hyšći žedne informacije wó toś tych pógódnośenjach shopping-unanalyzed-product-message-2 = Aby zgónił, lěc pógódnośenja toś togo produkta su spušćobne, kontrolěrujśo kwalitu pógódnośenjow. Trajo jano na 60 sekundow. shopping-unanalyzed-product-analyze-button = Kwalitu pógódnośenjow kontrolěrowaś ## Strings for the advertisement more-to-consider-ad-label = .label = Dalšne móžnosći ad-by-fakespot = Wabjenje wót { -fakespot-brand-name } ## Shopping survey strings. shopping-survey-headline = Pomagajśo { -brand-product-name } pólěpšowaś shopping-survey-question-one = Kak spokojom sćo z kontrolu pógódnośenjow w { -brand-product-name }? shopping-survey-q1-radio-1-label = Wjelgin spokojom shopping-survey-q1-radio-2-label = Spokojom shopping-survey-q1-radio-3-label = Neutralny shopping-survey-q1-radio-4-label = Njespokojom shopping-survey-q1-radio-5-label = Wjelgin njespokojom shopping-survey-question-two = Wólažcujo wam kontrola pógódnośenjow kupne rozsudy? shopping-survey-q2-radio-1-label = Jo shopping-survey-q2-radio-2-label = Ně shopping-survey-q2-radio-3-label = Njewěm shopping-survey-next-button-label = Dalej shopping-survey-submit-button-label = Wótpósłaś shopping-survey-terms-link = Wužywańske wuměnjenja shopping-survey-thanks = .heading = Źěkujomy se za waš komentar! ## Shopping Feature Callout strings. ## "price tag" refers to the price tag icon displayed in the address bar to ## access the feature. shopping-callout-closed-opted-in-subtitle = Wrośćo se ku kontroli pógódnośenjow, gažkuli płaśiznowu toflicku wiźiśo. shopping-callout-pdp-opted-in-title = Su toś te pógódnośenja spušćobne? Wuslěźćo to malsnje. shopping-callout-pdp-opted-in-subtitle = Wócyńśo kontrolu pógódnośenjow, aby pśiměrjone gódnośenje z wótwónoźonymi njespušćobnymi pógódnośenjami. Woglědajśo se mimo togo wjerški z nejnowšych awtentiskich pógódnośenjow. shopping-callout-closed-not-opted-in-title = Jadno kliknjenje do spušćobnych pógódnośenjow shopping-callout-closed-not-opted-in-subtitle = Dajśo kontroli pógódnośenjow šansu, gažkuli płaśiznowu toflicku wiźiśo. Dostańśo malsnje doglědy wót wopšawdnych nakupowarjow – nježli až kupujośo. ## Onboarding message strings. shopping-onboarding-headline = Cytajśo naš dowěry gódny pśewodnik wó pógódnośenjach produktow # Dynamic subtitle. Sites are limited to Amazon, Walmart or Best Buy. # Variables: # $currentSite (str) - The current shopping page name # $secondSite (str) - A second shopping page name # $thirdSite (str) - A third shopping page name shopping-onboarding-dynamic-subtitle-1 = Glědajśo, kak spušćobne produktowe pógódnośenja su na { $currentSite }, nježli až kupujośo. Kontrola pógódnośenjow, eksperimentalna funkcija wót { -brand-product-name }, jo we wobglědowaku zatwarjona. Funkcioněrujo teke na { $secondSite } a { $thirdSite }. # Subtitle for countries where we only support one shopping website (e.g. currently used in FR/DE with Amazon) # Variables: # $currentSite (str) - The current shopping page name shopping-onboarding-single-subtitle = Glědajśo, kak spušćobne pógódnośenja produktow na { $currentSite } su, nježli až produkty kupujośo. Kontrola pógódnośenjow, eksperimentalna funkcija z { -brand-product-name }, jo direktnje do wobglědowaka zatwarjona. shopping-onboarding-body = Z pomocu potenciala { -fakespot-brand-full-name }, pomagamy wam, se njeawtentiskich pógódnośenjow a pógódnośenjow połnych pśedsudkow wobinuś. Naš model KI se stawnje pólěpšujo, aby was šćitał, gaž nakupujośo. Dalšne informacije shopping-onboarding-opt-in-privacy-policy-and-terms-of-use = Gaž “{ shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button }“ wuběraśo, zwólijośo dopšawidłow priwatnosći a wužywańskich wuměnjenjow { -fakespot-brand-full-name }. shopping-onboarding-opt-in-privacy-policy-and-terms-of-use2 = Gaž “{ shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button }“ wuběraśo, zwólijośo dopšawidłow priwatnosći a wužywańskich wuměnjenjow { -fakespot-brand-name }. shopping-onboarding-opt-in-button = Jo, wopytaś shopping-onboarding-not-now-button = Nic něnto shopping-onboarding-dialog-close-button = .title = Zacyniś .aria-label = Zacyniś # Aria-label to make the "steps" of the shopping onboarding container visible to screen readers. # Variables: # $current (Int) - Number of the current page # $total (Int) - Total number of pages shopping-onboarding-welcome-steps-indicator-label = .aria-label = Póstup: kšac { $current } z { $total }