# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-networking-title = Wo seśowych zwiskach about-networking-http = HTTP about-networking-sockets = Sokety about-networking-dns = DNS about-networking-dns-clear-cache-button = DNS-cache wuprozniś about-networking-dns-trr-url = DoH URL about-networking-dns-trr-mode = DoH-modus about-networking-dns-suffix = DNS-sufiks about-networking-websockets = Websokety about-networking-refresh = Aktualizěrowaś about-networking-auto-refresh = Kužde 3 sekundy aktualizěrowaś about-networking-hostname = Hostmě about-networking-port = Port about-networking-http-version = HTTP-wersija about-networking-ssl = SSL about-networking-active = Aktiwny about-networking-idle = Prozny chód about-networking-host = Host about-networking-type = Typ about-networking-sent = Pósłany about-networking-received = Dostany about-networking-family = Familija about-networking-trr = TRR about-networking-addresses = Adrese about-networking-expires = Pśepadnjo (sekundy) about-networking-originAttributesSuffix = Izolaciski kluc about-networking-flags = Pśidatne chórgojcki about-networking-messages-sent = Pósłane powěsći about-networking-messages-received = Dostane powěsći about-networking-bytes-sent = Pósłane bajty about-networking-bytes-received = Dostane bajty about-networking-logging = Protokolěrowanje about-networking-dns-lookup = DNS-pytanje about-networking-dns-lookup-button = Rozeznaś about-networking-dns-domain = Domena: about-networking-dns-lookup-table-column = IP about-networking-dns-https-rr-lookup-table-column = HTTP-RRs about-networking-rcwn = Statistika RCWN about-networking-rcwn-status = Status RCWN about-networking-rcwn-cache-won-count = Licba wužywanjow cacha about-networking-rcwn-net-won-count = Licba wužywanjow seśi about-networking-total-network-requests = Licba seśowych napšašowanjow dogromady about-networking-rcwn-operation = Operacija cache about-networking-rcwn-perf-open = Wócyniś about-networking-rcwn-perf-read = Cytaś about-networking-rcwn-perf-write = Pisaś about-networking-rcwn-perf-entry-open = Zapisk wócynjony about-networking-rcwn-avg-short = Krotki pśerězk about-networking-rcwn-avg-long = Dłujki pśerězk about-networking-rcwn-std-dev-long = Dłujke standardne wótchylenje about-networking-rcwn-cache-slow = Pomałe licenje pufrowaś about-networking-rcwn-cache-not-slow = Pomałe licenje njepufrowaś about-networking-networkid = Seśowy ID about-networking-networkid-id = Seśowy ID # Note: do not translate about:logging, as it is a URL. about-networking-moved-about-logging = Toś ten bok jo se pśesunuła do about:logging. ## Link is intended as "network link" about-networking-networkid-is-up = Wótkaz jo pśepadnjony about-networking-networkid-status-known = Wótkazowy status jo znaty ##