# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. BookmarksMenuFolderTitle=Menuo de legosignoj BookmarksToolbarFolderTitle=Ilaro de legosignoj OtherBookmarksFolderTitle=Aliaj legosignoj TagsFolderTitle=Etikedoj MobileBookmarksFolderTitle=Poŝtelefonaj legosignoj OrganizerQueryHistory=Historio OrganizerQueryDownloads=Elŝutoj OrganizerQueryAllBookmarks=Ĉiuj legosignoj # LOCALIZATION NOTE : # These are used to generate history containers when history is grouped by date finduri-AgeInDays-is-0=Hodiaŭ finduri-AgeInDays-is-1=Hieraŭ finduri-AgeInDays-is=antaŭ %S tagoj finduri-AgeInDays-last-is=Lastaj %S days finduri-AgeInDays-isgreater=Antaŭ pli ol %S tagoj finduri-AgeInMonths-is-0=Ĉi monate finduri-AgeInMonths-isgreater=Antaŭ pli ol %S monatoj # LOCALIZATION NOTE (localhost): # This is used to generate local files container when history is grouped by site localhost=(lokaj dosieroj) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (backupFileSizeText): # The string is used for showing file size of each backup in the "fileRestorePopup" popup # %1$S is the file size # %2$S is the file size unit backupFileSizeText=%1$S %2$S