# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Roles menubar = menüüriba scrollbar = kerimisriba grip = liugur alert = hoiatus menupopup = hüpikmenüü document = dokument pane = paneel dialog = dialoog separator = eraldaja toolbar = tööriistariba statusbar = olekuriba table = tabel columnheader = veeru päis rowheader = rea päis column = veerg row = rida cell = lahter link = link list = nimekiri listitem = nimekirja element outline = kontuur outlineitem = kontuuri element pagetab = kaart propertypage = omaduste leht graphic = graafika switch = lüliti pushbutton = nupp checkbutton = märkeruut radiobutton = raadionupp combobox = combo box progressbar = edenemisriba slider = liugur spinbutton = spin button diagram = diagramm animation = animatsioon equation = võrrand buttonmenu = nupumenüü whitespace = tühik pagetablist = kaartide nimekiri canvas = canvas checkmenuitem = valikumenüü element passwordtext = parooli tekst radiomenuitem = raadiomenüü element textcontainer = tekstikonteiner togglebutton = lüliti treetable = tree table header = päis footer = jalus paragraph = lõik entry = sissekanne caption = alapealkiri heading = pealkiri section = rubriik form = vorm comboboxlist = combo box list comboboxoption = combo box option imagemap = image map listboxoption = list box option listbox = list box flatequation = flat equation gridcell = gridcell note = märge figure = joonis definitionlist = definitsioonide nimekiri term = termin definition = definitsioon mathmltable = math table mathmlcell = cell mathmlenclosed = enclosed mathmlfraction = fraction mathmlfractionwithoutbar = fraction without bar mathmlroot = root mathmlscripted = scripted mathmlsquareroot = square root # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = tekstiala base = base close-fence = closing fence denominator = denominator numerator = numerator open-fence = opening fence overscript = overscript presubscript = presubscript presuperscript = presuperscript root-index = root index subscript = subscript superscript = superscript underscript = underscript # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = pealkirja tase %S # Landmark announcements banner = bänner complementary = täiendav sisu contentinfo = sisu info main = põhisisu navigation = navigatsioon search = otsing region = piirkond stateRequired = nõutud