# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## The Enterprise Policies feature is aimed at system administrators ## who want to deploy these settings across several Firefox installations ## all at once. This is traditionally done through the Windows Group Policy ## feature, but the system also supports other forms of deployment. ## These are short descriptions for individual policies, to be displayed ## in the documentation section in about:policies. policy-AppUpdateURL = Rokku URL kesɗitingol jaaɓnde neɗɗinaande ndee policy-Authentication = Teelto goongɗingol ndernderol wonande lowe geese tammbotooɗe ngol policy-BlockAboutAddons = Faddo tammbol gulle timminooje (ko faati e:addons) policy-BlockAboutConfig = Faddo about:config hello policy-BlockAboutProfiles = Faddo about:profiles hello policy-BlockAboutSupport = Faddo about:support hello. policy-Bookmarks = Sos maantore nder palal Maante, nder cuɓirgol Maante walla nder doosiyee toɗɗaaɗo. policy-CertificatesDescription = Ɓeydu sartifikaaji walla kuutoro-ɗaa sartifikaaji ndernderi. policy-Cookies = Yamir walla haɗ lowe suɓaade kuukiije. policy-DisableAppUpdate = Haɗ wanngorde ndee hesɗitde policy-DisableBuiltinPDFViewer = Ñif PDF.js, kollitoowel PDF mahdangel e { -brand-short-name }. policy-DisableDeveloperTools = Haɗ jettagol kuutorɗe topotooɓe. policy-DisableFeedbackCommands = Ñif jamirooje neldgol jowe ummoraade e cuɓirgol Ballal (Hollit jowe, tintinaa lowe fuunti). policy-DisableFirefoxAccounts = Ñif { -fxaccount-brand-name }tuugiiɗe e sarwiis, hay Sync. # Firefox Screenshots is the name of the feature, and should not be translated. policy-DisableFirefoxScreenshots = Ñif ƴettirgal nokitte yaynirde e Firefox. policy-DisableFirefoxStudies = Haɗ { -brand-short-name } waɗde wiɗtooji. policy-DisableForgetButton = Haɗ jettagol butoŋ Forget policy-DisableFormHistory = Hoto tesko kewol njiylawu kam e ɗaɓɓirɗe. policy-DisablePasswordReveal = Hoto yamir pinle caaktee e ceŋorɗe danndaaɗe. policy-DisablePocket2 = Ñif gollirde kisnugol kelle geese nder { -pocket-brand-name }. policy-DisablePrivateBrowsing = Ñif banngagol keeringol policy-DisableProfileImport = Ñif yamirirde cuɓirgol faggorde keɓe ummoraade e wanngorde woɗnde. policy-DisableProfileRefresh = Ñif butoŋ Hesɗitin { -brand-short-name } nder hello about:support. policy-DisableSafeMode = Ñif gollirde ndee ngam huɓɓitirde e mbaadi ndi gallataa. Tesko : dobirde Maj ngam naatde e mbaadi ndi gallataa waawi ñifeede tan ko e Windows e ballal feere dental. policy-DisableSecurityBypass = Haɗ kuutoro oo wappaade huunde e jeertinooje kisal. policy-DisableSetAsDesktopBackground = Ñif yamirirde cuɓirgol Tooɗo no deŋlo yaynirde wonande nate. policy-DisableSystemAddonUpdate = Haɗ wanngorde ndee aafde e hesɗitinde gulɗe yuɓɓo timmitooje. policy-DisableTelemetry = Ñif Telemetiri. policy-DisplayBookmarksToolbar = Ɗis palal kuutorɗe Maantore gardaaɗe. policy-DisplayMenuBar = Ɗis palal cuɓirɗe gardangal. policy-DNSOverHTTPS = Teelto DNS to HTTPS. policy-DontCheckDefaultBrowser = Ñif ƴeewndagol wanngorde gardangol e fokkito. # “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting policy-EnableTrackingProtection = Hurmin walla ñif paddagol loowdi, so ina moti cokaa ɗum. # A “locked” extension can’t be disabled or removed by the user. This policy # takes 3 keys (“Install”, ”Uninstall”, ”Locked”), you can either keep them in # English or translate them as verbs. policy-Extensions = Aaf, aafto, walla sok jokke. Cuɓal Aaf jaggirta URL walla boli ko no ñaawirɗe nii. Cuɓe Aafto e Sok ina njaɓa ID-iiji jokke. policy-HardwareAcceleration = So tawii wonaa goonga, ñif hartaango kaɓirgal. # “lock” means that the user won’t be able to change this setting policy-Homepage = So ina hatojini, toɗɗo cokaa hello jaɓɓorgo ngoo. policy-InstallAddonsPermission = Yamir won ɗeen lowe aafde gulɗe timmitooje. ## Do not translate "SameSite", it's the name of a cookie attribute. ## policy-NoDefaultBookmarks = Ñif cosgol maantore garduɗe e { -brand-short-name }, kam e maatore peeleeje (jele ɓurɗe yilleede, ɗe ɓooyaani). Tesko : ndee feere yuumtata tan ko nde huutoraa ko adii ciynugol gadanol sifoode ndee. policy-OfferToSaveLogins = Teeŋtin ñaawirgel gaddanoowel{ -brand-short-name } yamirde huutorɓe siftorde baccooje e pinle kisnaaɗe. Njaruuji goonga walla fenaande ina njaɓee. policy-OverrideFirstRunPage = Faalkiso hello ciynugol adanngo ngoo. Toɗɗo feere ndee e mehum so aɗa yiɗi ñifde hello adanngo ciynugol ngol. policy-OverridePostUpdatePage = Faalkiso hello "Hol ko hesɗi" hesɗitinaango ngoo. Toɗɗo feere ndee e mehum so aɗa yiɗi ñifde hello caggal kesɗitingol ngoo. policy-PopupBlocking = Yamir huunde e lowe geese ɗisde kenorɗe pawiiɗe e ngonkaaji tafdaaɗe. policy-PromptForDownloadLocation = Naamno hol to ndanndataa piile saanga gaawtogol. policy-Proxy = Teelto ñaawirɗe proxy. policy-RequestedLocales = Toɗɗo doggol ñaawirɗe diiwaneeje ɗe jaaɓngal ngal ɗaɓɓi ɗee fawaade e ɓurɗe yiɗeede. policy-SanitizeOnShutdown2 = Momtu keɓe banngagol so dartaama. policy-SearchBar = Toɗɗo nokku ɗo palal njiylawu foti wonde. Kuutoro ina yamiraa neɗɗinde ngal. policy-SearchEngines = Teelto ñaawirɗe yiylorde ndee. Ndee feere heɓii tan ko tuggude e yamre ESR (Extended Support Release) policy-UserMessaging = Hoto hollu kuutoro oo won e ɓatakuuje. # “format” refers to the format used for the value of this policy. policy-WebsiteFilter = Faddo lowe geese jillaaɗe jooni. Ƴeew duttorɗe ngam ɓeydude humpito wonande formaa oo.