# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. do-not-track-description = Neldu lowe internet siñaal "Hoto rewindo" so a yiɗaa ñukkindeede do-not-track-learn-more = Ɓeydu humpito do-not-track-option-always = .label = Sahaa kala pane-general-title = Kuuɓal category-general = .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title } pane-home-title = Jaɓɓorgo category-home = .tooltiptext = { pane-home-title } pane-search-title = Yiylo category-search = .tooltiptext = { pane-search-title } pane-privacy-title = Suturo & Kisal category-privacy = .tooltiptext = { pane-privacy-title } help-button-label = Wallitorde { -brand-short-name } addons-button-label = Jokke & Kettule focus-search = .key = f close-button = .aria-label = Uddu ## Browser Restart Dialog feature-enable-requires-restart = { -brand-short-name } maa hurmita ngam daaƴtude oo fannu. feature-disable-requires-restart = { -brand-short-name } maa hurmita ngam daaƴde oo fannu. should-restart-title = Hurmitin { -brand-short-name } should-restart-ok = Hurmitin { -brand-short-name } jooni cancel-no-restart-button = Haaytu restart-later = Hurmitin so Ɓooyii ## Extension Control Notifications ## ## These strings are used to inform the user ## about changes made by extensions to browser settings. ## ## is going to be replaced by the extension icon. ## ## Variables: ## $name (String): name of the extension ## Extension Control Notifications ## ## These strings are used to inform the user ## about changes made by extensions to browser settings. ## ## is going to be replaced by the extension icon. ## ## Variables: ## $name (string) - Name of the extension # This string is shown after the user disables an extension to notify the user # how to enable an extension that they disabled. # # will be replaced with Add-ons icon # will be replaced with Menu icon extension-controlled-enable = Ngam hurminde timmitere ndee yah to ɓeyditte e nder dosol . ## Preferences UI Search Results search-results-header = Njaltudi Njiilawu search-results-help-link = Aɗa sokli ballal? Yillo { -brand-short-name } Wallitorde ## General Section startup-header = Kurmital always-check-default = .label = Ƴeewto sahaa kala so { -brand-short-name } ko wanngorde maa woowaande .accesskey = t is-default = { -brand-short-name } ko wanngoraade maa woowaande oo sahaa is-not-default = { -brand-short-name } wonaa wanngoraade maa woowaande set-as-my-default-browser = .label = Waɗ ɗum Woowaande… .accesskey = W startup-restore-warn-on-quit = .label = Reentin am tuma uddol wanngorde ndee disable-extension = .label = Daaƴ Jokkel tabs-group-header = Tabbe ctrl-tab-recently-used-order = .label = Ctrl+Tab yaaɓat hakkunde tabbe e deggondiral kuutoragol ɓennungol .accesskey = T open-new-link-as-tabs = .label = Uddit jokke e nder tabbe waasa wonde e kenorɗe kese ɗee .accesskey = w warn-on-open-many-tabs = .label = Reentin am so udditgol tabbe keewɗe ena keɓori leeltinde { -brand-short-name } .accesskey = d show-tabs-in-taskbar = .label = Hollir jiytinde ɗee e palal golle Windows .accesskey = g browser-containers-enabled = .label = Hurmin Tabbe Mooftirɗe .accesskey = n browser-containers-learn-more = Ɓeydu humpito browser-containers-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = l containers-disable-alert-title = Uddu Tabbe Mooftirɗe Kala? ## Variables: ## $tabCount (number) - Number of tabs containers-disable-alert-desc = { $tabCount -> [one] So a daaƴii Tabbe Mooftirɗe jooni, tabbere mooftirde { $tabCount } maa udde. Aɗa yenanaa yiɗde daaƴde Tabbe Mooftirɗe? *[other] So a daaƴii Tabbe Mooftirɗe jooni, Tabbe Mooftirɗe { $tabCount } maa udde. Aɗa yenanaa yiɗde daaƴde Tabbe Mooftirɗe? } containers-disable-alert-ok-button = { $tabCount -> [one] Uddu Tabbere Mooftirde { $tabCount } *[other] Uddu Tabbe Mooftirɗe { $tabCount } } ## containers-disable-alert-cancel-button = Woppu hurma containers-remove-alert-title = Itta ngal baɗirgal ? # Variables: # $count (Number) - Number of tabs that will be closed. containers-remove-alert-msg = { $count -> [one] So a daaƴii Tabbe Mooftirɗe jooni, tabbere mooftirde { $count } maa udde. Aɗa yenanaa yiɗde daaƴde Tabbe Mooftirɗe? *[other] So a daaƴii Tabbe Mooftirɗe jooni, Tabbe Mooftirɗe { $count } maa udde. Aɗa yenanaa yiɗde daaƴde Tabbe Mooftirɗe? } containers-remove-ok-button = Momtu ngal baɗirgal containers-remove-cancel-button = Hoto momtu ngal Baɗirgal ## General Section - Language & Appearance language-and-appearance-header = Ɗemngal e Mbaydi default-font = Fontere woowaande: .accesskey = F default-font-size = Ɓetol: .accesskey = Ɓ advanced-fonts = .label = Ceeɓtore… .accesskey = C preferences-default-zoom-value = .label = { $percentage } language-header = Ɗemngal choose-language-description = Suɓo ɗemngal njiɗ-ɗaa ngam jaytinde kelle choose-button = .label = Suɓo… .accesskey = u choose-browser-language-description = Suɓo ɗemɗe kuutoraaɗe ngam ɗisde cuɓirɗe, mesasuuji e tintine nder { -brand-short-name }. manage-browser-languages-button = .label = Suɓo lomte... .accesskey = l confirm-browser-language-change-description = Fokkit { -brand-short-name } ngam teeŋtinde bayle ɗee. confirm-browser-language-change-button = Teeŋtin pokkitaa translate-web-pages = .label = Fir loowdi geese .accesskey = F # The element is replaced by the logo of the provider # used to provide machine translations for web pages. translate-attribution = Fulii ko translate-exceptions = .label = Paltooje… .accesskey = a check-user-spelling = .label = Ƴeewto mbinndiin am so miɗo tappa .accesskey = b ## General Section - Files and Applications files-and-applications-title = Pille e Jaaɓnirɗe download-header = Gaawte download-save-where = Danndu piille to .accesskey = n download-choose-folder = .label = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Suɓo… *[other] Yiylo… } .accesskey = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] o *[other] y } download-always-ask-where = .label = Kala sahaa naamno mi ɗo piille ndanndetee .accesskey = K applications-header = Jaaɓnirɗe applications-description = Suɓo no { -brand-short-name } waɗdata e piille ɗe ngaawtoto-ɗaa e geese walla jaaɓnirɗe ɗe kuutorto-ɗaa tuma banngagol maa. applications-filter = .placeholder = Yiylo sifaaji piille walla jaaɓnirɗe applications-type-column = .label = Fannu Loowdi .accesskey = L applications-action-column = .label = Baɗal .accesskey = B # Variables: # $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT) applications-file-ending = Fiilde { $extension } applications-action-save = .label = Danndu Fiilde # Variables: # $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat) applications-use-app = .label = Huutoro { $app-name } # Variables: # $app-name (String) - Name of an application (e.g Adobe Acrobat) applications-use-app-default = .label = Huutoro { $app-name } (goowaaɗo) applications-use-other = .label = Huutoro goɗngal… applications-select-helper = Labo Jaaɓnirgal Ballal applications-manage-app = .label = Humpito Jaaɓnirgal… applications-always-ask = .label = Naamno sahaa kala # Variables: # $type-description (String) - Description of the type (e.g "Portable Document Format") # $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g application/binary) applications-type-description-with-type = { $type-description } ({ $type }) # Variables: # $extension (String) - file extension (e.g .TXT) # $type (String) - the MIME type (e.g application/binary) applications-file-ending-with-type = { applications-file-ending }{ $type } # Variables: # $plugin-name (String) - Name of a plugin (e.g Adobe Flash) applications-use-plugin-in = .label = Huutoro { $plugin-name } (nder { -brand-short-name }) applications-open-inapp = .label = Uddit e { -brand-short-name } ## The strings in this group are used to populate ## selected label element based on the string from ## the selected menu item. applications-use-plugin-in-label = .value = { applications-use-plugin-in.label } applications-action-save-label = .value = { applications-action-save.label } applications-use-app-label = .value = { applications-use-app.label } applications-open-inapp-label = .value = { applications-open-inapp.label } applications-always-ask-label = .value = { applications-always-ask.label } applications-use-app-default-label = .value = { applications-use-app-default.label } applications-use-other-label = .value = { applications-use-other.label } applications-use-os-default-label = .value = { applications-use-os-default.label } ## drm-content-header = Loowdi Toppitagol Jojjanɗe Ngaandiwe (DRM) play-drm-content = .label = Tar loowdi curdaandi DRM .accesskey = T play-drm-content-learn-more = Ɓeydu humpito update-application-title = Kesɗitine { -brand-short-name }: update-application-description = Hesɗitin { -brand-short-name } ngam jaawgol golle dowrowol, jamɗugol e kisal. update-application-version = Yamre { $version } Hol ko hesɗi update-history = .label = Hollu Daartol Kesɗitine .accesskey = e update-application-allow-description = Yamir { -brand-short-name } to update-application-auto = .label = Aafde kesɗitinee jaajol (ina wasiyaa) .accesskey = A update-application-check-choose = .label = Yuurnito kesɗitine, kono woppu am mi suɓoo aafat ɗe .accesskey = Y update-application-manual = .label = Hoto yuurnito kesɗitine (wasiyaaka) .accesskey = u update-application-warning-cross-user-setting = Ngol teeltol maa jammine e konte Windows kala kam e keftinirɗe { -brand-short-name } kuutortooɗe ndee aadannde { -brand-short-name }. update-application-use-service = .label = Huutoro carwol cakkitol ngam aafde kesɗitine .accesskey = c update-in-progress-message = Aɗa yiɗiɗ { -brand-short-name } jokka e ɗee kesɗitine? update-in-progress-ok-button = &Woppu # Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard # method of closing the UI will not discard the update. update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Jokku ## General Section - Performance performance-title = Jaawgol golle performance-use-recommended-settings-checkbox = .label = Huutoro teelte jaawgol golle basiyaaɗe ɗee .accesskey = H performance-use-recommended-settings-desc = Ɗee teelte ina njahdi e kaɓirɗe kam e dognirgal ordinateer maa. performance-settings-learn-more = Jokku taro performance-allow-hw-accel = .label = Huutoro moylinol masiŋeeri so ena woodi .accesskey = m performance-limit-content-process-option = Kaaɗtudi silsil loowdi .accesskey = K performance-limit-content-process-enabled-desc = Silsilaaji loowdi ɓeydaaɗi ina mbaawi ɓeydude kattanɗe golle so tabbe keewɗe ina kuutoree, kono ina kuutoroo teskorde ɓurnde heewde. performance-limit-content-process-blocked-desc = Baylugol keeweendi silsilaaji loowdi aaɓnodtoo tan ko e keewal silsilaaji { -brand-short-name }. Humpito hol no hoolkisortee keewal silsilaaji koko hurminaa # Variables: # $num - default value of the `dom.ipc.processCount` pref. performance-default-content-process-count = .label = Huutoro { $num } (goowaaɗo) ## General Section - Browsing browsing-title = Peeragol browsing-use-autoscroll = .label = Huutoro ŋaylogol jaajol .accesskey = a browsing-use-smooth-scrolling = .label = Huutoro woragol teeyngol .accesskey = t browsing-use-onscreen-keyboard = .label = Hollu tappirde memto so soklaama .accesskey = k browsing-use-cursor-navigation = .label = Huutoro ñiiƴe jamngel ngel ngam feeraade e nder kelle .accesskey = g browsing-search-on-start-typing = .label = Yiylo binndi so mi fuɗɗiima tappude .accesskey = n browsing-picture-in-picture-learn-more = Ɓeydu humpito browsing-cfr-recommendations = .label = Wasiyo jokke so aɗa wanngoo .accesskey = y browsing-cfr-features = .label = Wasiyo fannuuji so aɗa wanngoo .accesskey = f browsing-cfr-recommendations-learn-more = Jokku taro ## General Section - Proxy network-settings-title = Teelte geese network-proxy-connection-description = Teelto hol no { -brand-short-name } seŋortoo e enternet oo. network-proxy-connection-learn-more = Ɓeydu humpito network-proxy-connection-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = e ## Home Section home-new-windows-tabs-header = Kenorɗe Kese kam e Tabbe home-new-windows-tabs-description2 = Suɓo ko njiyataa so a udditii hello maa jaɓɓorgo, henorde hesere, e tabbere hesere. ## Home Section - Home Page Customization home-homepage-mode-label = Hello jaɓɓorgo kam e kenorɗe kese home-newtabs-mode-label = Tabbe kese home-restore-defaults = .label = Artir Goowaaɗe .accesskey = R home-mode-choice-custom = .label = Heertin URLs... home-mode-choice-blank = .label = Hello Meho home-homepage-custom-url = .placeholder = Ɗakku URL... # This string has a special case for '1' and [other] (default). If necessary for # your language, you can add {$tabCount} to your translations and use the # standard CLDR forms, or only use the form for [other] if both strings should # be identical. use-current-pages = .label = { $tabCount -> [1] Huutoro Hello Wonaango *[other] Huutoro Kelle Gonaaɗe Ɗee } .accesskey = W choose-bookmark = .label = Huutoro Maantorol… .accesskey = M ## Home Section - Firefox Home Content Customization home-prefs-search-header = .label = Njiilaw Geese ## Variables: ## $provider (String): Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". ## Variables: ## $provider (string) - Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". # Variables: # $provider (String): Name of the corresponding content provider, e.g "Pocket". home-prefs-recommended-by-header = .label = Waggini ɗum ko { $provider } ## home-prefs-recommended-by-learn-more = Hol no gollortoo home-prefs-recommended-by-option-sponsored-stories = .label = Daari joɓanaaɗi home-prefs-highlights-option-visited-pages = .label = Kelle jiyaaɗe home-prefs-highlights-options-bookmarks = .label = Maantore home-prefs-highlights-option-most-recent-download = .label = Cakkitiiɗe awteede home-prefs-highlights-option-saved-to-pocket = .label = Kelle kisnaaɗe e { -pocket-brand-name } # For the "Snippets" feature traditionally on about:home. # Alternative translation options: "Small Note" or something that # expresses the idea of "a small message, shortened from something else, # and non-essential but also not entirely trivial and useless. home-prefs-snippets-header = .label = Taƴitine home-prefs-sections-rows-option = .label = { $num -> [one] { $num } gorol *[other] { $num } gorol } ## Search Section search-bar-header = Palal NJiilaw search-bar-hidden = .label = Huutoro palal ñiiɓirɗe ngal ngam yiylaade e feeraade search-bar-shown = .label = Ɓeydu palal njiilaw e palal kuutorɗe search-engine-default-header = Yiylorde Woowaande search-suggestions-header = Yiylo wasiyaaji search-suggestions-option = .label = Hokku wasiyaaji njiilaw .accesskey = w search-show-suggestions-url-bar-option = .label = Hollo basiye njiilaw e njaltudi palal ñiiɓirɗe ngal .accesskey = l # This string describes what the user will observe when the system # prioritizes search suggestions over browsing history in the results # that extend down from the address bar. In the original English string, # "ahead" refers to location (appearing most proximate to), not time # (appearing before). search-show-suggestions-above-history-option = .label = Hollu baggine njiilaw ko adii aslol banngogol e njaltudi palal ñiiɓirde search-suggestions-cant-show = Basiye njiilaw kolliroytaake e njaltudi palal nokkuure sabu ko a teeltiiɗo { -brand-short-name } yoo waas siiftorde aslol. search-one-click-desc = Suɓo jiylorɗe goɗɗe gonɗe les palal ñiiɓirɗe ngal e palal yiylorde so a fuɗɗiima naatnude helmere yiylorde. search-choose-engine-column = .label = Yiylorde search-choose-keyword-column = .label = Helmere yiylorde search-restore-default = .label = Artir Jiylorɗe Goowaaɗe .accesskey = t search-remove-engine = .label = Ittu .accesskey = I search-find-more-link = Yiylo jiylorɗe goɗɗe # This warning is displayed when the chosen keyword is already in use # ('Duplicate' is an adjective) search-keyword-warning-title = Sowto Helmede # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of a search engine. search-keyword-warning-engine = A suɓiima helmere yiylorde wonnde e huutoreede e oo sahaa e "{ $name }". Tiiɗno labo woɗnde. search-keyword-warning-bookmark = A suɓiima helmere yiylorde wonnde e huutoreede e oo sahaa e maantorol. Tiiɗno labo woɗnde. ## Containers Section containers-header = Tabbe Mooftirɗe containers-add-button = .label = Ɓeydu Mooftiree Hesere .accesskey = Ɓ containers-new-tab-check = .label = Suɓo mooftirde ngam tabbere hesere kala .accesskey = S containers-remove-button = .label = Momtu ## Firefox Account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox Account" are now ## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected"). ## Firefox account - Signed out. Note that "Sync" and "Firefox account" are now ## more discrete ("signed in" no longer means "and sync is connected"). sync-signedout-caption = Nawor Geesa Maa # This message contains two links and two icon images. # `` - Android logo icon # `` - Link to Android Download # `` - iOS logo icon # `` - Link to iOS Download # # They can be moved within the sentence as needed to adapt # to your language, but should not be changed or translated. sync-mobile-promo = Aawto Firefox mo Android walla iOS ngam syncude kaɓirgol cinndol maa. ## Firefox Account - Signed in ## Firefox account - Signed in sync-profile-picture = .tooltiptext = Waylu natal heftinirde sync-sign-out = .label = Seŋto… .accesskey = ŋ sync-manage-account = Toppito konte .accesskey = o ## Variables ## $email (string) - Email used for Firefox account sync-signedin-unverified = { $email } ƴeewtaaka. sync-signedin-login-failure = Tiiɗno seŋo ngam naattude { $email } ## sync-resend-verification = .label = Neldit Ƴeewtagol .accesskey = d sync-remove-account = .label = Momtu Konte .accesskey = R sync-sign-in = .label = Seŋao .accesskey = g ## Sync section - enabling or disabling sync. ## The list of things currently syncing. sync-currently-syncing-bookmarks = Maantore sync-currently-syncing-history = Aslol sync-currently-syncing-tabs = Uddit tabbe sync-currently-syncing-logins-passwords = Ceŋorɗe e pinle sync-currently-syncing-addresses = Ñiiɓirɗe sync-currently-syncing-creditcards = Karte banke sync-currently-syncing-addons = Ɓeyditte sync-change-options = .label = Waylu… .accesskey = W ## The "Choose what to sync" dialog. sync-engine-bookmarks = .label = Maantore am .accesskey = t sync-engine-history = .label = Aslol .accesskey = o sync-engine-tabs = .label = Uddit tabbe .tooltiptext = Doggol ko udditii e masiŋaaji maa jahdinaaɗi fof .accesskey = N sync-engine-logins-passwords = .label = Ceŋorɗe e pinle .tooltiptext = Innde kuutoro e pinle ndannduɗaa .accesskey = C sync-engine-addresses = .label = Ñiiɓirɗe .tooltiptext = Xiiɓirde maa posto dannduɗaa (ordinateer tan) .accesskey = e sync-engine-creditcards = .label = Karte banke .tooltiptext = Inɗe, tonngooɗe kam e buntugol laje (ordinateer tan) .accesskey = K sync-engine-addons = .label = Ɓeyditte .tooltiptext = Timmitte kam e ciŋkooje wonande ordinateer .accesskey = Ɓ ## The device name controls. sync-device-name-header = Innde Kaɓirgol sync-device-name-change = .label = Waylu Innde Kaɓirgel… .accesskey = a sync-device-name-cancel = .label = Haaytu .accesskey = t sync-device-name-save = .label = Danndu .accesskey = D sync-connect-another-device = Seŋ kaɓirgol goɗngol ## These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the ## user requests we resend a verification email. sync-verification-sent-title = Ƴeewtagol Neldaama # Variables: # $email (String): Email address of user's Firefox account. sync-verification-sent-body = Jokkol ƴeewtagol neldaama to { $email }. sync-verification-not-sent-title = Horiima Neldu Ƴeewtagol sync-verification-not-sent-body = Min koriima neldude iimeel ƴeewtagol e oo sahaa, tiiɗno eto kadi so ɓooyii. ## Privacy Section privacy-header = Suturo Wanngorde ## Privacy Section - Logins and Passwords # The search keyword isn't shown to users but is used to find relevant settings in about:preferences. pane-privacy-logins-and-passwords-header = Ceŋorɗe & Pinle .searchkeywords = { -lockwise-brand-short-name } # Checkbox to control whether UI is shown to users to save or fill logins/passwords. forms-ask-to-save-logins = .label = Laaɓndo mbele a hisnat baccooje e pinle lowe .accesskey = r forms-exceptions = .label = Paltooje… .accesskey = a forms-breach-alerts-learn-more-link = Ɓeydu humpito forms-saved-logins = .label = Ceŋorɗe Danndaaɗe… .accesskey = D forms-master-pw-change = .label = Waylu Finnde Baabaare… .accesskey = B forms-master-pw-fips-desc = Baylugol Finnde Woorii ## OS Authentication dialog master-password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name } ## Privacy Section - History history-header = Aslol # This label is followed, on the same line, by a dropdown list of options # (Remember history, etc.). # In English it visually creates a full sentence, e.g. # "Firefox will" + "Remember history". # # If this doesn't work for your language, you can translate this message: # - Simply as "Firefox", moving the verb into each option. # This will result in "Firefox" + "Will remember history", etc. # - As a stand-alone message, for example "Firefox history settings:". history-remember-label = { -brand-short-name } maa: .accesskey = m history-remember-option-all = .label = Siftor aslol history-remember-option-never = .label = Hoto siftor aslol hay sahaa history-remember-option-custom = .label = Huutoro teelte peŋtore e aslol history-remember-description = { -brand-short-name } siiftoroyat banngogol maa, gaawtogol maa, formere kam e aslol njiilaw maa. history-dontremember-description = { -brand-short-name } maa huutoro teelte banngagol suturo ɗee tee teskotaako hay aslol gootol tuma nde mbanngoto-ɗaa e nder Geese. history-private-browsing-permanent = .label = Huutoro peeragol suturo sahaa kala .accesskey = o history-remember-browser-option = .label = Siiftor aslol banngogol kam e gaawtogol .accesskey = b history-remember-search-option = .label = Tesko aslol njiylawu e porme .accesskey = f history-clear-on-close-option = .label = Mumtu aslol so { -brand-short-name } uddaama .accesskey = r history-clear-on-close-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = t history-clear-button = .label = Momtu Aslol… .accesskey = s ## Privacy Section - Site Data sitedata-header = Kuukiije kam e Keɓe Lowre sitedata-total-size-calculating = Nana hiisoo keɓe lowre kam e ɓetol moggon… # Variables: # $value (Number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500) # $unit (String) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB") sitedata-total-size = A mooftii kuukiije, lowre kañum moggel kuutortoo jooni ko { $value } { $unit } boowal mbeɗu nguu. sitedata-learn-more = Jokku taro sitedata-delete-on-close = .label = Momtu kuukiiji e keɓe lowre ndee so { -brand-short-name } uddiima .accesskey = c sitedata-allow-cookies-option = .label = Jaɓ kuukiiji e loowdi lowre ndee .accesskey = J sitedata-disallow-cookies-option = .label = Faddo kuukiiji e loowdi lowre ndee .accesskey = F # This label means 'type of content that is blocked', and is followed by a drop-down list with content types below. # The list items are the strings named sitedata-block-*-option*. sitedata-block-desc = Sifaa paddaaɗo .accesskey = S sitedata-option-block-cross-site-trackers = .label = Rewindotooɓe hakkunde lowe sitedata-clear = .label = Momtu Keɓe… .accesskey = l sitedata-settings = .label = Yuɓɓin keɓe… .accesskey = M ## Privacy Section - Cookie Banner Handling ## Privacy Section - Address Bar addressbar-header = Palal Ñiiɓirɗe addressbar-suggest = So aɗa huutoroo palal ñiiɓirɗe, wasiyo addressbar-locbar-history-option = .label = Aslol peeragol .accesskey = P addressbar-locbar-bookmarks-option = .label = Maantore .accesskey = t addressbar-locbar-openpage-option = .label = Tabbe udditiiɗe .accesskey = T addressbar-suggestions-settings = Waylu cuɓe wonande cakkitte yiylorde ## Privacy Section - Content Blocking content-blocking-learn-more = Ɓeydu humpito ## These strings are used to define the different levels of ## Enhanced Tracking Protection. ## # The tcp-rollout strings are no longer used for the rollout but for tcp-by-default in the standard section content-blocking-tracking-protection-change-block-list = Waylo doggol padde ## Privacy Section - Tracking ## Privacy Section - Permissions permissions-header = Jamirooje permissions-location = Nokkuure permissions-location-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = t permissions-camera = Kameraa permissions-camera-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = t permissions-microphone = Mikkoroo permissions-microphone-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = t permissions-notification = Tintine permissions-notification-settings = .label = Teelte… .accesskey = t permissions-notification-link = Ɓeydu humpito permissions-notification-pause = .label = Dartin tintine haa { -brand-short-name } hurmitii .accesskey = n permissions-block-popups = .label = Falo kenorɗe cuppitte .accesskey = B permissions-addon-install-warning = .label = Jeertin-maa so lowe etiima aafde ɓeyditte .accesskey = J permissions-addon-exceptions = .label = Paltooje… .accesskey = P ## Privacy Section - Data Collection collection-header = { -brand-short-name } Roɓindo e Kuutoragol Keɓe collection-description = Ha min ndarii ngam addande on cuɓe tawi kadi min ƴettata tan ko ko min ngaddanta on e ko min ƴellittanta on { -brand-short-name } Ha min naamndo yamiroore sahaa kala ko adii keɓgol kabaruuji maa keeriiɗi. collection-privacy-notice = Tintinol Suturo collection-health-report = .label = Yamir { -brand-short-name } yo neldu keɓe karallaagal e gollondiral to { -vendor-short-name } .accesskey = r collection-health-report-link = Jokku Taro collection-studies = .label = Yamir { -brand-short-name } aafgol kam e ɗowgol jaŋdeeji collection-studies-link = Yiy jaŋdeeji { -brand-short-name } # This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds # or builds with no Telemetry support available. collection-health-report-disabled = Ciimti keɓe ko daaƴaaɗi wonande kaa ngonka mahngo ## Privacy Section - Security ## ## It is important that wording follows the guidelines outlined on this page: ## https://developers.google.com/safe-browsing/developers_guide_v2#AcceptableUsage security-header = Kisal security-browsing-protection = Ndeenka Loowdi Puuntoori e Topateeri Mbonnoori security-enable-safe-browsing = .label = Falo loowi mbonndi e puuntoori .accesskey = F security-enable-safe-browsing-link = Ɓeydu humpito security-block-downloads = .label = Falo gaawte bonnooje .accesskey = b security-block-uncommon-software = .label = Reentin am baɗte topirɗe gañaaɗe walla kaawniiɗe .accesskey = c ## Privacy Section - Certificates certs-header = Seedamfaaji certs-enable-ocsp = .label = Ɗaɓɓitere jaaborɗe carworɗe OCSP ena teeŋtina moƴƴugol seedamfaaje .accesskey = Ɗ certs-view = .label = Yiy Seedamfaaji… .accesskey = C certs-devices = .label = kaɓirɗi Kisal… .accesskey = k ## Privacy Section - HTTPS-Only ## DoH Section ## The following strings are used in the Download section of settings desktop-folder-name = Biro downloads-folder-name = Gaawte choose-download-folder-title = Suɓo Runngere Gaawte: