# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Error page titles neterror-page-title = Loowgol hello waɗii caɗeele certerror-page-title = Jeertino: Ina soomi tanaa yeeso certerror-sts-page-title = Hoto seŋo: soomi saɗeende kisal neterror-blocked-by-policy-page-title = Hello Daaƴaango neterror-captive-portal-page-title = Seŋo e laylaytol hee neterror-dns-not-found-title = Sarworde Nde Yiytaaka neterror-malformed-uri-page-title = URL o moƴƴaani ## Error page actions neterror-copy-to-clipboard-button = Natto binndol to ɗakkitorde neterror-learn-more-link = Ɓeydu humpito… neterror-open-portal-login-page-button = Uddit nello seŋorgo e laylaytol ngol neterror-override-exception-button = Jaɓ tanaa oo njokkaa neterror-pref-reset-button = Artir teelte goowaaɗe neterror-return-to-previous-page-button = Rutto neterror-return-to-previous-page-recommended-button = Rutto (Wasiyaa) neterror-try-again-button = Fuɗɗito neterror-view-certificate-link = Yiy Sartifikaa ## neterror-pref-reset = Ena wayi hono teelte kisal laylaytol maa gaddata ɗee caɗe. Aɗa yiɗi artirde teelte goowaaɗe ɗee? neterror-error-reporting-automatic = Jaŋto juume hono ɗee ngam wallude { -vendor-short-name } heftinde e falaade lowe bonnooje ## Specific error messages neterror-generic-error = { -brand-short-name } horiima loowde ngoo hello. neterror-load-error-try-again = Ndee lowre ena waawi tawo heɓotaako walla ko nde haljunde. Eto kadi ɗoo e ɓooyde. neterror-load-error-connection = So a horiima loowde hay so hello, ƴeewto laylaytol ordinateer maa so ena seŋii. neterror-load-error-firewall = So tawii ordinateer walla laylaytol maa koko suraa caggal ɓalal-jaynge, yuurno so { -brand-short-name } ena yamiraa naatde e geese. neterror-captive-portal = Aɗa foti seŋaade tawo e ngolɗoo laylaytol hade maa heɓde enternet. ## TRR-only specific messages ## Variables: ## $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. ## $trrDomain (String) - Hostname of the DNS over HTTPS server that is currently in use. ## Native fallback specific messages ## Variables: ## $trrDomain (String) - Hostname of the DNS over HTTPS server that is currently in use. ## neterror-file-not-found-filename = Ƴeewto alkule puɗɗorɗe ɗee e innde fiilde ndee walla juume tappugol goɗɗe. neterror-file-not-found-moved = Ƴeewto ngam so fiilde ndee dirtinaaka, innitaaka walla momtaaka. neterror-access-denied = Maa taw ko nde momtaande, dirtinaande, walla jamire fiilde ena kala ballagol. neterror-unknown-protocol = Ena wona ko maa aafaa won e topirɗe ngam waawde udditde ndee ñiiɓirde. neterror-redirect-loop = Ɗee caɗeele ena mbaawi arde so tawii ko a daaƴɗo walla caliiɗo kukiije. neterror-unknown-socket-type-psm-installed = Ƴeewto ngam yuurnitaade so yuɓɓo maa ena aafaa Personal Security Manager. neterror-unknown-socket-type-server-config = Ɗum ena jolde so tawii teeltol sarworde ndee heftinaaka. neterror-not-cached-intro = Fiilannde ɗaɓɓitaande ndee woodaani e kaasol { -brand-short-name }. neterror-not-cached-sensitive = Ngam reentino kisal, { -brand-short-name } naamnittaako piilanɗe doondiiɗe caɗeele e jaajol. neterror-not-cached-try-again = Dobo ngam fuɗɗitaade naamnito-ɗaa fiilannde ndee e lowre ndee neterror-net-offline = Ñoƴƴu “Fuɗɗito” ngam faytude e mbayka ceŋol kesɗitinaa hello ngoo. neterror-proxy-resolve-failure-settings = Ƴeewto teelte proxy ɗee ngam yuurnitaade so eɗe peewi. neterror-proxy-resolve-failure-connection = Ƴeewto so tawii ordinateer maa ena jogii seŋorde moƴƴere. neterror-proxy-resolve-failure-firewall = So tawii ordinateer walla laylaytol maa koko suraa caggal ɓalal-jaynge, yuurno so { -brand-short-name } ena yamiraa naatde e geese. neterror-proxy-connect-failure-settings = Ƴeewto teelte proxy ɗee ngam yuurnitaade so eɗe peewi. neterror-proxy-connect-failure-contact-admin = Jokkondir e jiiloowo laylaytol maa ngam ƴeewde so sarworde proxy ndee ena moƴƴi. neterror-content-encoding-error = Tiiɗno jokkondir e jeyɓe lowre ndee ngam humpitde-ɓe ɗee caɗeele. neterror-unsafe-content-type = Tiiɗno jokkondir e jeyɓe lowre ndee ngam humpitde-ɓe ɗee caɗeele. neterror-nss-failure-not-verified = Hello ngo etoto-ɗaa naatnde ngoo waawaa hollireede sabu goongɗingol keɓe keɓaaɗe ɗee waawaa ƴeewteede. neterror-nss-failure-contact-website = Tiiɗno jokkondir e jeyɓe lowre geese ndee ngam humpitde-ɓe caɗeele ɗee. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. certerror-intro = { -brand-short-name } tinii tanaa cooaaɗo wonande kisal, tee jokkaani haa { $hostname }. So aɗa yilloo ndee lowre, taƴooɓe ina mbaawi etaade wujjude kabaruuji baaɗi no pinle, iimeeluuji walla kabaruuji kartal keredi. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. certerror-sts-intro = { -brand-short-name } yiytii huunde nde moƴƴaani e kisal, waɗde jokkaani haa { $hostname } sibu ndee lowre geese ina ɗaɓɓi ceŋol kisngol. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. certerror-expired-cert-intro = { -brand-short-name } yiytii saɗeende, waɗde jokkaani haa { $hostname }. Lowre geese ndee teeltiraaka no feewi walla montoor ordinateer maa reeglaaka e waktu moƴƴo. neterror-corrupted-content-intro = Hello ngo etot-ɗaa naatnde ngoo waawaa hollireede sabu juumre waɗii e baanjitagol keɓe ɗee. neterror-corrupted-content-contact-website = Tiiɗno jokkondir e jeyɓe lowre geese ndee ngam humpitde-ɓe caɗeele ɗee. # Do not translate "SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION". neterror-sslv3-used = Humpito ceeɓtoto: SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. neterror-inadequate-security-intro = { $hostname } ena huutoroo teknolojii kiiɗtuɗo kadi beeɓɗo janngol. Ena weeɓana janyano saaktude humpito ngo cikkataa ena hisi. Maa jiiloowo oo feewnita sarworde ndee hade maa waawde yillaade lowre ndee. # Do not translate "NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY". neterror-inadequate-security-code = Dokkol juumre: NS_ERROR_NET_INADEQUATE_SECURITY # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. # $now (Date) - The current datetime, to be formatted as a date neterror-clock-skew-error = Ordinateer maa ina sikki ko { DATETIME($now, dateStyle: "medium") } haɗata { -brand-short-name } seŋoraade e kisal. Ngam yillaade { $hostname }, waɗ montoor ordinateer maa e waktu to teelte yuɓɓo haa yahda e ñalngu e waktu jurol waktu gonangol ngol, caggal ɗuum kesɗitinaa { $hostname }. neterror-network-protocol-error-intro = Hello ngo etoto-ɗaa ɗisde ngoo waawaa ɗiseede sibu juumre yiytaande nder jaɓɓitorde geese. neterror-network-protocol-error-contact-website = Tiiɗno jokkondir e joom en lowe geese ɗee ngam habrude ɗum en saɗeende ndee. certerror-expired-cert-second-para = Ina gasa tawa sartifikaa lowre geese ndee ko buntuɗo, ko ɗuum haɗata { -brand-short-name } seŋoraade kisal. So aɗa yilloo ndee lowre, yanooɓe ina mbaawi etaade wujjude kabaruuji baaɗi no pinle, iimeeluuji walla kabaruuji karal keredi. certerror-expired-cert-sts-second-para = Ina gasa tawa sartifikaa lowre geese ndee ko buntuɗo, ko ɗuum haɗata { -brand-short-name } seŋoraade kisal. certerror-what-can-you-do-about-it-title = Ko mbaaw-ɗaa heen? certerror-unknown-issuer-what-can-you-do-about-it-website = Ina gasa tawa saɗeende ndee jotondiri ko e lowre geese ndee, alaa ko mbaaw-ɗaa waɗde ngam safrude ɗum. certerror-unknown-issuer-what-can-you-do-about-it-contact-admin = So tawii ngon-ɗaa ko e laylaytol antampiris walla so tawii aɗa huutoroo lidduwiris, aɗa waawi jokkondirde e kippuuji tammbol ngam heɓde ballal. Aɗa waawi kadi humpitde jiiloowo lowre geese ndee saɗeende ndee. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. # $now (Date) - The current datetime, to be formatted as a date certerror-expired-cert-what-can-you-do-about-it-clock = Montoor ordinateer maa tuugii ko e { DATETIME($now, dateStyle: "medium") }. Yenane ñalngu, waktu e jurol waktu ordinateer ina teeltiraa no moƴƴi to teelte yuɓɓo too, caggal ɗuum loowtaa { $hostname } certerror-expired-cert-what-can-you-do-about-it-contact-website = So tawii montoor maa reglaa ko e waktu moƴƴo oo, ina gasa tawa ko lowre geese ndee woni nde feewaani, ndeen noon a waawaa safrude saɗeende ndee. Aɗa waawi humptide jiiloowo lowre ndee saɗeende ndee. certerror-bad-cert-domain-what-can-you-do-about-it = Ellee saɗeende ndee jotondiri ko e lowre geese ndee tee a waawaa safrude nde. Aɗa waawi humpitde jiiloowo lowre geese ndee saɗeende ndee. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website to which the user was trying to connect. certerror-what-should-i-do-bad-sts-cert-explanation = { $hostname } ina jogii politik kisal biyeteengal HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security), ɗum firti ko { -brand-short-name } seŋortoo tan ko e kisal. A waawaa ɓeydude luulndal ngam yillaade ndee lowre.