# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. rememberPassword = Cleachd manaidsear nam faclan-faire gus am facal-faire seo a chumail ann an cuimhne. savePasswordTitle = Dearbh # LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveLoginMsg2, saveLoginMsgNoUser2): # %S is the login's hostname. saveLoginMsg2 = A bheil thu airson an clàradh a-steach airson %S a shàbhaladh? saveLoginMsgNoUser2 = A bheil thu airson am facal-faire airson %S a shàbhaladh? saveLoginButtonAllow.label = Sàbhail saveLoginButtonAllow.accesskey = S saveLoginButtonDeny.label = Na sàbhail saveLoginButtonDeny.accesskey = N saveLoginButtonNever.label = Na sàbhail idir saveLoginButtonNever.accesskey = e # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateLoginMsg3, updateLoginMsgNoUser3): # %S is the login's hostname. updateLoginMsg3 = A bheil thu airson an clàradh a-steach airson %S ùrachadh? updateLoginMsgNoUser3 = A bheil thu airson am facal-faire airson %S ùrachadh? updateLoginMsgAddUsername2 = A bheil thu airson an t-ainm-cleachdaiche seo a chur ris an fhacal-fhaire a shàbhail thu? updateLoginButtonText = Ùraich updateLoginButtonAccessKey = U updateLoginButtonDeny.label = Na ùraich updateLoginButtonDeny.accesskey = N updateLoginButtonDelete.label = Thoir air falbh an clàradh a-steach air a shàbhaladh updateLoginButtonDelete.accesskey = r # LOCALIZATION NOTE (rememberPasswordMsg): # 1st string is the username for the login, 2nd is the login's hostname. # Note that long usernames may be truncated. rememberPasswordMsg = A bheil thu ag iarraidh am facal-faire airson "%1$S" a chumail an cuimhne air %2$S? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (rememberPasswordMsgNoUsername): # String is the login's hostname. rememberPasswordMsgNoUsername = A bheil thu airson am facal-faire a chumail an cuimhne air %S? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noUsernamePlaceholder): # This is displayed in place of the username when it is missing. noUsernamePlaceholder=Gun ainm-cleachdaiche togglePasswordLabel=Seall am facal-faire togglePasswordAccessKey2=h notNowButtonText = &Na cum an cuimhne an turas seo neverForSiteButtonText = Na cu&m an cuimhne gu sìorraidh bràth rememberButtonText = &Cum an cuimhne passwordChangeTitle = Dearbh atharrachadh an fhacail-fhaire # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updatePasswordMsg): # String is the username for the login. updatePasswordMsg = A bheil thu airson am facal-faire a chaidh a shàbhaladh airson %S ùrachadh? updatePasswordMsgNoUser = A bheil thu airson am facal-faire a chaidh a shàbhaladh ùrachadh? userSelectText2 = Tagh an login a thèid ùrachadh: loginsDescriptionAll2=Tha clàraidhean a-steach air na làraichean a leanas ’gan stòradh air a’ choimpiutair agad # LOCALIZATION NOTE (useASecurelyGeneratedPassword): # Shown in the autocomplete popup to allow filling a generated password into a password field. useASecurelyGeneratedPassword=Cleachd facal-faire a chaidh a ghintinn gu tèarainte # LOCALIZATION NOTE (generatedPasswordWillBeSaved): # %S will contain the brandShorterName. This informs the user that the generated password will be automatically saved. generatedPasswordWillBeSaved=Sàbhailidh %S am facal-faire seo dhan làrach-lìn seo. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (loginHostAge): # This is used to show the context menu login items with their age. # 1st string is the username for the login, 2nd is the login's age. loginHostAge=%1$S (%2$S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noUsername): # String is used on the context menu when a login doesn't have a username. noUsername=Gun ainm-cleachdaiche # LOCALIZATION NOTE (displaySameOrigin): # String is used on the autocomplete row when the login origin is a domain match with the document origin displaySameOrigin=On làrach-lìn seo # LOCALIZATION NOTE (insecureFieldWarningDescription2): # %1$S will contain insecureFieldWarningLearnMore and look like a link to indicate that clicking will open a tab with support information. insecureFieldWarningDescription2 = Chan eil an ceangal seo tèarainte. Ma chlàraicheas tu a-steach an-seo, dh’fhaoidte gun goid cuideigin an dàta ort. %1$S insecureFieldWarningLearnMore = Barrachd fiosrachaidh # LOCALIZATION NOTE (viewSavedLogins.label): # This label is used in the footer of login autocomplete menus. viewSavedLogins.label= Seall an dàta clàraidh a chaidh a shàbhaladh