# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. report-broken-site-mainview-title = Reportar sito corrupte report-broken-site-panel-header = .label = Reportar sito corrupte .title = Reportar sito corrupte report-broken-site-panel-intro = Adjuta a render melior { -brand-product-name } pro totes. { -vendor-short-name } usa le info que tu invia pro remediar problemas de sito web. report-broken-site-panel-url = URL report-broken-site-panel-reason-label = Que es corrupte? report-broken-site-panel-reason-optional-label = Que es corrupte? (optional) report-broken-site-panel-reason-choose = .label = Elige causa report-broken-site-panel-reason-slow = .label = Sito lente o non functionante report-broken-site-panel-reason-media = .label = Imagines o videos report-broken-site-panel-reason-content = .label = Buttones, ligamines, e altere contento report-broken-site-panel-reason-account = .label = Aperir o clauder session report-broken-site-panel-reason-adblockers = .label = Blocatores de avisos publicitari report-broken-site-panel-reason-other = .label = Altere cosa report-broken-site-panel-description-label = Describe le problema report-broken-site-panel-description-optional-label = Describe le problema (optional) report-broken-site-panel-send-more-info-link = Invia altere informationes report-broken-site-panel-button-cancel = .label = Cancellar report-broken-site-panel-button-okay = .label = OK report-broken-site-panel-button-send = .label = Inviar report-broken-site-panel-unspecified = Non specificate report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-label = Tu reporto ha essite inviate. report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-header = .label = Tu reporto ha essite inviate. .title = Tu reporto ha essite inviate. report-broken-site-panel-report-sent-text = Gratias pro adjutar { -brand-product-name } a render le web plus aperte, accessibile, e melior pro totes. report-broken-site-panel-invalid-url-label = Insere un URL valide report-broken-site-panel-missing-reason-label = Elige un ration