# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. CertPasswordPrompt=Insere le contrasigno pro le jeton PKCS#11 %S. CertPasswordPromptDefault=Insere tu contrasigno primari. # The following strings have special requirements: they must fit in a 32 or 64 # bytes buffer after being encoded to UTF-8. # # It's possible to verify the length of a translation using the Browser Console # in Firefox and evaluating the following code: # # (new TextEncoder().encode('YOURSTRING')).length # # Simply replace YOURSTRING with your translation. # # If it's not possible to produce an understandable translation within these # limits, keeping the English text is an acceptable workaround. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (RootCertModuleName): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes RootCertModuleName=Modulo de base integrate # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ManufacturerID): string limit is 32 bytes after conversion # to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes ManufacturerID=Mozilla.org # LOCALIZATION NOTE (LibraryDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes LibraryDescription=Servicios cryptographic PSM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes TokenDescription=Servicios cryptographic generic # LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateTokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes PrivateTokenDescription=Securitate software # LOCALIZATION NOTE (SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after conversion # to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes SlotDescription=Servicios cryptographic interne PSM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateSlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes PrivateSlotDescription=Claves private PSM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes Fips140TokenDescription=Securitate software (FIPS) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes Fips140SlotDescription=Servicios cryptographic, de clave e de certificato FIPS 140 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (nick_template): $1s is the common name from a cert (e.g. "Mozilla"), $2s is the CA name (e.g. VeriSign) nick_template=ID %2$s de %1$s CertDumpKUSign=Signar CertDumpKUNonRep=Non-repudiation CertDumpKUEnc=Ciframento del clave CertDumpKUDEnc=Ciframento del datos CertDumpKUKA=Accordo del clave CertDumpKUCertSign=Signatario de certificato CertDumpKUCRLSigner=Signatario de CRL PSMERR_SSL_Disabled=Connexion secur impossibile perque le protocollo SSL ha essite disactivate. PSMERR_SSL2_Disabled=On non pote connecter se securmente perque le sito usa un version plus vetule e insecur del protocollo SSL. PSMERR_HostReusedIssuerSerial=Tu ha recipite un certificato invalide. Contacta le administrator del servitor o le correspondente de e-mail forniente le sequente information:\n\nTu certificato contine le mesme numero serial que un altere certificato emittite per le autoritate de certification. Per favor obtene un nove certificato continente un numero serial unic. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2): %1$S is the host string, %2$S is more detailed information (localized as well). SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2=Un error occurreva durante un connexion a %1$S. %2$S\n certErrorIntro=%S usa un invalide certificato de securitate. certErrorTrust_SelfSigned=Le certificato non es digne de fide perque illo es auto-signate. certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer=Le certificato non es digne de fide perque le emittitor de certificato es incognite. certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer2=Il es possibile que le servitor non invia le certificatos intermedie appropriate. certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer3=Il pote esser necessari importar un altere certificato radice. certErrorTrust_CaInvalid=Le certificato non es digne de fide perque illo era emittite per un CA non valide. certErrorTrust_Issuer=Le certificato non es digne de fide perque le emittitor de certificato non es digne de fide. certErrorTrust_SignatureAlgorithmDisabled=Le certificato non es digne de fide perque illo esseva signate per un algorithmo de signatura que era disactivate perque non secur. certErrorTrust_ExpiredIssuer=Le certificato non es digne de fide perque le emittitor de certificato es expirate. certErrorTrust_Untrusted=Le certificato non veni ex un fonte digne de fide. certErrorTrust_MitM=Tu connexion va ser interceptate per un proxy TLS. Disinstalla lo, si possibile, o configura tu apparato a fider su certificato de radice. certErrorMismatch=Le certificato non es valide pro le nomine %S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix): %S is replaced by the domain for which the certificate is valid certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix=Le certificato es valide solo pro %S. certErrorMismatchMultiple=Le certificato es valide solo pro le nomines sequente: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorExpiredNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time of expired certificate) or %2$S (current date+time) certErrorExpiredNow=Le certificato expirava le %1$S. Le tempore actual es %2$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorNotYetValidNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time certificate will become valid) or %2$S (current date+time) certErrorNotYetValidNow=Le certificato non sera valide usque le%1$S. Le tempore actual es %2$S. certErrorMitM=Sitos web prova lor identitate via certificatos, que es emittite per autoritates de certification. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM2): %S is brandShortName certErrorMitM2=%S es sustenite per le organisation sin scopo lucrative Mozilla, que administra un magazin de autoritates de certification (CA) completemente aperte. Le magazin CA adjuta a garantir que le autoritates de certification seque le melior practicas pro le securitate del usator. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM3): %S is brandShortName certErrorMitM3=%S usa le magazin CA de Mozilla pro verificar que un connexion es secur, in vice de usar le certificatos fornite per le systema de operation del usator. Dunque, si un programma antivirus o un rete intercepta le connexion con un certificato de securitate emittite per un CA que non es in le magazin CA de Mozilla, le connexion es considerate insecur. certErrorSymantecDistrustAdministrator=Tu pote notificar le administrator del sito web circa iste problema. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorCodePrefix3): %S is replaced by the error code. certErrorCodePrefix3=Codice de error: %S P12DefaultNickname=Certificato importate CertUnknown=Incognite CertNoEmailAddress=(sin adresse de e-mail) CaCertExists=Iste certificato es jam installate como un autoritate de certification. NotACACert=Isto non es un certificato de un autoritate de certification, alora illo non pote esser importate in le lista de autoritates de certification. UserCertIgnoredNoPrivateKey=Iste certificato personal non pote esser installate perque tu non possede le clave private correspondente que esseva create quando le certificato esseva requestate. UserCertImported=Tu certificato personal ha essite installate. Tu deberea mantener un salveguarda de iste certificato. CertOrgUnknown=(Incognite) CertNotStored=(Non salvate) CertExceptionPermanent=Permanente CertExceptionTemporary=Temporari