# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # This is the title of the page about-logging-title = Ɣef tɣamsa about-logging-page-title = Amsefrak n tɣamsa about-logging-current-log-file = Afaylu aɣmis amiran: about-logging-new-log-file = Afaylu amaynut n umis: about-logging-log-tutorial = Wali Asniɣmes HTTP ɣe wamek ad tesqedceḍ afecku-agi. # This message is used as a button label, "Open" indicates an action. about-logging-open-log-file-dir = Ldi akaram about-logging-set-log-file = Sbadu afaylu aɣmis about-logging-set-log-modules = Sbadu izegrar iɣmisen about-logging-start-logging = Senker asniɣmes about-logging-stop-logging = Seḥbes asniɣmes about-logging-info = Talɣut: about-logging-log-modules-selection = Tafrant n uzegrir n uɣmus about-logging-new-log-modules = Izegrar imaynuten n uɣmus: about-logging-logging-output-selection = Tuffɣa n uɣmus about-logging-logging-to-file = Tuffɣa ɣer ufaylu about-logging-logging-to-profiler = Tuffɣa ɣer { -profiler-brand-name } about-logging-no-log-modules = Ula yiwen about-logging-no-log-file = Ula yiwen about-logging-logging-preset-selector-text = Awennez n tɣamsa: ## Logging presets about-logging-preset-networking-label = Azeṭṭa about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-label = Inagan n tuqqna about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-label = Igrudam n tuqqna about-logging-preset-networking-http3-label = HTTP/3 about-logging-preset-media-playback-label = Taɣuri n wallalen n teywalt about-logging-preset-webrtc-label = WebRTC about-logging-preset-custom-label = Udmawan # Error handling about-logging-error = Tuccḍa: ## Variables: ## $k (String) - Variable name ## $v (String) - Variable value