# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. nv_timeout=Ateiza tròppo longa openFile=Arvi schedaio droponhometitle=Inpòsta comme Pagina Prinçipâ droponhomemsg=T'eu ch'o documento o segge a teu neuva pagina iniçiâ? droponhomemsgMultiple=T'eu che sti documenti seggian e teu neuve pagine iniçiâ? # context menu strings # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuSearch): %1$S is the search engine, # %2$S is the selection string. contextMenuSearch=Riçerca "%2$S" con %1$S contextMenuSearch.accesskey=r # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextMenuPrivateSearchOtherEngine): %S is the search # engine name as set for Private Browsing mode. This label is only used when # this engine is different from the default engine name used in normal mode. # bookmark dialog strings bookmarkAllTabsDefault=[Nomme da cartella] # LOCALIZATION NOTE (xpinstallPromptMessage.neverAllowAndReport) # Long text in this context make the dropdown menu extend awkwardly to the left, avoid # a localization that's significantly longer than the English version. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sitePermissionInstallFirstPrompt.midi.header) # This message is shown when a website invokes navigator.requestMIDIAccess. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sitePermissionInstallFirstPrompt.midi.message) # This message is shown when a website invokes navigator.requestMIDIAccess. # Accessibility Note: # Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button) # See https://website-archive.mozilla.org/www.mozilla.org/access/access/keyboard/ for details # LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallBlockedByPolicy) # This message is shown when the installation of an add-on is blocked by # enterprise policy. %1$S is replaced by the name of the add-on. # %2$S is replaced by the ID of add-on. %3$S is a custom message that # the administration can add to the message. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDomainBlockedByPolicy) # This message is shown when the installation of add-ons from a domain # is blocked by enterprise policy. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateText) # %S is replaced with the localized name of the updated extension. # Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, & # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithPerms,webextSitePerms.headerUnsignedWithPerms) # This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog, # %1$S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed. # %2$S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension enables permissions # Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, & # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithGatedPerms.midi) # This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog for synthetic add-ons. # The part of the string describing what privileges the extension gives should be consistent # with the value of webextSitePerms.description.{sitePermission}. # %S is the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from. # Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, & # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.headerWithGatedPerms.midi-sysex) # This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog for synthetic add-ons. # The part of the string describing what privileges the extension gives should be consistent # with the value of webextSitePerms.description.{sitePermission}. # %S is the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from. # Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, & # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextSitePerms.descriptionGatedPerms) # This string is used as description in the webextension permissions dialog for synthetic add-ons. # Note, the \n\n is used to create a line break between the two sections. # Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, & # These should remain in sync with permissions.NAME.label in sitePermissions.properties # LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonPostInstall.message3) # %S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that was # just installed. unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=Quarche conponente azonto instalou o l'é stæto dizativou perché no ò pòsciuo verificali. unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.label=Atre informaçioin unsignedAddonsDisabled.learnMore.accesskey=A # LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocationLastAccessIndicatorText): %S is the relative time of the most recent geolocation access (e.g. 5 min. ago) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (openProtocolHandlerPermissionEntryLabel): %S is the scheme of the protocol the site may open an application for. For example: mailto crashedpluginsMessage.title=O plugin %S o s'é ciantou. crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.label=Carega torna a pagina crashedpluginsMessage.reloadButton.accesskey=R crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.label=Segnala un problema crashedpluginsMessage.submitButton.accesskey=S crashedpluginsMessage.learnMore=Pe saveine de ciu… # Keyword fixup messages # LOCALIZATION NOTE (keywordURIFixup.message): Used when the user tries to visit # a local host page, by the time the DNS request recognizes it, we have already # loaded a search page for the given word. An infobar then asks to the user # whether he rather wanted to visit the host. %S is the recognized host. keywordURIFixup.message=Ti voeivi arvî %S? keywordURIFixup.goTo=Sci, arvi %S keywordURIFixup.goTo.accesskey=S # Sanitize # LOCALIZATION NOTE (update.downloadAndInstallButton.label): %S is replaced by the # version of the update: "Update to 28.0". update.downloadAndInstallButton.label=Agiorna a %S update.downloadAndInstallButton.accesskey=A menuOpenAllInTabs.label=Arvi tutto inti feuggi # Unified Back-/Forward Popup tabHistory.goBack=Vanni inderê tabHistory.goForward=Vanni avanti # URL Bar pasteAndGo.label=Incòlla & Vanni # LOCALIZATION NOTE (reloadButton.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for reloading the current page reloadButton.tooltip=Recarega a pagina corente (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopButton.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for stopping loading the page stopButton.tooltip=Fermite de caregâ sta pagina (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for resetting the zoom level to 100% urlbar-zoom-button.tooltip=Repiggia o livello de zoom (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (reader-mode-button.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for entering/exiting reader view reader-mode-button.tooltip=Cangia a-o mòddo leuta (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoom-button.label): %S is the current page zoom level, # %% will be displayed as a single % character (% is commonly used to define # format specifiers, so it needs to be escaped). zoom-button.label = %S%% # General bookmarks button # LOCALIZATION NOTE (bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Show All Bookmarks" bookmarksMenuButton.tooltip=Amia i segnalibbri (%S) # Downloads button tooltip # LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for "Downloads" downloads.tooltip=Mostra l’avansamento di descaregamenti in corso (%S) # New Window button tooltip # LOCALIZATION NOTE (newWindowButton.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Window" newWindowButton.tooltip=Arvi 'n neuvo barcon (%S) # New Tab button tooltip # LOCALIZATION NOTE (newTabButton.tooltip): # %S is the keyboard shortcut for "New Tab" newTabButton.tooltip=Arvi neuvo feuggio (%S) newTabAlwaysContainer.tooltip=Çerni un contegnitô pe arvî un neuvo feuggio # Offline web applications # Canvas permission prompt # LOCALIZATION NOTE (canvas.siteprompt2): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.CTAP2registerPrompt): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.registerTouchDevice): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectSignResultPrompt): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.selectDevicePrompt): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.deviceBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinAuthBlockedPrompt): %S is hostname # LOCALIZATION NOTE (webauthn.pinNotSetPrompt): %S is hostname webauthn.cancel=Anulla webauthn.cancel.accesskey=a webauthn.proceed=Vanni avanti webauthn.proceed.accesskey=v webauthn.anonymize=A ògni mòddo anònimizzame # Spoof Accept-Language prompt privacy.spoof_english=Cangiâ a lengoa de inpostaçioin in ingleize o peu rende ciù difiçile a teu identificaçion e megiorâ a teu privacy. Ti veu domandâ a verscion ingleize de ste pagine web? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.identified.verifier, identity.identified.state_and_country, identity.ev.contentOwner2): # %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed. identity.identified.verifier=Verificou da: %S identity.identified.verified_by_you=T’æ azonto 'na eceçion de seguessa pe sto scito. identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (identity.notSecure.label): # Keep this string as short as possible, this is displayed in the URL bar # use a synonym for "safe" or "private" if "secure" is too long. identity.notSecure.label=No seguo identity.notSecure.tooltip=A conescion a no l'é segua identity.extension.label=Estenscion (%S) identity.extension.tooltip=Caregou da l'estenscion: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.trackersView.blocked.label): # This label is shown next to a tracker in the trackers subview. # It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" contentBlocking.trackersView.blocked.label=Blocòu contentBlocking.trackersView.empty.label=Nisciun elemento trovou in sto scito # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookies.blockingTrackers.label, contentBlocking.cookies.blocking3rdParty.label, # contentBlocking.cookies.blockingUnvisited.label,contentBlocking.cookies.blockingAll.label): contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.label=Da sto scito # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.empty.label): # This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.label: # "[Cookies] From This Site: None detected on this site". contentBlocking.cookiesView.firstParty.empty.label=Nisciun elemento trovou in sto scito # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.empty.label): # This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.label: # "Tracking Cookies: None detected on this site". contentBlocking.cookiesView.trackers.empty.label=Nisciun elemento trovou in sto scito contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.label=Cookie de terse parte # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.empty.label): # This references the header from contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.label: # "Third-Party Cookies: None detected on this site". contentBlocking.cookiesView.thirdParty.empty.label=Nisciun elemento trovou in sto scito # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.allowed.label): # This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview. # It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Allowed" contentBlocking.cookiesView.allowed.label=Permisso # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.blocked.label): # This label is shown next to a cookie origin in the cookies subview. # It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" contentBlocking.cookiesView.blocked.label=Blocòu # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cookiesView.removeButton.tooltip): %S is the domain of the site. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.fingerprintersView.blocked.label): # This label is shown next to a fingerprinter in the fingerprinters subview. # It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" contentBlocking.fingerprintersView.blocked.label=Blocòu # LOCALIZATION NOTE (contentBlocking.cryptominersView.blocked.label): # This label is shown next to a cryptominer in the cryptominers subview. # It forms the end of the (imaginary) sentence "www.example.com [was] Blocked" contentBlocking.cryptominersView.blocked.label=Blocòu # LOCALIZATION NOTE (trackingProtection.icon.noTrackersDetectedTooltip): %S is brandShortName. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.header): # Header of the Protections Panel. %S is replaced with the site's hostname. protections.header=Proteçioin pe %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.disableAriaLabel): # Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will disable protections. # %s is the site's hostname. protections.disableAriaLabel=Dizativa proteçioin pe %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.enableAriaLabel): # Text that gets spoken by a screen reader if the button will enable protections. # %s is the site's hostname. protections.enableAriaLabel=Abilita proteçioin pe %S # Blocking and Not Blocking sub-views in the Protections Panel # Footer section in the Protections Panel # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description, # protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip): # This text indicates the total number of trackers blocked on all sites. In # its tooltip, we show the date when we started counting this number. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description): # Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # Replacement for #1 is a locale-string converted positive integer. protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.description=1 Blocou;#1 Blocæ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.footer.blockedTrackerCounter.tooltip): # %S is the date on which we started counting (e.g., July 17, 2019). # Milestones section in the Protections Panel # LOCALIZATION NOTE (protections.milestone.description): # Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 is replaced with brandShortName. # #2 is replaced with the (locale-formatted) number of trackers blocked # #3 is replaced by a locale-formatted date with short month and numeric year. # In English this looks like "Firefox blocked over 10,000 trackers since Oct 2019" protections.milestone.description=#1 blocou #2 traciatô da #3;#1 o l'à blocou #2 traciatoæî da #3 # Application menu # LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReduce-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. zoomReduce-button.tooltip = Zoom ciù picin (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomReset-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. zoomReset-button.tooltip = Reinpòsta o zoom (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE(zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. zoomEnlarge-button.tooltip = Zoom ciù grande (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cut-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. cut-button.tooltip = Taggia (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (copy-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. copy-button.tooltip = Còpia (%S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (paste-button.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut. paste-button.tooltip = Incòlla (%S) # Geolocation UI # LOCALIZATION NOTE(geolocation.shareWithSiteUnsafeDelegation2): # %1$S is the first party origin, %2$S is the third party origin. geolocation.remember=Aregòrda sta decixon # Virtual Reality Device UI # Persistent storage UI persistentStorage.allow=Permetti persistentStorage.allow.accesskey=P # Web notifications UI # LOCALIZATION NOTE (alwaysBlock, block) # The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so # it's okay for them to have the same access key webNotifications.notNow=Òua No webNotifications.notNow.accesskey=n webNotifications.never=No permette mai webNotifications.never.accesskey=m # Phishing/Malware Notification Bar. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (notADeceptiveSite, notAnAttack) # The two button strings will never be shown at the same time, so # it's okay for them to have the same access key safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.label=Pòrtime feua de chi! safebrowsing.getMeOutOfHereButton.accessKey=P safebrowsing.deceptiveSite=Scito inganevole! safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.label=Questo o no l'é 'n scito inganevole… safebrowsing.notADeceptiveSiteButton.accessKey=I safebrowsing.reportedAttackSite=L'é stæto segnaou comme scito de atacco! safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.label=Sto chi o no l'é 'n scito de atacco… safebrowsing.notAnAttackButton.accessKey=a safebrowsing.reportedUnwantedSite=O scito ch'o gh'aiva do software no desiderou o l'é stæto segnalou safebrowsing.reportedHarmfulSite=Segnala scito pericoloso! # LOCALIZATION NOTE (addKeywordTitleAutoFill): %S will be replaced by the page's title # Used as the bookmark name when saving a keyword for a search field. addKeywordTitleAutoFill=Riçerca %S # troubleshootModeRestart # LOCALIZATION NOTE (troubleshootModeRestartPromptTitle): %S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (browser.menu.showCharacterEncoding): Set to the string # "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Text # Encoding" menu in the main Firefox button on Windows. Any other value will # hide it. Regardless of the value of this setting, the "Text Encoding" # menu will always be accessible via the "Browser Tools" menu. # This is not a string to translate; it just controls whether the menu shows # up in the Firefox button. If users frequently use the "Text Encoding" # menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false". browser.menu.showCharacterEncoding=false # Process hang reporter # LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.selected_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.nonspecific_tab.label): %1$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.specific_tab.label): %1$S is the title of the tab. # %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (processHang.add-on.label2): %1$S is the name of the # extension. %2$S is the name of the product (e.g., Firefox) processHang.add-on.learn-more.text = Atre informaçioin processHang.button_debug.label = Xeua o debug do script processHang.button_debug.accessKey = X # LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullscreenButton.tooltip): %S is the keyboard shortcut for full screen fullscreenButton.tooltip=Mostra o barcon a tutto schermo (%S) # These are visible when opening the popup inside the bookmarks sidebar sidebar.moveToLeft=Mescia bara de scianco a mancinn-a sidebar.moveToRight=Mescia bara de scianco a drita # LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCamera3.message, # getUserMedia.shareMicrophone3.message, # getUserMedia.shareScreen4.message, # getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone3.message, # getUserMedia.shareCameraAndAudioCapture3.message, # getUserMedia.shareScreenAndMicrophone4.message, # getUserMedia.shareScreenAndAudioCapture4.message, # getUserMedia.shareAudioCapture3.message): # %S is the website origin (e.g. www.mozilla.org) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (selectAudioOutput.shareSpeaker.message): # "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or # another audio output connection. # %S is the website origin (e.g. www.mozilla.org) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCameraUnsafeDelegation2.message, # getUserMedia.shareMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation2.message, # getUserMedia.shareScreenUnsafeDelegation2.message, # getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation2.message, # getUserMedia.shareCameraAndAudioCaptureUnsafeDelegation2.message, # getUserMedia.shareScreenAndMicrophoneUnsafeDelegation2.message, # getUserMedia.shareScreenAndAudioCaptureUnsafeDelegation2.message, # %1$S is the first party origin. # %2$S is the third party origin. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (): # "Speakers" is used in a general sense that might include headphones or # another audio output connection. # %1$S is the first party origin. # %2$S is the third party origin. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S will be the 'learn more' link emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.label = Ativa DRM emeNotifications.drmContentDisabled.button.accesskey = A # LOCALIZATION NOTE(emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message): NB: inserted via innerHTML, so please don't use <, > or & in this string. %S is brandShortName emeNotifications.drmContentCDMInstalling.message = Inpostaçioin in corso dei componenti necessari pe riproduî i contegnui aodio ò video prezenti inta pagina. Preuva torna ciù tardi.%0.S emeNotifications.unknownDRMSoftware = Scònosciuo # LOCALIZATION NOTE (customizeMode.tabTitle): %S is brandShortName customizeMode.tabTitle = Personalizza %S e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.label = Va ben e10s.accessibilityNotice.acceptButton.accesskey = V # LOCALIZATION NOTE (e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage): %S is brandShortName e10s.accessibilityNotice.jawsMessage = A vixoalizaçion do contegnuo do feuggio o l'é dizabilitou pe cagion de 'na incobatilitæ fra %S e o teu software de acesibilitæ. Pe piaxei agiorna o teu letô do schermo ò deuvia 'na version de Firefox Extended Support. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (userContextPersonal.label, # userContextWork.label, # userContextShopping.label, # userContextBanking.label, # userContextNone.label): # These strings specify the four predefined contexts included in support of the # Contextual Identity / Containers project. Each context is meant to represent # the context that the user is in when interacting with the site. Different # contexts will store cookies and other information from those sites in # different, isolated locations. You can enable the feature by typing # about:config in the URL bar and changing privacy.userContext.enabled to true. # Once enabled, you can open a new tab in a specific context by clicking # File > New Container Tab > (1 of 4 contexts). Once opened, you will see these # strings on the right-hand side of the URL bar. userContextPersonal.label = Personâ userContextWork.label = Travaggio userContextBanking.label = Banca userContextShopping.label = Negòççi userContextNone.label = Nisciun Contegnitô userContextPersonal.accesskey = P userContextWork.accesskey = T userContextBanking.accesskey = B userContextShopping.accesskey = N userContextNone.accesskey = C userContext.aboutPage.label = Gestisci contegnitoî userContext.aboutPage.accesskey = A # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendTabsToDevice.label): # Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 is the number of tabs sent to the device. sendTabsToDevice.label = Manda feuggio a-o dispoxitivo;Mando #1 feuggi a-o dispoxitivo sendTabsToDevice.accesskey = n decoder.noCodecs.button = Comme se fa decoder.noCodecs.accesskey = C decoder.noCodecsLinux.message = Pe vedde o video ti doviesci instalâ i codec video domandæ. decoder.noHWAcceleration.message = Pe vedde megio o video ti doviesci instalâ o Media Feature Pack de Microsoft. decoder.noPulseAudio.message = Pe sentî sto òudio ti doviesci instalâ o software PulseAudio domandou. decoder.unsupportedLibavcodec.message = libavcodec o peu êse vulenrabile ò no soportou, e ti doviesci agiornalo pe vedde sto video. decoder.decodeError.message = S'é verificou 'n'erô inta decodifica da risorsa media. decoder.decodeError.button = Denonçia Problema Scito decoder.decodeError.accesskey = D decoder.decodeWarning.message = Gh'é stæto 'n erô che ghe se peu dâ recatto mentre faxeivo a decodifica de 'na risorsa media. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.infoMessage3): # Shown in a notification bar when we detect a captive portal is blocking network access # and requires the user to log in before browsing. captivePortal.infoMessage3 = Ti devi acede a sta ræ prima che ti ti pòsse navegâ into Internet. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (captivePortal.showLoginPage2): # The label for a button shown in the info bar in all tabs except the login page tab. # The button shows the portal login page tab when clicked. captivePortal.showLoginPage2 = Arvi a pagina de intrâ da ræ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (permissions.header): # %S is the hostname of the site that is being displayed. permissions.remove.tooltip = Scancella sto permisso e domanda torna # LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDialog.architecture.*): # The sixtyFourBit and thirtyTwoBit strings describe the architecture of the # current Firefox build: 32-bit or 64-bit. These strings are used in parentheses # between the Firefox version and the "What's new" link in the About dialog, # e.g.: "48.0.2 (32-bit) " or "51.0a1 (2016-09-05) (64-bit)". aboutDialog.architecture.sixtyFourBit = 64-bit aboutDialog.architecture.thirtyTwoBit = 32-bit midi.remember=Aregòrda sta decixon # LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access # LOCALIZATION NOTE (midi.shareSysexWithSite): %S is the name of the site URL (https://...) requesting MIDI access # LOCALIZATION NOTE (panel.back): # This is used by screen readers to label the "back" button in various browser # popup panels, including the sliding subviews of the main menu. panel.back = Inderê # LOCALIZATION NOTE (storageAccess4.message, storageAccess1.hintText): # %1$S is the name of the site URL (www.site1.example) trying to track the user's activity. # %2$S is the name of the site URL (www.site2.example) that the user is visiting. This is the same domain name displayed in the address bar. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearch): # Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (gnomeSearchProviderSearchWeb): # Used for search by Gnome Shell activity screen, %S is a searched string.