# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website with cert error. cert-error-intro = { $hostname } o l'adeuvia 'n certificato de seguessa che o no l'é valido. cert-error-mitm-intro = I sciti dimonstran a seu identitæ pe mezo di certificati, che son distriboii da-e aotoritæ de certificaçion. cert-error-trust-unknown-issuer-intro = Quarchedun o porrieiva ese apreuvo a provâ a usurpâ l'identitæ do scito. No ti dovieiva anâ avanti. # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website with cert error. cert-error-trust-unknown-issuer = I sciti dimonstran a seu identitæ pe mezo di certificati. { -brand-short-name } o no se fia de { $hostname } perché o distribotô do seu certificato o l'é sconosciuo, o certificato o l'é aoto-firmou, ò o server o no l'à mandou i certificati intermezi previsti. cert-error-trust-cert-invalid = O certificato o no l'é fidou perché o l'é pubricou da 'na CA che a no l'é valida. cert-error-trust-untrusted-issuer = O certificato o no l'é fidou perché o l'é pubricou da un pubricatô no fidou. cert-error-trust-signature-algorithm-disabled = O certificato o no l'é afidabile perché o l'é stæto firmou co-in algoritmo de firma dizativou in quanto no seguo. cert-error-trust-expired-issuer = O certificato o no l'é fidou perché o pubricatô o l'é scheito. cert-error-trust-self-signed = O certificato o no l'é fidou perché s'é firmou da solo. cert-error-untrusted-default = A fonte de questo certificato a no l'é da fiase. # Variables: # $error (string) - NSS error code string that specifies type of cert error. e.g. unknown issuer, invalid cert, etc. cert-error-code-prefix = Còdice d'erô: { $error } # Variables: # $error (String) - NSS error code string that specifies type of cert error. e.g. unknown issuer, invalid cert, etc. cert-error-code-prefix-link = Còdice d'erô: { $error } # Variables: # $hostname (String) - Hostname of the website with SSL error. # $errorMessage (String) - Error message corresponding to the type of error we are experiencing. cert-error-ssl-connection-error = Gh'é stæto un erô durante a conescion a { $hostname }. { $errorMessage } cert-error-symantec-distrust-admin = Ti peu segnalâ o problema a l'aministratô do scito. # Variables: # $hasHSTS (Boolean) - Indicates whether HSTS header is present. cert-error-details-hsts-label = HTTP Strict Transport Security: { $hasHSTS } # Variables: # $hasHPKP (Boolean) - Indicates whether HPKP header is present. cert-error-details-key-pinning-label = Key Pinning HTTP pubrico: { $hasHPKP } cert-error-details-cert-chain-label = Cadenna de certificati: open-in-new-window-for-csp-or-xfo-error = Arvi o scito inte 'n neuvo barcon ## Messages used for certificate error titles connectionFailure-title = No riescio a conetime deniedPortAccess-title = L'acesso a-a pòrta o l'é dizabilitou pe raxoin de seguessa # "Hmm" is a sound made when considering or puzzling over something. # You don't have to include it in your translation if your language does not have a written word like this. dnsNotFound-title = Ahime mi. Gh'emmo di problemi a trovâ sto scito. fileNotFound-title = Schedaio no trovou fileAccessDenied-title = Acesso a-o schedaio negou generic-title = Ahime mi! captivePortal-title = Intra inta ræ # "Hmm" is a sound made when considering or puzzling over something. # You don't have to include it in your translation if your language does not have a written word like this. malformedURI-title = Oh belin. St'indirisso me pâ segge sbaliou. netInterrupt-title = Trasferimento di dæti scancellou notCached-title = Documento scheito netOffline-title = Mòddo feua linia contentEncodingError-title = Erô de còdifica do contegnuo unsafeContentType-title = Tipo de schedaio no seguo netReset-title = Conescion Scancelâ netTimeout-title = A ræ a no risponde unknownProtocolFound-title = Indirisso no interpretabile proxyConnectFailure-title = O proxy o refua a conescion proxyResolveFailure-title = No treuvo o proxy redirectLoop-title = A pagina a no redireçionn-a ben unknownSocketType-title = Risposta sbaliâ da-o server nssFailure2-title = Conescion segua no riescia csp-xfo-error-title = { -brand-short-name } o no peu arvî sta pagina corruptedContentError-title = Erô de contegnuo andæto a mâ sslv3Used-title = Inposcibile conetise in mòddo seguo inadequateSecurityError-title = A teu conescion a no l'é segua blockedByPolicy-title = Pagina blocâ clockSkewError-title = O releuio do computer o l'é erou networkProtocolError-title = Erô de protocòllo de ræ nssBadCert-title = Atençion: gh'é 'n reizego de seguessa potensiâ nssBadCert-sts-title = Conescion fermâ: reizego potensiâ de seguessa