# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # CSP Warnings: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CSPViolation): # %1$S is the reason why the resource has not been loaded. CSPViolation = Поставките на страницата го блокираа вчитувањето на: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CSPViolationWithURI): # %1$S is the directive that has been violated. # %2$S is the URI of the resource which violated the directive. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CSPROViolation): # %1$S is the reason why the resource has not been loaded. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (CSPROViolationWithURI): # %1$S is the directive that has been violated. # %2$S is the URI of the resource which violated the directive. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (triedToSendReport): # %1$S is the URI we attempted to send a report to. triedToSendReport = Tried to send report to invalid URI: "%1$S" # LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldNotParseReportURI): # %1$S is the report URI that could not be parsed couldNotParseReportURI = couldn't parse report URI: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldNotProcessUnknownDirective): # %1$S is the unknown directive couldNotProcessUnknownDirective = Couldn't process unknown directive '%1$S' # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringUnknownOption): # %1$S is the option that could not be understood # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringDuplicateSrc): # %1$S defines the duplicate src # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringSrcFromMetaCSP): # %1$S defines the ignored src # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringSrcWithinScriptStyleSrc): # %1$S is the ignored src # script-src and style-src are directive names and should not be localized # LOCALIZATION NOTE (reportURInotHttpsOrHttp2): # %1$S is the ETLD of the report URI that is not HTTP or HTTPS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (reportURInotInReportOnlyHeader): # %1$S is the ETLD of the page with the policy # LOCALIZATION NOTE (failedToParseUnrecognizedSource): # %1$S is the CSP Source that could not be parsed failedToParseUnrecognizedSource = Failed to parse unrecoginzied source %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlineScriptBlocked): # inline script refers to JavaScript code that is embedded into the HTML document. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlineStyleBlocked): # inline style refers to CSS code that is embedded into the HTML document. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scriptFromStringBlocked): # eval is a name and should not be localized. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (upgradeInsecureRequest): # %1$S is the URL of the upgraded request; %2$S is the upgraded scheme. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreSrcForDirective): # LOCALIZATION NOTE (hostNameMightBeKeyword): # %1$S is the hostname in question and %2$S is the keyword # LOCALIZATION NOTE (notSupportingDirective): # directive is not supported (e.g. 'reflected-xss') # LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockAllMixedContent): # %1$S is the URL of the blocked resource load. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoringDirectiveWithNoValues): # %1$S is the name of a CSP directive that requires additional values (e.g., 'require-sri-for') # CSP Errors: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParseInvalidSource): # %1$S is the source that could not be parsed couldntParseInvalidSource = Couldn't parse invalid source %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParseInvalidHost): # %1$S is the host that's invalid couldntParseInvalidHost = Couldn't parse invalid host %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (couldntParsePort): # %1$S is the string source couldntParsePort = Couldn't parse port in %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateDirective): # %1$S is the name of the duplicate directive duplicateDirective = Duplicate %1$S directives detected. All but the first instance will be ignored. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (deprecatedDirective): # %1$S is the name of the deprecated directive, %2$S is the name of the replacement.