# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. crashed-title = Zgłoszynie awaryje karty crashed-close-tab-button = Zawrzij karta crashed-restore-tab-button = Wrōć ta karta crashed-restore-all-button = Wrōć wszyske karty z awaryjōm crashed-header = Ta karta prawie mo awaryjo. crashed-offer-help = Mogymy pōmōc! crashed-single-offer-help-message = Ôbier { crashed-restore-tab-button }, coby nazod zaladować strōna. crashed-multiple-offer-help-message = Ôbier { crashed-restore-tab-button } abo { crashed-restore-all-button }, coby nazod zaladować strōna/strōny. crashed-request-help = Pōmożesz nōm? crashed-request-help-message = Zgłoszynia awaryji pōmogajōm nōm poznowac problymy i ulepszajōm { -brand-short-name }. crashed-request-report-title = Zgłoś ta karta. crashed-send-report-2 = Posyłej autōmatyczne zgłoszynia awaryji, coby my mogli rozwiōnzować take problymy. crashed-comment = .placeholder = Przidane kōmyntorze (kōmyntorze sōm publicznie dostympne) crashed-include-URL-2 = Dej URLs strōn ôtwartych, jak sie pokozała awaryjo { -brand-short-name }. crashed-report-sent = Zgłoszynie awaryje już je posłane. Dziynkujymy za pōmoc w polepszaniu { -brand-short-name }! crashed-request-auto-submit-title = Zgłoszynie kart ze zadku. crashed-auto-submit-checkbox-2 = Zaktualizuj sztelōnki, coby autōmatycznie zgłoszać, jak { -brand-short-name } mo awaryjo.