# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Settings site-data-settings-window = .title = Regiyruj cookies i danymi strōn site-data-settings-description = Te strōny chrōniōm cookies i dane strōn na twojim kōmputrze. { -brand-short-name } trzimie ôbstōne dane ze strōn, aże je wyciepniesz, a czasowe dane wyciepuje, jak ino trza wiyncyj placu. site-data-search-textbox = .placeholder = Szukej strōn .accesskey = S site-data-column-host = .label = Strōna site-data-column-cookies = .label = Cookies site-data-column-storage = .label = Lagrowanie site-data-column-last-used = .label = Ôstatnio użyte # This label is used in the "Host" column for local files, which have no host. site-data-local-file-host = (lokalny zbiōr) site-data-remove-selected = .label = Wyciep ôbrane .accesskey = W site-data-settings-dialog = .buttonlabelaccept = Spamiyntej zmiany .buttonaccesskeyaccept = S # Variables: # $value (Number) - Value of the unit (for example: 4.6, 500) # $unit (String) - Name of the unit (for example: "bytes", "KB") site-storage-usage = .value = { $value } { $unit } site-storage-persistent = .value = { site-storage-usage.value } (ôbstōne) site-data-remove-all = .label = Wyciep wszyskie .accesskey = e site-data-remove-shown = .label = Wyciep wszyskie pokozane .accesskey = e ## Removing site-data-removing-dialog = .title = { site-data-removing-header } .buttonlabelaccept = Wyciep site-data-removing-header = Wyciepowanie cookies i danych strōn site-data-removing-desc = Wyciepanie cookies i danych strōn może cie wylogować ze strōn. Na zicher chcesz wkludzić te zmiany? # Variables: # $baseDomain (String) - The single domain for which data is being removed site-data-removing-single-desc = Skasowanie cookies i danych strōn może cie wylogować z niykerych strōn. Na zicher chcesz skasować cookies i dane strōny { $baseDomain }? site-data-removing-table = Na tych strōnach cookies i dane strōn bydōm wyciepane