# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. crashed-title = 标签页崩溃报告器 crashed-close-tab-button = 关闭标签页 crashed-restore-tab-button = 恢复此标签页 crashed-restore-all-button = 恢复所有已崩溃的标签页 crashed-header = 哎呀,您的标签页崩溃了。 crashed-offer-help = 让我们来帮忙! crashed-single-offer-help-message = 点击“{ crashed-restore-tab-button }”可重新加载该页面。 crashed-multiple-offer-help-message = 点击“{ crashed-restore-tab-button }”或“{ crashed-restore-all-button }”可重新加载该页面。 crashed-request-help = 你愿意帮我们个忙吗? crashed-request-help-message = 反馈崩溃报告能帮助我们找出问题所在,不断改进 { -brand-short-name }。 crashed-request-report-title = 反馈此标签页 crashed-send-report-2 = 自动发送一份崩溃报告以帮助我们修复此类问题。 crashed-comment = .placeholder = 加上附注(选填且公开可见) crashed-include-URL-2 = 包含 { -brand-short-name } 崩溃时您访问的网址 crashed-report-sent = 崩溃报告已提交。感谢您帮助 { -brand-short-name } 变得更好! crashed-request-auto-submit-title = 反馈后台标签页 crashed-auto-submit-checkbox-2 = 更新首选项为 { -brand-short-name } 崩溃时自动提交报告