# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## These strings appear in Origin Controls for Extensions. Currently, ## they are visible in the context menu for extension toolbar buttons, ## and are used to inform the user how the extension can access their ## data for the current website, and allow them to control it. origin-controls-no-access = .label = 扩展不可读取和更改任何数据 origin-controls-quarantined = .label = 不允许扩展读取和更改任何数据 origin-controls-quarantined-status = .label = 扩展未被允许在受限网站上运行 origin-controls-quarantined-allow = .label = 允许在受限网站上运行 origin-controls-options = .label = 扩展可以读取和更改下列数据: origin-controls-option-all-domains = .label = 在所有网站 origin-controls-option-when-clicked = .label = 仅在点击允许后 # This string denotes an option that grants the extension access to # the current site whenever they visit it. # Variables: # $domain (String) - The domain for which the access is granted. origin-controls-option-always-on = .label = 总是允许于 { $domain } ## These strings are used to map Origin Controls states to user-friendly ## messages. They currently appear in the unified extensions panel. origin-controls-state-no-access = 无法读取和更改此网站的数据 origin-controls-state-quarantined = { -vendor-short-name } 不允许在此网站使用 origin-controls-state-always-on = 总能读取和更改此网站的数据 origin-controls-state-when-clicked = 需点击授权以读取和更改数据 origin-controls-state-hover-run-visit-only = 仅在此次访问运行 origin-controls-state-runnable-hover-open = 打开扩展 origin-controls-state-runnable-hover-run = 运行扩展 origin-controls-state-temporary-access = 能在此次访问读取和更改数据 ## Extension's toolbar button. ## Variables: ## $extensionTitle (String) - Extension name or title message. origin-controls-toolbar-button = .label = { $extensionTitle } .tooltiptext = { $extensionTitle } # Extension's toolbar button when permission is needed. # Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip. origin-controls-toolbar-button-permission-needed = .label = { $extensionTitle } .tooltiptext = { $extensionTitle } # Extension's toolbar button when quarantined. # Note that the new line is intentionally part of the tooltip. origin-controls-toolbar-button-quarantined = .label = { $extensionTitle } .tooltiptext = { $extensionTitle } 已由 { -vendor-short-name } 在此网站上禁用