<!-- The following tests an anomaly in the SMIL Animation spec. SMILANIM 3.6.8 says: Thus the strict definition of the first acceptable interval for the element is the first interval that ends after the document begins. This is then demonstrated in pseudocode. However, it is contradicted by a statement just before the first that says: The element has one or more intervals defined that begin and end before the document begins (before 0). These are filtered out of the model. So there is some ambiguity about intervals that end at time zero. However, the first statement seems more authorative ("the strict definition") and the second statement does not explicitly say that intervals that end at t=0 are not filtered. Furthermore, the pseudocode is in agreement with the first statement so we conclude that if an interval finishes at time zero it is not an acceptable interval and is filtered out. The following animation sets up such an interval, that, based on its repeatCount has an active duration of 1s, producing an interval of (-1s, 0s). Therefore this interval should be filtered out and no animation effect should be produced. The circle should remain at position 0 (the first marker). If the interval is not correctly filtered out it will be at position 100 (the second marker). We include this test as a regression test so that no one is tempted to "fix" this behaviour. Note that this behaviour persists even in SMIL 3 (including the ambiguity noted above). See http://www.w3.org/TR/SMIL3/smil-timing.html#Timing-BeginEnd-LC-Start --> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g transform="translate(50 50)"> <circle r="40" style="fill: yellow; stroke: black; stroke-width: 1"> <animate attributeName="cx" attributeType="XML" fill="freeze" values="0; 200" dur="2s" begin="-1s" repeatCount="0.5"/> </circle> <path d="M0 -10v20" stroke="blue"/> <path d="M100 -10v20" stroke="blue"/> <path d="M200 -10v20" stroke="blue"/> </g> </svg>