/* * Copyright 2015, Mozilla Foundation and contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ClearKeySessionManager.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "content_decryption_module.h" #include "ClearKeyDecryptionManager.h" #include "ClearKeyPersistence.h" #include "ClearKeyStorage.h" #include "ClearKeyUtils.h" #include "psshparser/PsshParser.h" using namespace cdm; using std::function; using std::string; using std::vector; ClearKeySessionManager::ClearKeySessionManager(Host_10* aHost) : mDecryptionManager(ClearKeyDecryptionManager::Get()) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager ctor %p", this); AddRef(); mHost = aHost; mPersistence = new ClearKeyPersistence(mHost); } ClearKeySessionManager::~ClearKeySessionManager() { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager dtor %p", this); } void ClearKeySessionManager::Init(bool aDistinctiveIdentifierAllowed, bool aPersistentStateAllowed) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::Init"); RefPtr<ClearKeySessionManager> self(this); function<void()> onPersistentStateLoaded = [self]() { while (!self->mDeferredInitialize.empty()) { function<void()> func = self->mDeferredInitialize.front(); self->mDeferredInitialize.pop(); func(); } if (self->mHost) { // The session manager should be the last thing the ClearKey CDM is // waiting on to be initialized. self->mHost->OnInitialized(true); } }; mPersistence->EnsureInitialized(aPersistentStateAllowed, std::move(onPersistentStateLoaded)); } void ClearKeySessionManager::CreateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, InitDataType aInitDataType, const uint8_t* aInitData, uint32_t aInitDataSize, SessionType aSessionType) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::CreateSession type:%u", aInitDataType); // Copy the init data so it is correctly captured by the lambda vector<uint8_t> initData(aInitData, aInitData + aInitDataSize); RefPtr<ClearKeySessionManager> self(this); function<void()> deferrer = [self, aPromiseId, aInitDataType, initData, aSessionType]() { self->CreateSession(aPromiseId, aInitDataType, initData.data(), initData.size(), aSessionType); }; // If we haven't loaded, don't do this yet if (MaybeDeferTillInitialized(std::move(deferrer))) { CK_LOGD("Deferring CreateSession"); return; } CK_LOGARRAY("ClearKeySessionManager::CreateSession initdata: ", aInitData, aInitDataSize); // If 'DecryptingComplete' has been called mHost will be null so we can't // won't be able to resolve our promise if (!mHost) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::CreateSession: mHost is nullptr"); return; } // initDataType must be "cenc", "keyids", or "webm". if (aInitDataType != InitDataType::kCenc && aInitDataType != InitDataType::kKeyIds && aInitDataType != InitDataType::kWebM) { string message = "initDataType is not supported by ClearKey"; mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionNotSupportedError, 0, message.c_str(), message.size()); return; } string sessionId = mPersistence->GetNewSessionId(aSessionType); assert(mSessions.find(sessionId) == mSessions.end()); ClearKeySession* session = new ClearKeySession(sessionId, aSessionType); if (!session->Init(aInitDataType, aInitData, aInitDataSize)) { CK_LOGD("Failed to initialize session: %s", sessionId.c_str()); const static char* message = "Failed to initialize session"; mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionInvalidStateError, 0, message, strlen(message)); delete session; return; } mSessions[sessionId] = session; mLastSessionId = sessionId; const vector<KeyId>& sessionKeys = session->GetKeyIds(); vector<KeyId> neededKeys; for (auto it = sessionKeys.begin(); it != sessionKeys.end(); it++) { // Need to request this key ID from the client. We always send a key // request, whether or not another session has sent a request with the same // key ID. Otherwise a script can end up waiting for another script to // respond to the request (which may not necessarily happen). neededKeys.push_back(*it); mDecryptionManager->ExpectKeyId(*it); } if (neededKeys.empty()) { CK_LOGD("No keys needed from client."); return; } // Send a request for needed key data. string request; ClearKeyUtils::MakeKeyRequest(neededKeys, request, aSessionType); // Resolve the promise with the new session information. mHost->OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId, sessionId.c_str(), sessionId.size()); mHost->OnSessionMessage(sessionId.c_str(), sessionId.size(), MessageType::kLicenseRequest, request.c_str(), request.size()); } void ClearKeySessionManager::LoadSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const char* aSessionId, uint32_t aSessionIdLength) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::LoadSession"); // Copy the sessionId into a string so the lambda captures it properly. string sessionId(aSessionId, aSessionId + aSessionIdLength); // Hold a reference to the SessionManager so that it isn't released before // we try to use it. RefPtr<ClearKeySessionManager> self(this); function<void()> deferrer = [self, aPromiseId, sessionId]() { self->LoadSession(aPromiseId, sessionId.data(), sessionId.size()); }; if (MaybeDeferTillInitialized(std::move(deferrer))) { CK_LOGD("Deferring LoadSession"); return; } // If the SessionManager has been shutdown mHost will be null and we won't // be able to resolve the promise. if (!mHost) { return; } if (!ClearKeyUtils::IsValidSessionId(aSessionId, aSessionIdLength)) { mHost->OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId, nullptr, 0); return; } if (!mPersistence->IsPersistentSessionId(sessionId)) { mHost->OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId, nullptr, 0); return; } function<void(const uint8_t*, uint32_t)> success = [self, sessionId, aPromiseId](const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size) { self->PersistentSessionDataLoaded(aPromiseId, sessionId, data, size); }; function<void()> failure = [self, aPromiseId] { if (!self->mHost) { return; } // As per the API described in ContentDecryptionModule_8 self->mHost->OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId, nullptr, 0); }; ReadData(mHost, sessionId, std::move(success), std::move(failure)); } void ClearKeySessionManager::PersistentSessionDataLoaded( uint32_t aPromiseId, const string& aSessionId, const uint8_t* aKeyData, uint32_t aKeyDataSize) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::PersistentSessionDataLoaded"); // Check that the SessionManager has not been shut down before we try and // resolve any promises. if (!mHost) { return; } if (Contains(mSessions, aSessionId) || (aKeyDataSize % (2 * CENC_KEY_LEN)) != 0) { // As per the instructions in ContentDecryptionModule_8 mHost->OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId, nullptr, 0); return; } ClearKeySession* session = new ClearKeySession(aSessionId, SessionType::kPersistentLicense); mSessions[aSessionId] = session; mLastSessionId = aSessionId; uint32_t numKeys = aKeyDataSize / (2 * CENC_KEY_LEN); vector<KeyInformation> keyInfos; vector<KeyIdPair> keyPairs; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) { const uint8_t* base = aKeyData + 2 * CENC_KEY_LEN * i; KeyIdPair keyPair; keyPair.mKeyId = KeyId(base, base + CENC_KEY_LEN); assert(keyPair.mKeyId.size() == CENC_KEY_LEN); keyPair.mKey = Key(base + CENC_KEY_LEN, base + 2 * CENC_KEY_LEN); assert(keyPair.mKey.size() == CENC_KEY_LEN); session->AddKeyId(keyPair.mKeyId); mDecryptionManager->ExpectKeyId(keyPair.mKeyId); mDecryptionManager->InitKey(keyPair.mKeyId, keyPair.mKey); mKeyIds.insert(keyPair.mKey); keyPairs.push_back(keyPair); KeyInformation keyInfo = {}; keyInfo.key_id = &keyPairs.back().mKeyId[0]; keyInfo.key_id_size = keyPair.mKeyId.size(); keyInfo.status = KeyStatus::kUsable; keyInfos.push_back(keyInfo); } mHost->OnSessionKeysChange(&aSessionId[0], aSessionId.size(), true, keyInfos.data(), keyInfos.size()); mHost->OnResolveNewSessionPromise(aPromiseId, aSessionId.c_str(), aSessionId.size()); } void ClearKeySessionManager::UpdateSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const char* aSessionId, uint32_t aSessionIdLength, const uint8_t* aResponse, uint32_t aResponseSize) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::UpdateSession"); // Copy the method arguments so we can capture them in the lambda string sessionId(aSessionId, aSessionId + aSessionIdLength); vector<uint8_t> response(aResponse, aResponse + aResponseSize); // Hold a reference to the SessionManager so it isn't released before we // callback. RefPtr<ClearKeySessionManager> self(this); function<void()> deferrer = [self, aPromiseId, sessionId, response]() { self->UpdateSession(aPromiseId, sessionId.data(), sessionId.size(), response.data(), response.size()); }; // If we haven't fully loaded, defer calling this method if (MaybeDeferTillInitialized(std::move(deferrer))) { CK_LOGD("Deferring LoadSession"); return; } // Make sure the SessionManager has not been shutdown before we try and // resolve any promises. if (!mHost) { return; } CK_LOGD("Updating session: %s", sessionId.c_str()); auto itr = mSessions.find(sessionId); if (itr == mSessions.end() || !(itr->second)) { CK_LOGW("ClearKey CDM couldn't resolve session ID in UpdateSession."); CK_LOGD("Unable to find session: %s", sessionId.c_str()); mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionTypeError, 0, nullptr, 0); return; } ClearKeySession* session = itr->second; // Verify the size of session response. if (aResponseSize >= kMaxSessionResponseLength) { CK_LOGW("Session response size is not within a reasonable size."); CK_LOGD("Failed to parse response for session %s", sessionId.c_str()); mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionTypeError, 0, nullptr, 0); return; } // Parse the response for any (key ID, key) pairs. vector<KeyIdPair> keyPairs; if (!ClearKeyUtils::ParseJWK(aResponse, aResponseSize, keyPairs, session->Type())) { CK_LOGW("ClearKey CDM failed to parse JSON Web Key."); mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionTypeError, 0, nullptr, 0); return; } vector<KeyInformation> keyInfos; for (size_t i = 0; i < keyPairs.size(); i++) { KeyIdPair& keyPair = keyPairs[i]; mDecryptionManager->InitKey(keyPair.mKeyId, keyPair.mKey); mKeyIds.insert(keyPair.mKeyId); KeyInformation keyInfo = {}; keyInfo.key_id = &keyPair.mKeyId[0]; keyInfo.key_id_size = keyPair.mKeyId.size(); keyInfo.status = KeyStatus::kUsable; keyInfos.push_back(keyInfo); } mHost->OnSessionKeysChange(aSessionId, aSessionIdLength, true, keyInfos.data(), keyInfos.size()); if (session->Type() != SessionType::kPersistentLicense) { mHost->OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId); return; } // Store the keys on disk. We store a record whose name is the sessionId, // and simply append each keyId followed by its key. vector<uint8_t> keydata; Serialize(session, keydata); function<void()> resolve = [self, aPromiseId]() { if (!self->mHost) { return; } self->mHost->OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId); }; function<void()> reject = [self, aPromiseId]() { if (!self->mHost) { return; } static const char* message = "Couldn't store cenc key init data"; self->mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionInvalidStateError, 0, message, strlen(message)); }; WriteData(mHost, sessionId, keydata, std::move(resolve), std::move(reject)); } void ClearKeySessionManager::Serialize(const ClearKeySession* aSession, std::vector<uint8_t>& aOutKeyData) { const std::vector<KeyId>& keyIds = aSession->GetKeyIds(); for (size_t i = 0; i < keyIds.size(); i++) { const KeyId& keyId = keyIds[i]; if (!mDecryptionManager->HasKeyForKeyId(keyId)) { continue; } assert(keyId.size() == CENC_KEY_LEN); aOutKeyData.insert(aOutKeyData.end(), keyId.begin(), keyId.end()); const Key& key = mDecryptionManager->GetDecryptionKey(keyId); assert(key.size() == CENC_KEY_LEN); aOutKeyData.insert(aOutKeyData.end(), key.begin(), key.end()); } } void ClearKeySessionManager::CloseSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const char* aSessionId, uint32_t aSessionIdLength) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::CloseSession"); // Copy the sessionId into a string so we capture it properly. string sessionId(aSessionId, aSessionId + aSessionIdLength); // Hold a reference to the session manager, so it doesn't get deleted // before we need to use it. RefPtr<ClearKeySessionManager> self(this); function<void()> deferrer = [self, aPromiseId, sessionId]() { self->CloseSession(aPromiseId, sessionId.data(), sessionId.size()); }; // If we haven't loaded, call this method later. if (MaybeDeferTillInitialized(std::move(deferrer))) { CK_LOGD("Deferring CloseSession"); return; } // If DecryptingComplete has been called mHost will be null and we won't // be able to resolve our promise. if (!mHost) { return; } auto itr = mSessions.find(sessionId); if (itr == mSessions.end()) { CK_LOGW("ClearKey CDM couldn't close non-existent session."); mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionTypeError, 0, nullptr, 0); return; } ClearKeySession* session = itr->second; assert(session); ClearInMemorySessionData(session); mHost->OnSessionClosed(aSessionId, aSessionIdLength); mHost->OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId); } void ClearKeySessionManager::ClearInMemorySessionData( ClearKeySession* aSession) { mSessions.erase(aSession->Id()); delete aSession; } void ClearKeySessionManager::RemoveSession(uint32_t aPromiseId, const char* aSessionId, uint32_t aSessionIdLength) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::RemoveSession"); // Copy the sessionId into a string so it can be captured for the lambda. string sessionId(aSessionId, aSessionId + aSessionIdLength); // Hold a reference to the SessionManager, so it isn't released before we // try and use it. RefPtr<ClearKeySessionManager> self(this); function<void()> deferrer = [self, aPromiseId, sessionId]() { self->RemoveSession(aPromiseId, sessionId.data(), sessionId.size()); }; // If we haven't fully loaded, defer calling this method. if (MaybeDeferTillInitialized(std::move(deferrer))) { CK_LOGD("Deferring RemoveSession"); return; } // Check that the SessionManager has not been shutdown before we try and // resolve any promises. if (!mHost) { return; } auto itr = mSessions.find(sessionId); if (itr == mSessions.end()) { CK_LOGW("ClearKey CDM couldn't remove non-existent session."); mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionTypeError, 0, nullptr, 0); return; } ClearKeySession* session = itr->second; assert(session); string sid = session->Id(); bool isPersistent = session->Type() == SessionType::kPersistentLicense; ClearInMemorySessionData(session); if (!isPersistent) { mHost->OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId); return; } mPersistence->PersistentSessionRemoved(sid); vector<uint8_t> emptyKeydata; function<void()> resolve = [self, aPromiseId]() { if (!self->mHost) { return; } self->mHost->OnResolvePromise(aPromiseId); }; function<void()> reject = [self, aPromiseId]() { if (!self->mHost) { return; } static const char* message = "Could not remove session"; self->mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionTypeError, 0, message, strlen(message)); }; WriteData(mHost, sessionId, emptyKeydata, std::move(resolve), std::move(reject)); } void ClearKeySessionManager::SetServerCertificate(uint32_t aPromiseId, const uint8_t* aServerCert, uint32_t aServerCertSize) { // ClearKey CDM doesn't support this method by spec. CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::SetServerCertificate"); mHost->OnRejectPromise(aPromiseId, Exception::kExceptionNotSupportedError, 0, nullptr /* message */, 0 /* messageLen */); } Status ClearKeySessionManager::Decrypt(const InputBuffer_2& aBuffer, DecryptedBlock* aDecryptedBlock) { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::Decrypt"); CK_LOGARRAY("Key: ", aBuffer.key_id, aBuffer.key_id_size); Buffer* buffer = mHost->Allocate(aBuffer.data_size); assert(buffer != nullptr); assert(buffer->Data() != nullptr); assert(buffer->Capacity() >= aBuffer.data_size); memcpy(buffer->Data(), aBuffer.data, aBuffer.data_size); Status status = Status::kSuccess; // According to the comment `If |iv_size| = 0, the data is unencrypted.` // Use iv_size to determine if the sample is encrypted. if (aBuffer.iv_size != 0) { status = mDecryptionManager->Decrypt(buffer->Data(), buffer->Size(), CryptoMetaData(&aBuffer)); } aDecryptedBlock->SetDecryptedBuffer(buffer); aDecryptedBlock->SetTimestamp(aBuffer.timestamp); return status; } void ClearKeySessionManager::DecryptingComplete() { CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::DecryptingComplete %p", this); for (auto it = mSessions.begin(); it != mSessions.end(); it++) { delete it->second; } mSessions.clear(); mLastSessionId = std::nullopt; mDecryptionManager = nullptr; mHost = nullptr; Release(); } bool ClearKeySessionManager::MaybeDeferTillInitialized( function<void()>&& aMaybeDefer) { if (mPersistence->IsLoaded()) { return false; } mDeferredInitialize.emplace(std::move(aMaybeDefer)); return true; } void ClearKeySessionManager::OnQueryOutputProtectionStatus( QueryResult aResult, uint32_t aLinkMask, uint32_t aOutputProtectionMask) { MOZ_ASSERT(mHasOutstandingOutputProtectionQuery, "Should only be called if a query is outstanding"); CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::OnQueryOutputProtectionStatus"); mHasOutstandingOutputProtectionQuery = false; if (aResult == QueryResult::kQueryFailed) { // Indicate the query failed. This can happen if we're in shutdown. NotifyOutputProtectionStatus(KeyStatus::kInternalError); return; } if (aLinkMask & OutputLinkTypes::kLinkTypeNetwork) { NotifyOutputProtectionStatus(KeyStatus::kOutputRestricted); return; } NotifyOutputProtectionStatus(KeyStatus::kUsable); } void ClearKeySessionManager::QueryOutputProtectionStatusIfNeeded() { MOZ_ASSERT( mHost, "Should not query protection status if we're shutdown (mHost == null)!"); CK_LOGD( "ClearKeySessionManager::UpdateOutputProtectionStatusAndQueryIfNeeded"); if (mLastOutputProtectionQueryTime.IsNull()) { // We haven't perfomed a check yet, get a query going. MOZ_ASSERT( !mHasOutstandingOutputProtectionQuery, "Shouldn't have an outstanding query if we haven't recorded a time"); QueryOutputProtectionStatusFromHost(); return; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mLastOutputProtectionQueryTime.IsNull(), "Should have already handled the case where we don't yet have a " "previous check time"); const mozilla::TimeStamp now = mozilla::TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); const mozilla::TimeDuration timeSinceQuery = now - mLastOutputProtectionQueryTime; // The time between output protection checks to the host. I.e. if this amount // of time has passed since the last check with the host, another should be // performed (provided the first check has been handled). static const mozilla::TimeDuration kOutputProtectionQueryInterval = mozilla::TimeDuration::FromSeconds(0.2); // The number of kOutputProtectionQueryInterval intervals we can miss before // we decide a check has failed. I.e. if this value is 2, if we have not // received a reply to a check after kOutputProtectionQueryInterval * 2 // time, we consider the check failed. constexpr uint32_t kMissedIntervalsBeforeFailure = 2; // The length of time after which we will restrict output until we get a // query response. static const mozilla::TimeDuration kTimeToWaitBeforeFailure = kOutputProtectionQueryInterval * kMissedIntervalsBeforeFailure; if ((timeSinceQuery > kOutputProtectionQueryInterval) && !mHasOutstandingOutputProtectionQuery) { // We don't have an outstanding query and enough time has passed we should // query again. QueryOutputProtectionStatusFromHost(); return; } if ((timeSinceQuery > kTimeToWaitBeforeFailure) && mHasOutstandingOutputProtectionQuery) { // A reponse was not received fast enough, notify. NotifyOutputProtectionStatus(KeyStatus::kInternalError); } } void ClearKeySessionManager::QueryOutputProtectionStatusFromHost() { MOZ_ASSERT( mHost, "Should not query protection status if we're shutdown (mHost == null)!"); CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::QueryOutputProtectionStatusFromHost"); if (mHost) { mLastOutputProtectionQueryTime = mozilla::TimeStamp::NowLoRes(); mHost->QueryOutputProtectionStatus(); mHasOutstandingOutputProtectionQuery = true; } } void ClearKeySessionManager::NotifyOutputProtectionStatus(KeyStatus aStatus) { MOZ_ASSERT(aStatus == KeyStatus::kUsable || aStatus == KeyStatus::kOutputRestricted || aStatus == KeyStatus::kInternalError, "aStatus should have an expected value"); CK_LOGD("ClearKeySessionManager::NotifyOutputProtectionStatus"); if (!mLastSessionId.has_value()) { // If we don't have a session id, either because we're too early, or are // shutting down, don't notify. return; } string& lastSessionId = mLastSessionId.value(); // Use 'output-protection' as the key ID. This helps tests disambiguate key // status updates related to this. const uint8_t kKeyId[] = {'o', 'u', 't', 'p', 'u', 't', '-', 'p', 'r', 'o', 't', 'e', 'c', 't', 'i', 'o', 'n'}; KeyInformation keyInfo = {}; keyInfo.key_id = kKeyId; keyInfo.key_id_size = std::size(kKeyId); keyInfo.status = aStatus; vector<KeyInformation> keyInfos; keyInfos.push_back(keyInfo); // At time of writing, Gecko's higher level handling doesn't use this arg. // However, we set it to false to mimic Chromium's similar case. Since // Clearkey is used to test the Chromium CDM path, it doesn't hurt to try // and mimic their behaviour. bool hasAdditionalUseableKey = false; mHost->OnSessionKeysChange(lastSessionId.c_str(), lastSessionId.size(), hasAdditionalUseableKey, keyInfos.data(), keyInfos.size()); }