# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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# Profiling categories
# ====================
# This file defines all profiling categories with their sub-categories. It is
# parsed by generate_profiling_categories.py at build time to create
# ProfilingCategoryList.h and profiling_categories.rs files.
# Profiling sub-categories are applied to each sampled stack to describe the
# type of workload that the CPU is busy with. Only one sub-category can be
# assigned so be mindful that these are non-overlapping. The active category is
# set by pushing a label to the profiling stack, or by the unwinder in cases
# such as JITs. A profile sample in arbitrary C++/Rust will typically be
# categorized based on the top of the label stack.
# Each category consists of a name and a set of attributes that are described below:
# name [required]
# ====
# Name of the profiling category. This will be used in the C++ enum fields (not
# by Rust).
# label [required]
# =====
# Label of the profiling category. This a more human readable string for the
# category. Label will be displayed in the Firefox Profiler front-end. But also
# this will be used as a Rust enum field (with non-alphanumeric characters
# removed) because it's more idiomatic for Rust enums than name fields (which
# are snake cased fields with all caps, which is not idiomatic to rust enum
# field).
# color [required]
# =====
# Color that this category will show up as in the Firefox Profiler front-end.
# The list of available color names for categories is:
# - transparent
# - blue
# - green
# - grey
# - lightblue
# - magenta
# - orange
# - purple
# - yellow
# subcategories [required]
# =============
# A list of sub-categories that belong to this category.
# There must be at least one sub-category for each category and there must be at
# least one category with the same name as the category to indicate the default
# sub-category. Each sub-category must have name and label attributes.
# name attribute should either be the same as the category (for default
# sub-category) or should start with parent category name + underscore
# (e.g. JS_Parsing).
# label attribute has the same purpose as parent category label attribute.
# For example:
# - name: JS
#   subcategories:
#     - name: JS
#       label: Other
#     - name: JS_Parsing
#       label: Parsing
# Note that the first sub-category has the same name with the category. This is
# the default sub-category. Also note the other sub-categories starting with the
# category name + underscore.

- name: IDLE
  label: Idle
  color: transparent
    - name: IDLE
      label: Other

- name: OTHER
  label: Other
  color: grey
    - name: OTHER
      label: Other
    - name: OTHER_PreferenceRead
      label: Preference Read
    - name: OTHER_Profiling
      label: Profiling

- name: TEST
  label: Test
  color: darkgray
    - name: TEST
      label: Test

- name: LAYOUT
  label: Layout
  color: purple
    - name: LAYOUT
      label: Other
    - name: LAYOUT_FrameConstruction
      label: Frame construction
    - name: LAYOUT_Reflow
      label: Reflow
    - name: LAYOUT_CSSParsing
      label: CSS parsing
    - name: LAYOUT_SelectorQuery
      label: Selector query
    - name: LAYOUT_StyleComputation
      label: Style computation
    - name: LAYOUT_Destroy
      label: Layout cleanup

- name: JS
  label: JavaScript
  color: yellow
    - name: JS
      label: Other
    - name: JS_Parsing
      label: Parsing
    - name: JS_BaselineCompilation
      label: JIT Compile (baseline)
    - name: JS_IonCompilation
      label: JIT Compile (ion)
    - name: JS_Interpreter
      label: Interpreter
    - name: JS_BaselineInterpret
      label: JIT (baseline-interpreter)
    - name: JS_Baseline
      label: JIT (baseline)
    - name: JS_IonMonkey
      label: JIT (ion)
    - name: JS_Builtin
      label: Builtin API
    - name: JS_Wasm
      label: Wasm

- name: GCCC
  label: GC / CC
  color: orange
    - name: GCCC
      label: Other
    - name: GCCC_MinorGC
      label: Minor GC
    - name: GCCC_MajorGC
      label: Major GC (Other)
    - name: GCCC_MajorGC_Mark
      label: Major GC (Mark)
    - name: GCCC_MajorGC_Sweep
      label: Major GC (Sweep)
    - name: GCCC_MajorGC_Compact
      label: Major GC (Compact)
    - name: GCCC_UnmarkGray
      label: Unmark Gray
    - name: GCCC_Barrier
      label: Barrier
    - name: GCCC_FreeSnowWhite
      label: CC (Free Snow White)
    - name: GCCC_BuildGraph
      label: CC (Build Graph)
    - name: GCCC_ScanRoots
      label: CC (Scan Roots)
    - name: GCCC_CollectWhite
      label: CC (Collect White)
    - name: GCCC_Finalize
      label: CC (Finalize)

- name: NETWORK
  label: Network
  color: lightblue
    - name: NETWORK
      label: Other

- name: GRAPHICS
  label: Graphics
  color: green
    - name: GRAPHICS
      label: Other
    - name: GRAPHICS_DisplayListBuilding
      label: DisplayList building
    - name: GRAPHICS_DisplayListMerging
      label: DisplayList merging
    - name: GRAPHICS_LayerBuilding
      label: Layer building
    - name: GRAPHICS_TileAllocation
      label: Tile allocation
    - name: GRAPHICS_WRDisplayList
      label: WebRender display list
    - name: GRAPHICS_Rasterization
      label: Rasterization
    - name: GRAPHICS_FlushingAsyncPaints
      label: Flushing async paints
    - name: GRAPHICS_ImageDecoding
      label: Image decoding

- name: DOM
  label: DOM
  color: blue
    - name: DOM
      label: Other

  label: Android
  color: yellow
    - name: JAVA_ANDROID
      label: Other

  label: AndroidX
  color: orange
    - name: JAVA_ANDROIDX
      label: Other

  label: Java
  color: blue
    - name: JAVA_LANGUAGE
      label: Other

  label: Mozilla
  color: green
    - name: JAVA_MOZILLA
      label: Other

  label: Kotlin
  color: purple
    - name: JAVA_KOTLIN
      label: Other

  label: Blocked
  color: lightblue
    - name: JAVA_BLOCKED
      label: Other

- name: IPC
  label: IPC
  color: lightgreen
    - name: IPC
      label: Other

- name: MEDIA
  label: Media
  color: orange
    - name: MEDIA
      label: Other
    - name: MEDIA_CUBEB
      label: Cubeb
    - name: MEDIA_PLAYBACK
      label: Playback
    - name: MEDIA_RT
      label: Real-time rendering

# We don't name this category ACCESSIBILITY
# because it's already defined as a macro.
- name: A11Y
  label: Accessibility
  color: brown
    - name: A11Y
      label: Other

- name: PROFILER
  label: Profiler
  color: lightred
    - name: PROFILER
      label: Other

- name: TIMER
  label: Timer
  color: grey
    - name: TIMER
      label: Other

  label: Remote-Protocol
  color: grey
      label: Other