/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include #include #include "Zip.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" Logging Logging::Singleton; /** * test.zip is a basic test zip file with a central directory. It contains * four entries, in the following order: * "foo", "bar", "baz", "qux". * The entries are going to be read out of order. */ extern const unsigned char TEST_ZIP[]; extern const unsigned int TEST_ZIP_SIZE; const char* test_entries[] = {"baz", "foo", "bar", "qux"}; /** * no_central_dir.zip is a hand crafted test zip with no central directory * entries. The Zip reader is expected to be able to traverse these entries * if requested in order, without reading a central directory * - First entry is a file "a", STOREd. * - Second entry is a file "b", STOREd, using a data descriptor. CRC is * unknown, but compressed and uncompressed sizes are known in the local * file header. * - Third entry is a file "c", DEFLATEd, using a data descriptor. CRC, * compressed and uncompressed sizes are known in the local file header. * This is the kind of entry that can be found in a zip that went through * zipalign if it had a data descriptor originally. * - Fourth entry is a file "d", STOREd. */ extern const unsigned char NO_CENTRAL_DIR_ZIP[]; extern const unsigned int NO_CENTRAL_DIR_ZIP_SIZE; const char* no_central_dir_entries[] = {"a", "b", "c", "d"}; TEST(Zip, TestZip) { Zip::Stream s; RefPtr z = Zip::Create((void*)TEST_ZIP, TEST_ZIP_SIZE); for (auto& entry : test_entries) { ASSERT_TRUE(z->GetStream(entry, &s)) << "Could not get entry \"" << entry << "\""; } } TEST(Zip, NoCentralDir) { Zip::Stream s; RefPtr z = Zip::Create((void*)NO_CENTRAL_DIR_ZIP, NO_CENTRAL_DIR_ZIP_SIZE); for (auto& entry : no_central_dir_entries) { ASSERT_TRUE(z->GetStream(entry, &s)) << "Could not get entry \"" << entry << "\""; } }