/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_net_ProtocolHandlerInfo_h #define mozilla_net_ProtocolHandlerInfo_h #include "mozilla/Variant.h" #include "nsProxyRelease.h" #include "nsIProtocolHandler.h" namespace mozilla { namespace xpcom { struct StaticProtocolHandler; } namespace net { struct RuntimeProtocolHandler { nsMainThreadPtrHandle mHandler; uint32_t mProtocolFlags; int32_t mDefaultPort; }; // Information about a specific protocol handler. class ProtocolHandlerInfo { public: explicit ProtocolHandlerInfo(const xpcom::StaticProtocolHandler& aStatic) : mInner(AsVariant(&aStatic)) {} explicit ProtocolHandlerInfo(RuntimeProtocolHandler aDynamic) : mInner(AsVariant(std::move(aDynamic))) {} // Returns the statically known protocol-specific flags. // See `nsIProtocolHandler` for valid values. uint32_t StaticProtocolFlags() const; // The port that this protocol normally uses. // If a port does not make sense for the protocol (e.g., "about:") then -1 // will be returned. int32_t DefaultPort() const; // If true, `DynamicProtocolFlags()` may return a different value than // `StaticProtocolFlags()` for flags in `DYNAMIC_URI_FLAGS`, due to a // `nsIProtocolHandlerWithDynamicFlags` implementation. bool HasDynamicFlags() const; // Like `StaticProtocolFlags()` but also checks // `nsIProtocolHandlerWithDynamicFlags` for uri-specific flags. // // NOTE: Only safe to call from the main thread. nsresult DynamicProtocolFlags(nsIURI* aURI, uint32_t* aFlags) const MOZ_REQUIRES(sMainThreadCapability); // Get the main-thread-only nsIProtocolHandler instance. already_AddRefed Handler() const MOZ_REQUIRES(sMainThreadCapability); private: Variant mInner; }; } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_net_ProtocolHandlerInfo_h