header = """/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* The MozURL type is implemented in Rust code, and uses extern "C" FFI calls to * operate on the internal data structure. This file contains C declarations of * these files. * WARNING: DO NOT CALL ANY OF THESE FUNCTIONS. USE |MozURL| INSTEAD! */ """ autogen_warning = """/* DO NOT MODIFY THIS MANUALLY! This file was generated using cbindgen. */ namespace mozilla { namespace net { class MozURL; } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla extern "C" { // FFI-compatible string slice struct used internally by MozURL. // Coerces to nsDependentCSubstring. struct MozURLSpecSlice { char* mData; uint32_t mLen; operator nsDependentCSubstring() { return nsDependentCSubstring(mData, mLen); } }; nsresult mozurl_new(mozilla::net::MozURL** aResult, const nsACString* aSpec, /* optional */ const mozilla::net::MozURL* aBase); void mozurl_clone(const mozilla::net::MozURL* aThis, mozilla::net::MozURL** aResult); nsresult mozurl_common_base(const mozilla::net::MozURL* aUrl1, const mozilla::net::MozURL* aUrl2, mozilla::net::MozURL** aResult); } """ include_guard = "mozilla_net_MozURL_ffi_h" include_version = true braces = "SameLine" line_length = 100 tab_width = 2 language = "C++" namespaces = [] includes = ["nsError.h", "nsString.h"] [export] exclude = ["Gecko_StrictFileOriginPolicy", "MozURL", "SpecSlice", "mozurl_new", "mozurl_clone", "mozurl_common_base"] item_types = ["globals", "enums", "structs", "unions", "typedefs", "opaque", "functions", "constants"] [export.rename] "SpecSlice" = "MozURLSpecSlice" "MozURL" = "mozilla::net::MozURL"