/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"

 * Main cookie object interface.

namespace mozilla::net {
class Cookie;

[ref] native const_Cookie(const mozilla::net::Cookie);

typedef long nsCookieStatus;
typedef long nsCookiePolicy;

[builtinclass, scriptable, uuid(adf0db5e-211e-45a3-be14-4486ac430a58)]
interface nsICookie : nsISupports {
    const uint32_t SAMESITE_NONE   = 0;
    const uint32_t SAMESITE_LAX    = 1;
    const uint32_t SAMESITE_STRICT = 2;

     * the name of the cookie
    readonly attribute ACString name;

     * the cookie value
    readonly attribute AUTF8String value;

     * true if the cookie is a domain cookie, false otherwise
    readonly attribute boolean isDomain;

     * the host (possibly fully qualified) of the cookie
    readonly attribute AUTF8String host;

     * the host (possibly fully qualified) of the cookie,
     * without a leading dot to represent if it is a
     * domain cookie.
    readonly attribute AUTF8String rawHost;

     * the path pertaining to the cookie
    readonly attribute AUTF8String path;

     * true if the cookie was transmitted over ssl, false otherwise
    readonly attribute boolean isSecure;

     * @DEPRECATED use nsICookie.expiry and nsICookie.isSession instead.
     * expiration time in seconds since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 UTC.
     * expires = 0 represents a session cookie.
     * expires = 1 represents an expiration time earlier than Jan 1, 1970.
    readonly attribute uint64_t expires;

     * the actual expiry time of the cookie, in seconds
     * since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 UTC.
     * this is distinct from nsICookie::expires, which
     * has different and obsolete semantics.
    readonly attribute int64_t expiry;

     * The origin attributes for this cookie
    readonly attribute jsval originAttributes;

    [noscript, notxpcom, nostdcall, binaryname(AsCookie)]
    const_Cookie AsCookie();

     * true if the cookie is a session cookie.
     * note that expiry time will also be honored
     * for session cookies (see below); thus, whichever is
     * the more restrictive of the two will take effect.
    readonly attribute boolean isSession;

     * true if the cookie is an http only cookie
    readonly attribute boolean isHttpOnly;

     * the creation time of the cookie, in microseconds
     * since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 UTC.
    readonly attribute int64_t creationTime;

     * the last time the cookie was accessed (i.e. created,
     * modified, or read by the server), in microseconds
     * since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 UTC.
     * note that this time may be approximate.
    readonly attribute int64_t lastAccessed;

     * the SameSite attribute; this controls the cookie behavior for cross-site
     * requests as per
     * https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies-07
     * This should be one of:
     * - SAMESITE_NONE - the SameSite attribute is not present
     * - SAMESITE_LAX - the SameSite attribute is present, but not strict
     * - SAMESITE_STRICT - the SameSite attribute is present and strict
    readonly attribute int32_t sameSite;

     * The list of possible schemes of cookies. It's a bitmap because a cookie
     * can be set on HTTP and HTTPS. At the moment, we treat it as the same
     * cookie.
    cenum schemeType : 8 {
      SCHEME_UNSET = 0x00,
      SCHEME_HTTP = 0x01,
      SCHEME_HTTPS = 0x02,
      SCHEME_FILE = 0x04,

     * Bitmap of schemes.
    readonly attribute nsICookie_schemeType schemeMap;