/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "MainThreadUtils.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "nsIDNService.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsUnicodeProperties.h" #include "harfbuzz/hb.h" #include "punycode.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Casting.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_network.h" #include "mozilla/TextUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Utf8.h" #include "mozilla/intl/FormatBuffer.h" #include "mozilla/intl/UnicodeProperties.h" #include "mozilla/intl/UnicodeScriptCodes.h" #include "ICUUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::intl; using namespace mozilla::unicode; using namespace mozilla::net; using mozilla::Preferences; // Currently we use the non-transitional processing option -- see // http://unicode.org/reports/tr46/ // To switch to transitional processing, change the value of this flag // and kTransitionalProcessing in netwerk/test/unit/test_idna2008.js to true // (revert bug 1218179). const intl::IDNA::ProcessingType kIDNA2008_DefaultProcessingType = intl::IDNA::ProcessingType::NonTransitional; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // According to RFC 1034 - 3.1. Name space specifications and terminology // the maximum label size would be 63. However, this is enforced at the DNS // level and none of the other browsers seem to not enforce the VerifyDnsLength // check in https://unicode.org/reports/tr46/#ToASCII // Instead, we choose a rather arbitrary but larger size. static const uint32_t kMaxULabelSize = 256; // RFC 3490 - 5. ACE prefix static const char kACEPrefix[] = "xn--"; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define NS_NET_PREF_EXTRAALLOWED "network.IDN.extra_allowed_chars" #define NS_NET_PREF_EXTRABLOCKED "network.IDN.extra_blocked_chars" #define NS_NET_PREF_IDNRESTRICTION "network.IDN.restriction_profile" static inline bool isOnlySafeChars(const nsString& in, const nsTArray& aBlocklist) { if (aBlocklist.IsEmpty()) { return true; } const char16_t* cur = in.BeginReading(); const char16_t* end = in.EndReading(); for (; cur < end; ++cur) { if (CharInBlocklist(*cur, aBlocklist)) { return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsIDNService //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Implementation file */ NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsIDNService, nsIIDNService) static const char* gCallbackPrefs[] = { NS_NET_PREF_EXTRAALLOWED, NS_NET_PREF_EXTRABLOCKED, NS_NET_PREF_IDNRESTRICTION, nullptr, }; nsresult nsIDNService::Init() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // Take a strong reference for our listener with the preferences service, // which we will release on shutdown. // It's OK if we remove the observer a bit early, as it just means we won't // respond to `network.IDN.extra_{allowed,blocked}_chars` and // `network.IDN.restriction_profile` pref changes during shutdown. Preferences::RegisterPrefixCallbacks(PrefChanged, gCallbackPrefs, this); RunOnShutdown( [self = RefPtr{this}]() mutable { Preferences::UnregisterPrefixCallbacks(PrefChanged, gCallbackPrefs, self.get()); self = nullptr; }, ShutdownPhase::XPCOMWillShutdown); prefsChanged(nullptr); return NS_OK; } void nsIDNService::prefsChanged(const char* pref) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); AutoWriteLock lock(mLock); if (!pref || nsLiteralCString(NS_NET_PREF_EXTRAALLOWED).Equals(pref) || nsLiteralCString(NS_NET_PREF_EXTRABLOCKED).Equals(pref)) { InitializeBlocklist(mIDNBlocklist); } if (!pref || nsLiteralCString(NS_NET_PREF_IDNRESTRICTION).Equals(pref)) { nsAutoCString profile; if (NS_FAILED( Preferences::GetCString(NS_NET_PREF_IDNRESTRICTION, profile))) { profile.Truncate(); } if (profile.EqualsLiteral("moderate")) { mRestrictionProfile = eModeratelyRestrictiveProfile; } else if (profile.EqualsLiteral("high")) { mRestrictionProfile = eHighlyRestrictiveProfile; } else { mRestrictionProfile = eASCIIOnlyProfile; } } } nsIDNService::nsIDNService() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); auto createResult = mozilla::intl::IDNA::TryCreate(kIDNA2008_DefaultProcessingType); MOZ_ASSERT(createResult.isOk()); mIDNA = createResult.unwrap(); } nsIDNService::~nsIDNService() = default; nsresult nsIDNService::IDNA2008ToUnicode(const nsACString& input, nsAString& output) { NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 inputStr(input); Span inputSpan{inputStr}; intl::nsTStringToBufferAdapter buffer(output); auto result = mIDNA->LabelToUnicode(inputSpan, buffer); nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (result.isErr()) { rv = ICUUtils::ICUErrorToNsResult(result.unwrapErr()); if (rv == NS_ERROR_FAILURE) { rv = NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); intl::IDNA::Info info = result.unwrap(); if (info.HasErrors()) { rv = NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } return rv; } nsresult nsIDNService::IDNA2008StringPrep(const nsAString& input, nsAString& output, stringPrepFlag flag) { Span inputSpan{input}; intl::nsTStringToBufferAdapter buffer(output); auto result = mIDNA->LabelToUnicode(inputSpan, buffer); nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (result.isErr()) { rv = ICUUtils::ICUErrorToNsResult(result.unwrapErr()); if (rv == NS_ERROR_FAILURE) { rv = NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); intl::IDNA::Info info = result.unwrap(); // Output the result of nameToUnicode even if there were errors. // But in the case of invalid punycode, the uidna_labelToUnicode result // appears to get an appended U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER, which will // confuse our subsequent processing, so we drop that. // (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1399540#c9) if ((info.HasInvalidPunycode() || info.HasInvalidAceLabel()) && !output.IsEmpty() && output.Last() == 0xfffd) { output.Truncate(output.Length() - 1); } if (flag == eStringPrepIgnoreErrors) { return NS_OK; } bool hasError = flag == eStringPrepForDNS ? info.HasErrors() && !info.HasInvalidHyphen() : info.HasErrors(); if (hasError) { if (flag == eStringPrepForDNS) { output.Truncate(); } rv = NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsIDNService::ConvertUTF8toACE(const nsACString& input, nsACString& ace) { return UTF8toACE(input, ace, eStringPrepForDNS); } nsresult nsIDNService::UTF8toACE(const nsACString& input, nsACString& ace, stringPrepFlag flag) { nsresult rv; NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 ustr(input); // map ideographic period to ASCII period etc. normalizeFullStops(ustr); uint32_t len, offset; len = 0; offset = 0; nsAutoCString encodedBuf; nsAString::const_iterator start, end; ustr.BeginReading(start); ustr.EndReading(end); ace.Truncate(); // encode nodes if non ASCII while (start != end) { len++; if (*start++ == (char16_t)'.') { rv = stringPrepAndACE(Substring(ustr, offset, len - 1), encodedBuf, flag); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); ace.Append(encodedBuf); ace.Append('.'); offset += len; len = 0; } } // encode the last node if non ASCII if (len) { rv = stringPrepAndACE(Substring(ustr, offset, len), encodedBuf, flag); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); ace.Append(encodedBuf); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsIDNService::ConvertACEtoUTF8(const nsACString& input, nsACString& _retval) { return ACEtoUTF8(input, _retval, eStringPrepForDNS); } nsresult nsIDNService::ACEtoUTF8(const nsACString& input, nsACString& _retval, stringPrepFlag flag) { // RFC 3490 - 4.2 ToUnicode // ToUnicode never fails. If any step fails, then the original input // sequence is returned immediately in that step. // // Note that this refers to the decoding of a single label. // ACEtoUTF8 may be called with a sequence of labels separated by dots; // this test applies individually to each label. uint32_t len = 0, offset = 0; nsAutoCString decodedBuf; nsACString::const_iterator start, end; input.BeginReading(start); input.EndReading(end); _retval.Truncate(); // loop and decode nodes while (start != end) { len++; if (*start++ == '.') { nsDependentCSubstring origLabel(input, offset, len - 1); if (NS_FAILED(decodeACE(origLabel, decodedBuf, flag))) { // If decoding failed, use the original input sequence // for this label. _retval.Append(origLabel); } else { _retval.Append(decodedBuf); } _retval.Append('.'); offset += len; len = 0; } } // decode the last node if (len) { nsDependentCSubstring origLabel(input, offset, len); if (NS_FAILED(decodeACE(origLabel, decodedBuf, flag))) { _retval.Append(origLabel); } else { _retval.Append(decodedBuf); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsIDNService::IsACE(const nsACString& input, bool* _retval) { // look for the ACE prefix in the input string. it may occur // at the beginning of any segment in the domain name. for // example: "www.xn--ENCODED.com" if (!IsAscii(input)) { *_retval = false; return NS_OK; } auto stringContains = [](const nsACString& haystack, const nsACString& needle) { return std::search(haystack.BeginReading(), haystack.EndReading(), needle.BeginReading(), needle.EndReading(), [](unsigned char ch1, unsigned char ch2) { return tolower(ch1) == tolower(ch2); }) != haystack.EndReading(); }; *_retval = StringBeginsWith(input, "xn--"_ns, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator) || (!input.IsEmpty() && input[0] != '.' && stringContains(input, ".xn--"_ns)); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsIDNService::Normalize(const nsACString& input, nsACString& output) { // protect against bogus input NS_ENSURE_TRUE(IsUtf8(input), NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 inUTF16(input); normalizeFullStops(inUTF16); // pass the domain name to stringprep label by label nsAutoString outUTF16, outLabel; uint32_t len = 0, offset = 0; nsresult rv; nsAString::const_iterator start, end; inUTF16.BeginReading(start); inUTF16.EndReading(end); while (start != end) { len++; if (*start++ == char16_t('.')) { rv = stringPrep(Substring(inUTF16, offset, len - 1), outLabel, eStringPrepIgnoreErrors); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); outUTF16.Append(outLabel); outUTF16.Append(char16_t('.')); offset += len; len = 0; } } if (len) { rv = stringPrep(Substring(inUTF16, offset, len), outLabel, eStringPrepIgnoreErrors); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); outUTF16.Append(outLabel); } CopyUTF16toUTF8(outUTF16, output); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsIDNService::ConvertToDisplayIDN(const nsACString& input, bool* _isASCII, nsACString& _retval) { // If host is ACE, then convert to UTF-8 if the host is in the IDN whitelist. // Else, if host is already UTF-8, then make sure it is normalized per IDN. nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Even if the hostname is not ASCII, individual labels may still be ACE, so // test IsACE before testing IsASCII bool isACE; IsACE(input, &isACE); if (IsAscii(input)) { // first, canonicalize the host to lowercase, for whitelist lookup _retval = input; ToLowerCase(_retval); if (isACE && !StaticPrefs::network_IDN_show_punycode()) { // ACEtoUTF8() can't fail, but might return the original ACE string nsAutoCString temp(_retval); // Convert from ACE to UTF8 only those labels which are considered safe // for display ACEtoUTF8(temp, _retval, eStringPrepForUI); *_isASCII = IsAscii(_retval); } else { *_isASCII = true; } } else { // We have to normalize the hostname before testing against the domain // whitelist (see bug 315411), and to ensure the entire string gets // normalized. // // Normalization and the tests for safe display below, assume that the // input is Unicode, so first convert any ACE labels to UTF8 if (isACE) { nsAutoCString temp; ACEtoUTF8(input, temp, eStringPrepIgnoreErrors); rv = Normalize(temp, _retval); } else { rv = Normalize(input, _retval); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (StaticPrefs::network_IDN_show_punycode() && NS_SUCCEEDED(UTF8toACE(_retval, _retval, eStringPrepIgnoreErrors))) { *_isASCII = true; return NS_OK; } // normalization could result in an ASCII-only hostname. alternatively, if // the host is converted to ACE by the normalizer, then the host may contain // unsafe characters, so leave it ACE encoded. see bug 283016, bug 301694, // and bug 309311. *_isASCII = IsAscii(_retval); if (!*_isASCII) { // UTF8toACE with eStringPrepForUI may return a domain name where // some labels are in UTF-8 and some are in ACE, depending on // whether they are considered safe for display rv = UTF8toACE(_retval, _retval, eStringPrepForUI); *_isASCII = IsAscii(_retval); return rv; } } return NS_OK; } // Will generate a mutex still-held warning //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static nsresult utf16ToUcs4(const nsAString& in, uint32_t* out, uint32_t outBufLen, uint32_t* outLen) { uint32_t i = 0; nsAString::const_iterator start, end; in.BeginReading(start); in.EndReading(end); while (start != end) { char16_t curChar; curChar = *start++; if (start != end && NS_IS_SURROGATE_PAIR(curChar, *start)) { out[i] = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(curChar, *start); ++start; } else { out[i] = curChar; } i++; if (i >= outBufLen) { return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } } out[i] = (uint32_t)'\0'; *outLen = i; return NS_OK; } static nsresult punycode(const nsAString& in, nsACString& out) { uint32_t ucs4Buf[kMaxULabelSize + 1]; uint32_t ucs4Len = 0u; nsresult rv = utf16ToUcs4(in, ucs4Buf, kMaxULabelSize, &ucs4Len); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // need maximum 20 bits to encode 16 bit Unicode character // (include null terminator) const uint32_t kEncodedBufSize = kMaxULabelSize * 20 / 8 + 1 + 1; char encodedBuf[kEncodedBufSize]; punycode_uint encodedLength = kEncodedBufSize; enum punycode_status status = punycode_encode(ucs4Len, ucs4Buf, nullptr, &encodedLength, encodedBuf); if (punycode_success != status || encodedLength >= kEncodedBufSize) { return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } encodedBuf[encodedLength] = '\0'; out.Assign(nsDependentCString(kACEPrefix) + nsDependentCString(encodedBuf)); return rv; } // RFC 3454 // // 1) Map -- For each character in the input, check if it has a mapping // and, if so, replace it with its mapping. This is described in section 3. // // 2) Normalize -- Possibly normalize the result of step 1 using Unicode // normalization. This is described in section 4. // // 3) Prohibit -- Check for any characters that are not allowed in the // output. If any are found, return an error. This is described in section // 5. // // 4) Check bidi -- Possibly check for right-to-left characters, and if any // are found, make sure that the whole string satisfies the requirements // for bidirectional strings. If the string does not satisfy the requirements // for bidirectional strings, return an error. This is described in section 6. // // 5) Check unassigned code points -- If allowUnassigned is false, check for // any unassigned Unicode points and if any are found return an error. // This is described in section 7. // nsresult nsIDNService::stringPrep(const nsAString& in, nsAString& out, stringPrepFlag flag) { return IDNA2008StringPrep(in, out, flag); } nsresult nsIDNService::stringPrepAndACE(const nsAString& in, nsACString& out, stringPrepFlag flag) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; out.Truncate(); if (IsAscii(in)) { LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(in, out); // If label begins with xn-- we still want to check its validity if (!StringBeginsWith(in, u"xn--"_ns, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator)) { return NS_OK; } } nsAutoString strPrep; rv = stringPrep(in, strPrep, flag); if (flag == eStringPrepForDNS) { NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (IsAscii(strPrep)) { LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(strPrep, out); return NS_OK; } if (flag == eStringPrepForUI && NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && isLabelSafe(in)) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(strPrep, out); return NS_OK; } return punycode(strPrep, out); } // RFC 3490 // 1) Whenever dots are used as label separators, the following characters // MUST be recognized as dots: U+002E (full stop), U+3002 (ideographic full // stop), U+FF0E (fullwidth full stop), U+FF61 (halfwidth ideographic full // stop). void nsIDNService::normalizeFullStops(nsAString& s) { nsAString::const_iterator start, end; s.BeginReading(start); s.EndReading(end); int32_t index = 0; while (start != end) { switch (*start) { case 0x3002: case 0xFF0E: case 0xFF61: s.ReplaceLiteral(index, 1, u"."); break; default: break; } start++; index++; } } nsresult nsIDNService::decodeACE(const nsACString& in, nsACString& out, stringPrepFlag flag) { bool isAce; IsACE(in, &isAce); if (!isAce) { out.Assign(in); return NS_OK; } nsAutoString utf16; nsresult result = IDNA2008ToUnicode(in, utf16); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(result, result); if (flag != eStringPrepForUI || isLabelSafe(utf16)) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(utf16, out); } else { out.Assign(in); return NS_OK; } // Validation: encode back to ACE and compare the strings nsAutoCString ace; nsresult rv = UTF8toACE(out, ace, flag); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (flag == eStringPrepForDNS && !ace.Equals(in, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator)) { return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; } return NS_OK; } namespace mozilla::net { enum ScriptCombo : int32_t { UNSET = -1, BOPO = 0, CYRL = 1, GREK = 2, HANG = 3, HANI = 4, HIRA = 5, KATA = 6, LATN = 7, OTHR = 8, JPAN = 9, // Latin + Han + Hiragana + Katakana CHNA = 10, // Latin + Han + Bopomofo KORE = 11, // Latin + Han + Hangul HNLT = 12, // Latin + Han (could be any of the above combinations) FAIL = 13, }; } // namespace mozilla::net bool nsIDNService::isLabelSafe(const nsAString& label) { AutoReadLock lock(mLock); if (!isOnlySafeChars(PromiseFlatString(label), mIDNBlocklist)) { return false; } // We should never get here if the label is ASCII NS_ASSERTION(!IsAscii(label), "ASCII label in IDN checking"); if (mRestrictionProfile == eASCIIOnlyProfile) { return false; } nsAString::const_iterator current, end; label.BeginReading(current); label.EndReading(end); Script lastScript = Script::INVALID; uint32_t previousChar = 0; uint32_t baseChar = 0; // last non-diacritic seen (base char for marks) uint32_t savedNumberingSystem = 0; // Simplified/Traditional Chinese check temporarily disabled -- bug 857481 #if 0 HanVariantType savedHanVariant = HVT_NotHan; #endif ScriptCombo savedScript = ScriptCombo::UNSET; while (current != end) { uint32_t ch = *current++; if (current != end && NS_IS_SURROGATE_PAIR(ch, *current)) { ch = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(ch, *current++); } IdentifierType idType = GetIdentifierType(ch); if (idType == IDTYPE_RESTRICTED) { return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(idType == IDTYPE_ALLOWED); // Check for mixed script Script script = UnicodeProperties::GetScriptCode(ch); if (script != Script::COMMON && script != Script::INHERITED && script != lastScript) { if (illegalScriptCombo(script, savedScript)) { return false; } } // U+30FC should be preceded by a Hiragana/Katakana. if (ch == 0x30fc && lastScript != Script::HIRAGANA && lastScript != Script::KATAKANA) { return false; } if (ch == 0x307 && (previousChar == 'i' || previousChar == 'j' || previousChar == 'l')) { return false; } // Check for mixed numbering systems auto genCat = GetGeneralCategory(ch); if (genCat == HB_UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORY_DECIMAL_NUMBER) { uint32_t zeroCharacter = ch - mozilla::intl::UnicodeProperties::GetNumericValue(ch); if (savedNumberingSystem == 0) { // If we encounter a decimal number, save the zero character from that // numbering system. savedNumberingSystem = zeroCharacter; } else if (zeroCharacter != savedNumberingSystem) { return false; } } if (genCat == HB_UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORY_NON_SPACING_MARK) { // Check for consecutive non-spacing marks. if (previousChar != 0 && previousChar == ch) { return false; } // Check for marks whose expected script doesn't match the base script. if (lastScript != Script::INVALID) { UnicodeProperties::ScriptExtensionVector scripts; auto extResult = UnicodeProperties::GetExtensions(ch, scripts); MOZ_ASSERT(extResult.isOk()); if (extResult.isErr()) { return false; } int nScripts = AssertedCast(scripts.length()); // nScripts will always be >= 1, because even for undefined characters // it will return Script::INVALID. // If the mark just has script=COMMON or INHERITED, we can't check any // more carefully, but if it has specific scriptExtension codes, then // assume those are the only valid scripts to use it with. if (nScripts > 1 || (Script(scripts[0]) != Script::COMMON && Script(scripts[0]) != Script::INHERITED)) { while (--nScripts >= 0) { if (Script(scripts[nScripts]) == lastScript) { break; } } if (nScripts == -1) { return false; } } } // Check for diacritics on dotless-i, which would be indistinguishable // from normal accented letter i. if (baseChar == 0x0131 && ((ch >= 0x0300 && ch <= 0x0314) || ch == 0x031a)) { return false; } } else { baseChar = ch; } if (script != Script::COMMON && script != Script::INHERITED) { lastScript = script; } // Simplified/Traditional Chinese check temporarily disabled -- bug 857481 #if 0 // Check for both simplified-only and traditional-only Chinese characters HanVariantType hanVariant = GetHanVariant(ch); if (hanVariant == HVT_SimplifiedOnly || hanVariant == HVT_TraditionalOnly) { if (savedHanVariant == HVT_NotHan) { savedHanVariant = hanVariant; } else if (hanVariant != savedHanVariant) { return false; } } #endif previousChar = ch; } return true; } // Scripts that we care about in illegalScriptCombo static inline ScriptCombo findScriptIndex(Script aScript) { switch (aScript) { case Script::BOPOMOFO: return ScriptCombo::BOPO; case Script::CYRILLIC: return ScriptCombo::CYRL; case Script::GREEK: return ScriptCombo::GREK; case Script::HANGUL: return ScriptCombo::HANG; case Script::HAN: return ScriptCombo::HANI; case Script::HIRAGANA: return ScriptCombo::HIRA; case Script::KATAKANA: return ScriptCombo::KATA; case Script::LATIN: return ScriptCombo::LATN; default: return ScriptCombo::OTHR; } } static const ScriptCombo scriptComboTable[13][9] = { /* thisScript: BOPO CYRL GREK HANG HANI HIRA KATA LATN OTHR * savedScript */ /* BOPO */ {BOPO, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, CHNA, FAIL, FAIL, CHNA, FAIL}, /* CYRL */ {FAIL, CYRL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL}, /* GREK */ {FAIL, FAIL, GREK, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL}, /* HANG */ {FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, HANG, KORE, FAIL, FAIL, KORE, FAIL}, /* HANI */ {CHNA, FAIL, FAIL, KORE, HANI, JPAN, JPAN, HNLT, FAIL}, /* HIRA */ {FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, JPAN, HIRA, JPAN, JPAN, FAIL}, /* KATA */ {FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, JPAN, JPAN, KATA, JPAN, FAIL}, /* LATN */ {CHNA, FAIL, FAIL, KORE, HNLT, JPAN, JPAN, LATN, OTHR}, /* OTHR */ {FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, OTHR, FAIL}, /* JPAN */ {FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, JPAN, JPAN, JPAN, JPAN, FAIL}, /* CHNA */ {CHNA, FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, CHNA, FAIL, FAIL, CHNA, FAIL}, /* KORE */ {FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, KORE, KORE, FAIL, FAIL, KORE, FAIL}, /* HNLT */ {CHNA, FAIL, FAIL, KORE, HNLT, JPAN, JPAN, HNLT, FAIL}}; bool nsIDNService::illegalScriptCombo(Script script, ScriptCombo& savedScript) { if (savedScript == ScriptCombo::UNSET) { savedScript = findScriptIndex(script); return false; } savedScript = scriptComboTable[savedScript][findScriptIndex(script)]; /* * Special case combinations that depend on which profile is in use * In the Highly Restrictive profile Latin is not allowed with any * other script * * In the Moderately Restrictive profile Latin mixed with any other * single script is allowed. */ return ((savedScript == OTHR && mRestrictionProfile == eHighlyRestrictiveProfile) || savedScript == FAIL); }