/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; registerCleanupFunction(async () => { http3_clear_prefs(); }); let wssUri; let httpsUri; add_task(async function pre_setup() { let h2Port = Services.env.get("MOZHTTP2_PORT"); Assert.notEqual(h2Port, null); Assert.notEqual(h2Port, ""); wssUri = "wss://foo.example.com:" + h2Port + "/websocket"; httpsUri = "https://foo.example.com:" + h2Port + "/"; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.http3.support_version1", true); }); add_task(async function setup() { await http3_setup_tests("h3"); }); WebSocketListener.prototype = { onAcknowledge(aContext, aSize) {}, onBinaryMessageAvailable(aContext, aMsg) {}, onMessageAvailable(aContext, aMsg) {}, onServerClose(aContext, aCode, aReason) {}, onStart(aContext) { this.finish(); }, onStop(aContext, aStatusCode) {}, }; function makeH2Chan() { let chan = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: httpsUri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true, }).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); chan.loadFlags = Ci.nsIChannel.LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI; return chan; } add_task(async function open_wss_when_h3_is_active() { // Make an active connection using HTTP/3 let chanHttp1 = makeH2Chan(httpsUri); await new Promise(resolve => { chanHttp1.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(request => { let httpVersion = ""; try { httpVersion = request.protocolVersion; } catch (e) {} Assert.equal(httpVersion, "h3"); resolve(); }) ); }); // Now try to connect ot a WebSocket on the same port -> this should not loop // see bug 1717360. let chan = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=wss"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWebSocketChannel ); chan.initLoadInfo( null, // aLoadingNode Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), null, // aTriggeringPrincipal Ci.nsILoadInfo.SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL, Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_WEBSOCKET ); var uri = Services.io.newURI(wssUri); var wsListener = new WebSocketListener(); await new Promise(resolve => { wsListener.finish = resolve; chan.asyncOpen(uri, wssUri, {}, 0, wsListener, null); }); // Try to use https protocol, it should sttill use HTTP/3 let chanHttp2 = makeH2Chan(httpsUri); await new Promise(resolve => { chanHttp2.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(request => { let httpVersion = ""; try { httpVersion = request.protocolVersion; } catch (e) {} Assert.equal(httpVersion, "h3"); resolve(); }) ); }); });