/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "primpl.h" #include /* for _beginthread() */ #include #include /* --- globals ------------------------------------------------ */ _NSPR_TLS* pThreadLocalStorage = 0; _PRInterruptTable _pr_interruptTable[] = { { 0 } }; APIRET (* APIENTRY QueryThreadContext)(TID, ULONG, PCONTEXTRECORD); void _PR_MD_ENSURE_TLS(void) { if(!pThreadLocalStorage) { /* Allocate thread local storage (TLS). Note, that only 32 bytes can * be allocated at a time. */ int rc = DosAllocThreadLocalMemory(sizeof(_NSPR_TLS) / 4, (PULONG*)&pThreadLocalStorage); PR_ASSERT(rc == NO_ERROR); memset(pThreadLocalStorage, 0, sizeof(_NSPR_TLS)); } } void _PR_MD_EARLY_INIT() { HMODULE hmod; if (DosLoadModule(NULL, 0, "DOSCALL1", &hmod) == 0) DosQueryProcAddr(hmod, 877, "DOSQUERYTHREADCONTEXT", (PFN *)&QueryThreadContext); } static void _pr_SetThreadMDHandle(PRThread *thread) { PTIB ptib; PPIB ppib; PRUword rc; rc = DosGetInfoBlocks(&ptib, &ppib); thread->md.handle = ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid; } /* On OS/2, some system function calls seem to change the FPU control word, * such that we crash with a floating underflow exception. The FIX_FPU() call * in jsnum.c does not always work, as sometimes FIX_FPU() is called BEFORE the * OS/2 system call that horks the FPU control word. So, we set an exception * handler that covers any floating point exceptions and resets the FPU CW to * the required value. */ static ULONG _System OS2_FloatExcpHandler(PEXCEPTIONREPORTRECORD p1, PEXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD p2, PCONTEXTRECORD p3, PVOID pv) { #ifdef DEBUG_pedemonte printf("Entering exception handler; ExceptionNum = %x\n", p1->ExceptionNum); switch(p1->ExceptionNum) { case XCPT_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND\n"); break; case XCPT_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO\n"); break; case XCPT_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT\n"); break; case XCPT_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION\n"); break; case XCPT_FLOAT_OVERFLOW: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_OVERFLOW\n"); break; case XCPT_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK\n"); break; case XCPT_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW: printf("got XCPT_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW\n"); break; } #endif switch(p1->ExceptionNum) { case XCPT_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: case XCPT_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case XCPT_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT: case XCPT_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION: case XCPT_FLOAT_OVERFLOW: case XCPT_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK: case XCPT_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW: { unsigned cw = p3->ctx_env[0]; if ((cw & MCW_EM) != MCW_EM) { /* Mask out all floating point exceptions */ p3->ctx_env[0] |= MCW_EM; /* Following two lines set precision to 53 bit mantissa. See jsnum.c */ p3->ctx_env[0] &= ~MCW_PC; p3->ctx_env[0] |= PC_53; return XCPT_CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } } } return XCPT_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler(EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD* excpreg) { /* setup the exception handler for the thread */ APIRET rv; excpreg->ExceptionHandler = OS2_FloatExcpHandler; excpreg->prev_structure = NULL; rv = DosSetExceptionHandler(excpreg); PR_ASSERT(rv == NO_ERROR); } PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler(EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD* excpreg) { /* unset exception handler */ APIRET rv = DosUnsetExceptionHandler(excpreg); PR_ASSERT(rv == NO_ERROR); } PRStatus _PR_MD_INIT_THREAD(PRThread *thread) { APIRET rv; if (thread->flags & (_PR_PRIMORDIAL | _PR_ATTACHED)) { _pr_SetThreadMDHandle(thread); } /* Create the blocking IO semaphore */ rv = DosCreateEventSem(NULL, &(thread->md.blocked_sema), 0, 0); return (rv == NO_ERROR) ? PR_SUCCESS : PR_FAILURE; } typedef struct param_store { void (*start)(void *); PRThread* thread; } PARAMSTORE; /* This is a small intermediate function that sets/unsets the exception handler before calling the initial thread function */ static void ExcpStartFunc(void* arg) { EXCEPTIONREGISTRATIONRECORD excpreg; PARAMSTORE params, *pParams = arg; PR_OS2_SetFloatExcpHandler(&excpreg); params = *pParams; PR_Free(pParams); params.start(params.thread); PR_OS2_UnsetFloatExcpHandler(&excpreg); } PRStatus _PR_MD_CREATE_THREAD(PRThread *thread, void (*start)(void *), PRThreadPriority priority, PRThreadScope scope, PRThreadState state, PRUint32 stackSize) { PARAMSTORE* params = PR_Malloc(sizeof(PARAMSTORE)); params->start = start; params->thread = thread; thread->md.handle = thread->id = (TID) _beginthread(ExcpStartFunc, NULL, thread->stack->stackSize, params); if(thread->md.handle == -1) { return PR_FAILURE; } /* * On OS/2, a thread is created with a thread priority of * THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL */ if (priority != PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL) { _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(&(thread->md), priority); } return PR_SUCCESS; } void _PR_MD_YIELD(void) { /* Isn't there some problem with DosSleep(0) on OS/2? */ DosSleep(0); } void _PR_MD_SET_PRIORITY(_MDThread *thread, PRThreadPriority newPri) { int nativePri = PRTYC_NOCHANGE; BOOL rv; if (newPri < PR_PRIORITY_FIRST) { newPri = PR_PRIORITY_FIRST; } else if (newPri > PR_PRIORITY_LAST) { newPri = PR_PRIORITY_LAST; } switch (newPri) { case PR_PRIORITY_LOW: case PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL: nativePri = PRTYC_REGULAR; break; case PR_PRIORITY_HIGH: nativePri = PRTYC_FOREGROUNDSERVER; break; case PR_PRIORITY_URGENT: nativePri = PRTYC_TIMECRITICAL; } rv = DosSetPriority(PRTYS_THREAD, nativePri, 0, thread->handle); PR_ASSERT(rv == NO_ERROR); if (rv != NO_ERROR) { PR_LOG(_pr_thread_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("PR_SetThreadPriority: can't set thread priority\n")); } return; } void _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(PRThread *thread) { APIRET rv; if (thread->md.blocked_sema) { rv = DosCloseEventSem(thread->md.blocked_sema); PR_ASSERT(rv == NO_ERROR); thread->md.blocked_sema = 0; } if (thread->md.handle) { thread->md.handle = 0; } } void _PR_MD_EXIT_THREAD(PRThread *thread) { _PR_MD_CLEAN_THREAD(thread); _PR_MD_SET_CURRENT_THREAD(NULL); } void _PR_MD_EXIT(PRIntn status) { _exit(status); } #ifdef HAVE_THREAD_AFFINITY PR_EXTERN(PRInt32) _PR_MD_SETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 mask ) { /* Can we do this on OS/2? Only on SMP versions? */ PR_NOT_REACHED("Not implemented"); return 0; /* This is what windows does: int rv; rv = SetThreadAffinityMask(thread->md.handle, mask); return rv?0:-1; */ } PR_EXTERN(PRInt32) _PR_MD_GETTHREADAFFINITYMASK(PRThread *thread, PRUint32 *mask) { /* Can we do this on OS/2? Only on SMP versions? */ PR_NOT_REACHED("Not implemented"); return 0; /* This is what windows does: PRInt32 rv, system_mask; rv = GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), mask, &system_mask); return rv?0:-1; */ } #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_AFFINITY */ void _PR_MD_SUSPEND_CPU(_PRCPU *cpu) { _PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(cpu->thread); } void _PR_MD_RESUME_CPU(_PRCPU *cpu) { _PR_MD_RESUME_THREAD(cpu->thread); } void _PR_MD_SUSPEND_THREAD(PRThread *thread) { if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) { APIRET rc; /* XXXMB - DosSuspendThread() is not a blocking call; how do we * know when the thread is *REALLY* suspended? */ rc = DosSuspendThread(thread->md.handle); PR_ASSERT(rc == NO_ERROR); } } void _PR_MD_RESUME_THREAD(PRThread *thread) { if (_PR_IS_NATIVE_THREAD(thread)) { DosResumeThread(thread->md.handle); } } PRThread* _MD_CURRENT_THREAD(void) { PRThread *thread; thread = _MD_GET_ATTACHED_THREAD(); if (NULL == thread) { thread = _PRI_AttachThread(PR_USER_THREAD, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, NULL, 0); } PR_ASSERT(thread != NULL); return thread; }