# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import argparse import os import shutil import sys from mozbuild.util import ensureParentDir def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Merge l10n files.") parser.add_argument("--output", help="Path to write merged output") parser.add_argument("--ref-file", help="Path to reference file (en-US)") parser.add_argument("--l10n-file", help="Path to locale file") args = parser.parse_args(argv) from compare_locales.compare import ContentComparer, Observer from compare_locales.paths import File cc = ContentComparer([Observer()]) cc.compare( File(args.ref_file, args.ref_file, ""), File(args.l10n_file, args.l10n_file, ""), args.output, ) ensureParentDir(args.output) if not os.path.exists(args.output): src = args.l10n_file if not os.path.exists(args.l10n_file): src = args.ref_file shutil.copy(src, args.output) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])