{ "definitions": { "perfherder-options-schema": { "title": "Perfherder-specific Options", "description": "Set these to have more control over the perfherder blob that will be created", "properties": { "name": { "title": "Name of the metric or suite", "type": "string" }, "value": { "title": "Summary value", "type": "number", "minimum": -1000000000000.0, "maximum": 1000000000000.0 }, "unit": { "title": "Measurement unit", "type": "string", "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 20 }, "lowerIsBetter": { "description": "Whether lower values are better", "title": "Lower is better", "type": "boolean" }, "shouldAlert": { "description": "Whether we should alert", "title": "Should alert", "type": "boolean" }, "alertThreshold": { "description": "% change threshold before alerting", "title": "Alert threshold", "type": "number", "minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 1000.0 } } }, "single-metric-schema": { "allOf": [ {"$ref": "#/definitions/perfherder-options-schema"}, { "properties": { "values": { "description": "Contains all the measurements taken", "title": "Measured values", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "number" } } } } ], "required": [ "name", "values" ], "type": "object" }, "results-schema": { "anyOf": [ {"type": "string"}, { "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/single-metric-schema" } } ], "title": "Holds the data to be processed by the metrics modules", "description": "The data can be defined within an object, or through a path to where the data can be found" } }, "id": "https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/python/mozperftest/mozperftest/schemas/intermediate-results-schema.json", "allOf": [ {"$ref": "#/definitions/perfherder-options-schema"}, { "properties": { "results": {"$ref": "#/definitions/results-schema"}, "transformer": { "title": "Transformer to use on the data", "type": "string" }, "transformer-options": { "type": "object", "title": "Options used in the transformer" }, "framework": { "title": "Framework that produced the data", "type": "object" }, "extraOptions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extra options used in the running suite", "items": { "type": "string", "maxLength": 100 }, "uniqueItems": true, "maxItems": 8 } } } ], "required": ["results", "name"], "description": "Intermediate results for a single type of metric or suite (i.e. browsertime, and adb results shouldn't be mixed in the same entry)", "title": "MozPerftest Intermediate Results Schema", "type": "object" }