/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { ContentProcessDomain } from "chrome://remote/content/cdp/domains/ContentProcessDomain.sys.mjs"; export class Input extends ContentProcessDomain { constructor(session) { super(session); // Internal id used to track existing event handlers. this._eventId = 0; // Map of event id -> event handler promise. this._eventPromises = new Map(); } /** * Internal methods: the following methods are not part of CDP; * note the _ prefix. */ /** * Add an event listener in the content page for the provided eventName. * This method will return a unique handler id that can be used to wait * for the event. * * Example usage from a parent process domain: * * const id = await this.executeInChild("_addContentEventListener", "click"); * // do something that triggers a click in content * await this.executeInChild("_waitForContentEvent", id); */ _addContentEventListener(eventName) { const eventPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.chromeEventHandler.addEventListener(eventName, resolve, { mozSystemGroup: true, once: true, }); }); this._eventId++; this._eventPromises.set(this._eventId, eventPromise); return this._eventId; } /** * Wait for an event listener added via `addContentEventListener` to be fired. */ async _waitForContentEvent(eventId) { const eventPromise = this._eventPromises.get(eventId); if (!eventPromise) { throw new Error("No event promise found for id " + eventId); } await eventPromise; this._eventPromises.delete(eventId); } }