/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs" ); const { AnimationFramePromise, Deferred, EventPromise, PollPromise } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("chrome://remote/content/shared/Sync.sys.mjs"); /** * Mimic a DOM node for listening for events. */ class MockElement { constructor() { this.capture = false; this.eventName = null; this.func = null; this.mozSystemGroup = false; this.wantUntrusted = false; this.untrusted = false; } addEventListener(name, func, options = {}) { const { capture, mozSystemGroup, wantUntrusted } = options; this.eventName = name; this.func = func; this.capture = capture ?? false; this.mozSystemGroup = mozSystemGroup ?? false; this.wantUntrusted = wantUntrusted ?? false; } click() { if (this.func) { const event = { capture: this.capture, mozSystemGroup: this.mozSystemGroup, target: this, type: this.eventName, untrusted: this.untrusted, wantUntrusted: this.wantUntrusted, }; this.func(event); } } dispatchEvent(event) { if (this.wantUntrusted) { this.untrusted = true; } this.click(); } removeEventListener(name, func) { this.capture = false; this.eventName = null; this.func = null; this.mozSystemGroup = false; this.untrusted = false; this.wantUntrusted = false; } } add_task(async function test_AnimationFramePromise() { let called = false; let win = { requestAnimationFrame(callback) { called = true; callback(); }, }; await AnimationFramePromise(win); ok(called); }); add_task(async function test_AnimationFramePromiseAbortWhenWindowClosed() { let win = { closed: true, requestAnimationFrame() {}, }; await AnimationFramePromise(win); }); add_task(async function test_DeferredPending() { const deferred = Deferred(); ok(deferred.pending); deferred.resolve(); await deferred.promise; ok(!deferred.pending); }); add_task(async function test_DeferredRejected() { const deferred = Deferred(); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout setTimeout(() => deferred.reject(new Error("foo")), 100); try { await deferred.promise; ok(false); } catch (e) { ok(!deferred.pending); ok(!deferred.fulfilled); ok(deferred.rejected); equal(e.message, "foo"); } }); add_task(async function test_DeferredResolved() { const deferred = Deferred(); ok(deferred.pending); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout setTimeout(() => deferred.resolve("foo"), 100); const result = await deferred.promise; ok(!deferred.pending); ok(deferred.fulfilled); ok(!deferred.rejected); equal(result, "foo"); }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_subjectTypes() { for (const subject of ["foo", 42, null, undefined, true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws(() => new EventPromise(subject, "click"), /TypeError/); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_eventNameTypes() { const element = new MockElement(); for (const eventName of [42, null, undefined, true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws(() => new EventPromise(element, eventName), /TypeError/); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_subjectAndEventNameEvent() { const element = new MockElement(); const clicked = new EventPromise(element, "click"); element.click(); const event = await clicked; equal(element, event.target); }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_captureTypes() { const element = new MockElement(); for (const capture of [null, "foo", 42, [], {}]) { Assert.throws( () => new EventPromise(element, "click", { capture }), /TypeError/ ); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_captureEvent() { const element = new MockElement(); for (const capture of [undefined, false, true]) { const expectedCapture = capture ?? false; const clicked = new EventPromise(element, "click", { capture }); element.click(); const event = await clicked; equal(element, event.target); equal(expectedCapture, event.capture); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_checkFnTypes() { const element = new MockElement(); for (const checkFn of ["foo", 42, true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws( () => new EventPromise(element, "click", { checkFn }), /TypeError/ ); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_checkFnCallback() { const element = new MockElement(); let count; const data = [ { checkFn: null, expected_count: 0 }, { checkFn: undefined, expected_count: 0 }, { checkFn: event => { throw new Error("foo"); }, expected_count: 0, }, { checkFn: event => count++ > 0, expected_count: 2 }, ]; for (const { checkFn, expected_count } of data) { count = 0; const clicked = new EventPromise(element, "click", { checkFn }); element.click(); element.click(); const event = await clicked; equal(element, event.target); equal(expected_count, count); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_mozSystemGroupTypes() { const element = new MockElement(); for (const mozSystemGroup of [null, "foo", 42, [], {}]) { Assert.throws( () => new EventPromise(element, "click", { mozSystemGroup }), /TypeError/ ); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_mozSystemGroupEvent() { const element = new MockElement(); for (const mozSystemGroup of [undefined, false, true]) { const expectedMozSystemGroup = mozSystemGroup ?? false; const clicked = new EventPromise(element, "click", { mozSystemGroup }); element.click(); const event = await clicked; equal(element, event.target); equal(expectedMozSystemGroup, event.mozSystemGroup); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_wantUntrustedTypes() { const element = new MockElement(); for (let wantUntrusted of [null, "foo", 42, [], {}]) { Assert.throws( () => new EventPromise(element, "click", { wantUntrusted }), /TypeError/ ); } }); add_task(async function test_EventPromise_wantUntrustedEvent() { for (const wantUntrusted of [undefined, false, true]) { let expected_untrusted = wantUntrusted ?? false; const element = new MockElement(); const clicked = new EventPromise(element, "click", { wantUntrusted }); element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("click", {})); const event = await clicked; equal(element, event.target); equal(expected_untrusted, event.untrusted); } }); add_task(function test_executeSoon_callback() { // executeSoon() is already defined for xpcshell in head.js. As such import // our implementation into a custom namespace. let sync = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "chrome://remote/content/shared/Sync.sys.mjs" ); for (let func of ["foo", null, true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws(() => sync.executeSoon(func), /TypeError/); } let a; sync.executeSoon(() => { a = 1; }); executeSoon(() => equal(1, a)); }); add_task(function test_PollPromise_funcTypes() { for (let type of ["foo", 42, null, undefined, true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws(() => new PollPromise(type), /TypeError/); } new PollPromise(() => {}); new PollPromise(function () {}); }); add_task(function test_PollPromise_timeoutTypes() { for (let timeout of ["foo", true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws(() => new PollPromise(() => {}, { timeout }), /TypeError/); } for (let timeout of [1.2, -1]) { Assert.throws(() => new PollPromise(() => {}, { timeout }), /RangeError/); } for (let timeout of [null, undefined, 42]) { new PollPromise(resolve => resolve(1), { timeout }); } }); add_task(function test_PollPromise_intervalTypes() { for (let interval of ["foo", null, true, [], {}]) { Assert.throws(() => new PollPromise(() => {}, { interval }), /TypeError/); } for (let interval of [1.2, -1]) { Assert.throws(() => new PollPromise(() => {}, { interval }), /RangeError/); } new PollPromise(() => {}, { interval: 42 }); }); add_task(async function test_PollPromise_retvalTypes() { for (let typ of [true, false, "foo", 42, [], {}]) { strictEqual(typ, await new PollPromise(resolve => resolve(typ))); } }); add_task(async function test_PollPromise_rethrowError() { let nevals = 0; let err; try { await PollPromise(() => { ++nevals; throw new Error(); }); } catch (e) { err = e; } equal(1, nevals); ok(err instanceof Error); }); add_task(async function test_PollPromise_noTimeout() { let nevals = 0; await new PollPromise((resolve, reject) => { ++nevals; nevals < 100 ? reject() : resolve(); }); equal(100, nevals); }); add_task(async function test_PollPromise_zeroTimeout() { // run at least once when timeout is 0 let nevals = 0; let start = new Date().getTime(); await new PollPromise( (resolve, reject) => { ++nevals; reject(); }, { timeout: 0 } ); let end = new Date().getTime(); equal(1, nevals); less(end - start, 500); }); add_task(async function test_PollPromise_timeoutElapse() { let nevals = 0; let start = new Date().getTime(); await new PollPromise( (resolve, reject) => { ++nevals; reject(); }, { timeout: 100 } ); let end = new Date().getTime(); lessOrEqual(nevals, 11); greaterOrEqual(end - start, 100); }); add_task(async function test_PollPromise_interval() { let nevals = 0; await new PollPromise( (resolve, reject) => { ++nevals; reject(); }, { timeout: 100, interval: 100 } ); equal(2, nevals); });