/* * test_httpcertstore.c * * Test Httpcertstore Type * * Copyright 2004-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") * AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY * OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed or intended for use in * the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. */ #include "testutil.h" #include "testutil_nss.h" #include "pkix_pl_common.h" static void *plContext = NULL; static void printUsage(char *testname) { char *fmt = "USAGE: %s [-arenas] certDir certName\n"; printf(fmt, "test_httpcertstore"); } /* Functional tests for Socket public functions */ static void do_other_work(void) { /* while waiting for nonblocking I/O to complete */ (void)PR_Sleep(2 * 60); } PKIX_Error * PKIX_PL_HttpCertStore_Create( PKIX_PL_HttpClient *client, /* if NULL, use default Client */ PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location, PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore, void *plContext); PKIX_Error * pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateWithAsciiName( PKIX_PL_HttpClient *client, /* if NULL, use default Client */ char *location, PKIX_CertStore **pCertStore, void *plContext); static PKIX_Error * getLocation( PKIX_PL_Cert *certWithAia, PKIX_PL_GeneralName **pLocation, void *plContext) { PKIX_List *aiaList = NULL; PKIX_UInt32 size = 0; PKIX_PL_InfoAccess *aia = NULL; PKIX_UInt32 iaType = PKIX_INFOACCESS_LOCATION_UNKNOWN; PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location = NULL; PKIX_TEST_STD_VARS(); subTest("Getting Authority Info Access"); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_Cert_GetAuthorityInfoAccess(certWithAia, &aiaList, plContext)); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_List_GetLength(aiaList, &size, plContext)); if (size != 1) { pkixTestErrorMsg = "unexpected number of AIA"; goto cleanup; } PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_List_GetItem(aiaList, 0, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&aia, plContext)); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocationType(aia, &iaType, plContext)); if (iaType != PKIX_INFOACCESS_LOCATION_HTTP) { pkixTestErrorMsg = "unexpected location type in AIA"; goto cleanup; } PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_InfoAccess_GetLocation(aia, &location, plContext)); *pLocation = location; cleanup: PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(aiaList); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(aia); PKIX_TEST_RETURN(); return (NULL); } int test_httpcertstore(int argc, char *argv[]) { PKIX_UInt32 i = 0; PKIX_UInt32 numCerts = 0; PKIX_UInt32 numCrls = 0; int j = 0; PKIX_UInt32 actualMinorVersion; PKIX_UInt32 length = 0; char *certName = NULL; char *certDir = NULL; PKIX_PL_Cert *cmdLineCert = NULL; PKIX_PL_Cert *cert = NULL; PKIX_CertSelector *certSelector = NULL; PKIX_CertStore *certStore = NULL; PKIX_CertStore *crlStore = NULL; PKIX_PL_GeneralName *location = NULL; PKIX_CertStore_CertCallback getCerts = NULL; PKIX_List *certs = NULL; char *asciiResult = NULL; void *nbio = NULL; PKIX_PL_CRL *crl = NULL; PKIX_CRLSelector *crlSelector = NULL; char *crlLocation = "http://betty.nist.gov/pathdiscoverytestsuite/CRL" "files/BasicHTTPURIPeer2CACRL.crl"; PKIX_CertStore_CRLCallback getCrls = NULL; PKIX_List *crls = NULL; PKIX_PL_String *crlString = NULL; PKIX_TEST_STD_VARS(); startTests("HttpCertStore"); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR( PKIX_PL_NssContext_Create(0, PKIX_FALSE, NULL, &plContext)); if (argc != (j + 3)) { printUsage(argv[0]); pkixTestErrorMsg = "Missing command line argument."; goto cleanup; } certDir = argv[++j]; certName = argv[++j]; cmdLineCert = createCert(certDir, certName, plContext); if (cmdLineCert == NULL) { pkixTestErrorMsg = "Unable to create Cert"; goto cleanup; } /* muster arguments to create HttpCertStore */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(getLocation(cmdLineCert, &location, plContext)); if (location == NULL) { pkixTestErrorMsg = "Give me a cert with an HTTP URI!"; goto cleanup; } /* create HttpCertStore */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_HttpCertStore_Create(NULL, location, &certStore, plContext)); /* get the GetCerts callback */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_CertStore_GetCertCallback(certStore, &getCerts, plContext)); /* create a CertSelector */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_CertSelector_Create(NULL, NULL, &certSelector, plContext)); /* Get the certs */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(getCerts(certStore, certSelector, &nbio, &certs, plContext)); while (nbio != NULL) { /* poll for a completion */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_CertStore_CertContinue(certStore, certSelector, &nbio, &certs, plContext)); } if (certs) { PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_List_GetLength(certs, &numCerts, plContext)); if (numCerts == 0) { printf("HttpCertStore returned an empty Cert list\n"); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < numCerts; i++) { PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_List_GetItem(certs, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&cert, plContext)); asciiResult = PKIX_Cert2ASCII(cert); printf("CERT[%d]:\n%s\n", i, asciiResult); /* PKIX_Cert2ASCII used PKIX_PL_Malloc(...,,NULL) */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_Free(asciiResult, NULL)); asciiResult = NULL; PKIX_TEST_DECREF_BC(cert); } } else { printf("HttpCertStore returned a NULL Cert list\n"); } /* create HttpCertStore */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(pkix_pl_HttpCertStore_CreateWithAsciiName(NULL, crlLocation, &crlStore, plContext)); /* get the GetCrls callback */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_CertStore_GetCRLCallback(crlStore, &getCrls, plContext)); /* create a CrlSelector */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_CRLSelector_Create(NULL, NULL, &crlSelector, plContext)); /* Get the crls */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(getCrls(crlStore, crlSelector, &nbio, &crls, plContext)); while (nbio != NULL) { /* poll for a completion */ PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_CertStore_CrlContinue(crlStore, crlSelector, &nbio, &crls, plContext)); } if (crls) { PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_List_GetLength(crls, &numCrls, plContext)); if (numCrls == 0) { printf("HttpCertStore returned an empty CRL list\n"); goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; i < numCrls; i++) { PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_List_GetItem(crls, i, (PKIX_PL_Object **)&crl, plContext)); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_Object_ToString( (PKIX_PL_Object *)crl, &crlString, plContext)); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_String_GetEncoded(crlString, PKIX_ESCASCII, (void **)&asciiResult, &length, plContext)); printf("CRL[%d]:\n%s\n", i, asciiResult); PKIX_TEST_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(PKIX_PL_Free(asciiResult, plContext)); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_BC(crlString); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_BC(crl); } } else { printf("HttpCertStore returned a NULL CRL list\n"); } cleanup: PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(cert); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(cmdLineCert); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(certStore); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(crlStore); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(location); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(certs); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(crl); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(crlString); PKIX_TEST_DECREF_AC(crls); PKIX_TEST_RETURN(); endTests("HttpDefaultClient"); return (0); }