/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* * The list of phases mapped to their corresponding profiles. The object * here must be in strict JSON format, as it will get parsed by the Python * testrunner (no single quotes, extra comma's, etc). */ EnableEngines(["tabs"]); var phases = { phase1: "profile1", phase2: "profile2", phase3: "profile1", phase4: "profile2", }; /* * Tabs data */ var tabs1 = [ { uri: "data:text/html,FirefoxFirefox", title: "Firefox", profile: "profile1", }, { uri: "data:text/html,WeaveWeave", title: "Weave", profile: "profile1", }, { uri: "data:text/html,AppleApple", title: "Apple", profile: "profile1", }, { uri: "data:text/html,IRCIRC", title: "IRC", profile: "profile1", }, ]; var tabs2 = [ { uri: "data:text/html,TinderboxTinderbox", title: "Tinderbox", profile: "profile2", }, { uri: "data:text/html,FoxFox", title: "Fox", profile: "profile2", }, ]; var tabs3 = [ { uri: "data:text/html,JetpackJetpack", title: "Jetpack", profile: "profile1", }, { uri: "data:text/html,SeleniumSelenium", title: "Selenium", profile: "profile1", }, ]; /* * Test phases */ Phase("phase1", [[Tabs.add, tabs1], [Sync]]); Phase("phase2", [[Sync], [Tabs.verify, tabs1], [Tabs.add, tabs2], [Sync]]); Phase("phase3", [ [Sync], [Windows.add, { private: true }], [Tabs.add, tabs3], [Sync], ]); Phase("phase4", [[Sync], [Tabs.verifyNot, tabs3]]);