Taskgraph Overview ================== Taskgraph builds a directed acyclic graph, where each node in the graph represents a task, and each edge represents the dependency relationships between them. See Taskgraph's `graph generation documentation`_ for more details. Decision Task ------------- The decision task is the first task created when a new graph begins. It is responsible for creating the rest of the task graph. The decision task for pushes is defined in-tree, in ``.taskcluster.yml``. That task description invokes ``mach taskcluster decision`` with some metadata about the push. That mach command determines the required graph of tasks to submit, then calls the Taskcluster API to create the tasks. .. note:: ``mach taskgraph decision`` is *not* meant to be invoked by humans. Instead, follow `this guide`_ (prepending ``mach`` to all commands) to invoke Taskgraph locally without submitting anything to Taskcluster. .. _kinds: Kinds ----- Generation starts with "kinds". These are yaml files that denote groupings of tasks that are loosely related to one another. For example, in Gecko there are ``build`` and ``test`` kinds. Each kind has its own directory under `taskcluster/ci`_ which contains a ``kind.yml`` file. For more information on kinds, see Taskgraph's `kind documentation`_. For a list of available kinds in ``mozilla-central``, see the :doc:`kinds reference `. Loader ------ Next, a "loader" is responsible for parsing each ``kind.yml`` file and turning it into an initial set of tasks. Loaders will always parse kinds in an ordering satisfying the ``kind-dependencies`` key. See Taskgraph's `loader documentation`_ for more details. .. _transforms: Transforms ---------- After the initial set of tasks are loaded, transformations are applied to each task. Transforms are Python functions that take a generator of tasks as input, and yields a generator of tasks as output. Possibly modifying, adding or removing tasks along the way. See Taskgrpah's `transforms documentation`_ for more details on transforms, or the :doc:`transforms section ` for information on some of the transforms available in ``mozilla-central``. Target Tasks ------------ After transformation is finished, the `target_tasks`_ module filters out any tasks that aren't applicable to the current :doc:`parameter set `. Optimization ------------ After the "target graph" is generated, an optimization process looks to remove or replace unnecessary tasks in the graph. For instance, a task may be removed if the push doesn't modify any of the files that could affect it. See Taskgraph's `optimization documentation`_ for more details, or the :doc:`optimization strategies ` available in ``mozilla-central``. Task Parameterization --------------------- A few components of tasks are only known at the very end of the decision task -- just before the ``queue.createTask`` call is made. These are specified using simple parameterized values, as follows: ``{"relative-datestamp": "certain number of seconds/hours/days/years"}`` Objects of this form will be replaced with an offset from the current time just before the ``queue.createTask`` call is made. For example, an artifact expiration might be specified as ``{"relative-datestamp": "1 year"}``. ``{"task-reference": "string containing "}`` The task definition may contain "task references" of this form. These will be replaced during the optimization step, with the appropriate taskId for the named dependency substituted for ```` in the string. Additionally, `decision` and `self` can be used a dependency names to refer to the decision task, and the task itself. Multiple labels may be substituted in a single string, and ``<<>`` can be used to escape a literal ``<``. ``{"artifact-reference": "...."}`` Similar to a ``task-reference``, but this substitutes a URL to the queue's ``getLatestArtifact`` API method (for which a GET will redirect to the artifact itself). .. _taskgraph-graph-config: Graph Configuration ------------------- There are several configuration settings that are pertain to the entire taskgraph. These are specified in :file:`config.yml` at the root of the taskgraph configuration (typically :file:`taskcluster/ci/`). The available settings are documented inline in `taskcluster/gecko_taskgraph/config.py `_. .. _taskgraph-trust-domain: Action Tasks ------------ Action Tasks are tasks which perform an action based on a manual trigger (e.g clicking a button in Treeherder). Actions are how it is possible to retrigger or "Add New Jobs". For more information, see Taskgraph's `actions documentation`_. .. _graph generation documentation: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/task-graphs.html .. _this guide: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/run-locally.html .. _taskcluster/ci: https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/taskcluster/ci .. _kind documentation: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/kind.html .. _loader documentation: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/loading.html .. _transforms documentation: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/transforms.html .. _target_tasks: .. _optimization documentation: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/optimization.html .. _actions documentation: https://taskcluster-taskgraph.readthedocs.io/en/latest/howto/create-actions.html