# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import argparse import os import platform import six from mozlog.commandline import add_logging_group (FIREFOX, CHROME, CHROMIUM, SAFARI, CHROMIUM_RELEASE) = DESKTOP_APPS = [ "firefox", "chrome", "chromium", "safari", "custom-car", ] (GECKOVIEW, REFBROW, FENIX, CHROME_ANDROID) = FIREFOX_ANDROID_APPS = [ "geckoview", "refbrow", "fenix", "chrome-m", ] CHROMIUM_DISTROS = [CHROME, CHROMIUM] APPS = { FIREFOX: {"long_name": "Firefox Desktop"}, CHROME: {"long_name": "Google Chrome Desktop"}, CHROMIUM: {"long_name": "Google Chromium Desktop"}, SAFARI: {"long_name": "Safari Desktop"}, CHROMIUM_RELEASE: {"long_name": "Custom Chromium-as-Release desktop"}, GECKOVIEW: { "long_name": "Firefox GeckoView on Android", "default_activity": "org.mozilla.geckoview_example.GeckoViewActivity", "default_intent": "android.intent.action.MAIN", }, REFBROW: { "long_name": "Firefox Android Components Reference Browser", "default_activity": "org.mozilla.reference.browser.BrowserTestActivity", "default_intent": "android.intent.action.MAIN", }, FENIX: { "long_name": "Firefox Android Fenix Browser", "default_activity": "org.mozilla.fenix.IntentReceiverActivity", "default_intent": "android.intent.action.VIEW", }, CHROME_ANDROID: { "long_name": "Google Chrome on Android", "default_activity": "com.android.chrome/com.google.android.apps.chrome.Main", "default_intent": "android.intent.action.VIEW", }, } INTEGRATED_APPS = list(APPS.keys()) def print_all_activities(): all_activities = [] for next_app in APPS: if APPS[next_app].get("default_activity", None) is not None: _activity = "%s:%s" % (next_app, APPS[next_app]["default_activity"]) all_activities.append(_activity) return all_activities def print_all_intents(): all_intents = [] for next_app in APPS: if APPS[next_app].get("default_intent", None) is not None: _intent = "%s:%s" % (next_app, APPS[next_app]["default_intent"]) all_intents.append(_intent) return all_intents def create_parser(mach_interface=False): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() add_arg = parser.add_argument add_arg( "-t", "--test", required=True, dest="test", help="Name of Raptor test to run (can be a top-level suite name i.e. " "'--test raptor-speedometer','--test raptor-tp6-1', or for page-load " "tests a suite sub-test i.e. '--test raptor-tp6-google-firefox')", ) add_arg( "--app", default="firefox", dest="app", help="Name of the application we are testing (default: firefox)", choices=list(APPS), ) add_arg( "-b", "--binary", dest="binary", help="path to the browser executable that we are testing", ) add_arg( "-a", "--activity", dest="activity", default=None, help="Name of Android activity used to launch the Android app." "i.e.: %s" % print_all_activities(), ) add_arg( "-i", "--intent", dest="intent", default=None, help="Name of Android intent action used to launch the Android app." "i.e.: %s" % print_all_intents(), ) add_arg( "--host", dest="host", help="Hostname from which to serve URLs; defaults to " "The value HOST_IP will cause the value of host to be " "loaded from the environment variable HOST_IP.", default="", ) add_arg( "--power-test", dest="power_test", action="store_true", help="Use Raptor to measure power usage on Android browsers (Geckoview Example, " "Fenix, and Refbrow) as well as on Intel-based MacOS machines that have " "Intel Power Gadget installed.", ) add_arg( "--memory-test", dest="memory_test", action="store_true", help="Use Raptor to measure memory usage.", ) add_arg( "--cpu-test", dest="cpu_test", action="store_true", help="Use Raptor to measure CPU usage. Currently supported for Android only.", ) add_arg( "--live-sites", dest="live_sites", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run tests using live sites instead of recorded sites.", ) add_arg( "--chimera", dest="chimera", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run tests in chimera mode. Each browser cycle will run a cold and warm test.", ) add_arg( "--is-release-build", dest="is_release_build", default=False, action="store_true", help="Whether the build is a release build which requires workarounds " "using MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS to support installing unsigned " "webextensions. Defaults to False.", ) add_arg( "--geckoProfile", action="store_true", dest="gecko_profile", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) add_arg( "--geckoProfileInterval", dest="gecko_profile_interval", type=float, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) add_arg( "--geckoProfileEntries", dest="gecko_profile_entries", type=int, help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) add_arg( "--gecko-profile", action="store_true", dest="gecko_profile", help="Profile the run and out-put the results in $MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR. " "After talos is finished, profiler.firefox.com will be launched in Firefox " "so you can analyze the local profiles. To disable auto-launching of " "profiler.firefox.com, set the DISABLE_PROFILE_LAUNCH=1 env var.", ) add_arg( "--gecko-profile-entries", dest="gecko_profile_entries", type=int, help="How many samples to take with the profiler", ) add_arg( "--gecko-profile-interval", dest="gecko_profile_interval", type=int, help="How frequently to take samples (milliseconds)", ) add_arg( "--gecko-profile-thread", dest="gecko_profile_extra_threads", default=[], action="append", help="Name of the extra thread to be profiled", ) add_arg( "--gecko-profile-threads", dest="gecko_profile_threads", type=str, help="Comma-separated list of all threads to sample", ) add_arg( "--gecko-profile-features", dest="gecko_profile_features", type=str, help="What features to enable in the profiler", ) add_arg( "--extra-profiler-run", dest="extra_profiler_run", action="store_true", default=False, help="Run the tests again with profiler enabled after the main run.", ) add_arg( "--symbolsPath", dest="symbols_path", help="Path to the symbols for the build we are testing", ) add_arg( "--page-cycles", dest="page_cycles", type=int, help="How many times to repeat loading the test page (for page load tests); " "for benchmark tests, this is how many times the benchmark test will be run", ) add_arg( "--page-timeout", dest="page_timeout", type=int, help="How long to wait (ms) for one page_cycle to complete, before timing out", ) add_arg( "--post-startup-delay", dest="post_startup_delay", type=int, default=30000, help="How long to wait (ms) after browser start-up before starting the tests", ) add_arg( "--browser-cycles", dest="browser_cycles", type=int, help="The number of times a cold load test is repeated (for cold load tests only, " "where the browser is shutdown and restarted between test iterations)", ), add_arg( "--project", dest="project", type=str, default="mozilla-central", help="Project name (try, mozilla-central, etc.)", ), add_arg( "--test-url-params", dest="test_url_params", help="Parameters to add to the test_url query string", ) add_arg( "--print-tests", action=_PrintTests, help="Print all available Raptor tests" ) add_arg( "--debug-mode", dest="debug_mode", action="store_true", help="Run Raptor in debug mode (open browser console, limited page-cycles, etc.)", ) add_arg( "--disable-e10s", dest="e10s", action="store_false", default=True, help="Run without multiple processes (e10s).", ) add_arg( "--device-name", dest="device_name", default=None, type=str, help="Device name of mobile device.", ) add_arg( "--disable-fission", dest="fission", action="store_false", default=True, help="Disable Fission (site isolation) in Gecko.", ) add_arg( "--enable-fission-mobile", dest="fission_mobile", action="store_true", default=False, help="Temporary work-around to enable fission on mobile as it is enabled " "by default for desktop now but not mobile.", ) add_arg( "--setpref", dest="extra_prefs", action="append", default=[], metavar="PREF=VALUE", help="Set a browser preference. May be used multiple times.", ) add_arg( "--setenv", dest="environment", action="append", default=[], metavar="NAME=VALUE", help="Set a variable in the test environment. May be used multiple times.", ) if not mach_interface: add_arg( "--run-local", dest="run_local", default=False, action="store_true", help="Flag which indicates if Raptor is running locally or in production", ) add_arg( "--obj-path", dest="obj_path", default=None, help="Browser-build obj_path (received when running in production)", ) add_arg( "--mozbuild-path", dest="mozbuild_path", default=None, help="This contains the path to mozbuild.", ) add_arg( "--noinstall", dest="noinstall", default=False, action="store_true", help="Flag which indicates if Raptor should not offer to install Android APK.", ) add_arg( "--installerpath", dest="installerpath", default=None, type=str, help="Location where Android browser APK was extracted to before installation.", ) add_arg( "--disable-perf-tuning", dest="disable_perf_tuning", default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable performance tuning on android.", ) add_arg( "--conditioned-profile", dest="conditioned_profile", default=None, type=str, help="Name of conditioned profile to use. Prefix with `artifact:` " "if we should obtain the profile from CI.", ) add_arg( "--webext", dest="webext", action="store_true", default=False, help="Whether to use webextension to execute pageload tests " "(WebExtension is being deprecated).", ) add_arg( "--test-bytecode-cache", dest="test_bytecode_cache", default=False, action="store_true", help="If set, the pageload test will set the preference " "`dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.strategy=-1` and wait 20 seconds after " "the first cold pageload to populate the bytecode cache before running " "a warm pageload test. Only available if `--chimera` is also provided.", ) # for browsertime jobs, cold page load is determined by a '--cold' cmd line argument add_arg( "--cold", dest="cold", action="store_true", help="Enable cold page-load for browsertime tp6", ) # Arguments for invoking browsertime. add_arg( "--browsertime", dest="browsertime", default=True, action="store_true", help="Whether to use browsertime to execute pageload tests", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-arg", dest="browsertime_user_args", action="append", default=[], metavar="OPTION=VALUE", help="Add extra browsertime arguments to your test run using " "this option e.g.: --browsertime-arg timeout.scripts=1000", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-node", dest="browsertime_node", help="path to Node.js executable" ) add_arg( "--browsertime-browsertimejs", dest="browsertime_browsertimejs", help="path to browsertime.js script", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-vismet-script", dest="browsertime_vismet_script", help="path to visualmetrics.py script", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-chromedriver", dest="browsertime_chromedriver", help="path to chromedriver executable", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-video", dest="browsertime_video", help="records the viewport", default=False, action="store_true", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-visualmetrics", dest="browsertime_visualmetrics", help="enables visual metrics", default=False, action="store_true", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-no-ffwindowrecorder", dest="browsertime_no_ffwindowrecorder", help="disable the firefox window recorder", default=False, action="store_true", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-ffmpeg", dest="browsertime_ffmpeg", help="path to ffmpeg executable (for `--video=true`)", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-geckodriver", dest="browsertime_geckodriver", help="path to geckodriver executable", ) add_arg( "--browsertime-existing-results", dest="browsertime_existing_results", default=None, help="load existing results instead of running tests", ) add_arg( "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="Verbose output", ) add_arg( "--enable-marionette-trace", dest="enable_marionette_trace", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable marionette tracing", ) add_arg( "--clean", dest="clean", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clean the python virtualenv (remove, and rebuild) for Raptor before running tests.", ) add_arg( "--collect-perfstats", dest="collect_perfstats", action="store_true", default=False, help="If set, the test will collect perfstats in addition to " "the regular metrics it gathers.", ) add_arg( "--extra-summary-methods", dest="extra_summary_methods", action="append", default=[], metavar="OPTION", help="Alternative methods for summarizing technical and visual pageload metrics. " "Options: geomean, mean.", ) add_arg( "--benchmark-repository", dest="benchmark_repository", default=None, type=str, help="Repository that should be used for a particular benchmark test. " "e.g. https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-android", ) add_arg( "--benchmark-revision", dest="benchmark_revision", default=None, type=str, help="Repository revision that should be used for a particular benchmark test.", ) add_arg( "--benchmark-branch", dest="benchmark_branch", default=None, type=str, help="Repository branch that should be used for a particular benchmark test.", ) add_logging_group(parser) return parser def verify_options(parser, args): ctx = vars(args) if args.binary is None and args.app != "chrome-m": parser.error("--binary is required!") # Debug-mode is disabled in CI (check for attribute in case of mach_interface issues) if hasattr(args, "run_local") and (not args.run_local and args.debug_mode): parser.error("Cannot run debug mode in CI") # If running on webextension, browsertime flag is changed (browsertime is run by default) if args.webext: args.browsertime = False # make sure that browsertime_video is set if visual metrics are requested if args.browsertime_visualmetrics and not args.browsertime_video: args.browsertime_video = True # if running chrome android tests, make sure it's on browsertime and # that the chromedriver path was provided if args.app == "chrome-m": if not args.browsertime: parser.error("--browsertime is required to run android chrome tests") if not args.browsertime_chromedriver: parser.error( "--browsertime-chromedriver path is required for android chrome tests" ) if args.chimera: if not args.browsertime: parser.error("--browsertime is required to run tests in chimera mode") if isinstance(args.page_cycles, int) and args.page_cycles != 2: parser.error( "--page-cycles must either not be set, or must be equal to 2 in chimera mode" ) # Force cold pageloads with 2 page cycles args.cold = True args.page_cycles = 2 # Create bytecode cache at the first cold load, so that the next warm load uses it. # This is applicable for chimera mode only if args.test_bytecode_cache: args.extra_prefs.append("dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.strategy=-1") elif args.test_bytecode_cache: parser.error("--test-bytecode-cache can only be used in --chimera mode") # if running on a desktop browser make sure the binary exists if args.app in DESKTOP_APPS: if not os.path.isfile(args.binary): parser.error("{binary} does not exist!".format(**ctx)) # if geckoProfile specified but running on Chrom[e|ium], not supported if args.gecko_profile and args.app in CHROMIUM_DISTROS: parser.error("Gecko profiling is not supported on Chrome/Chromium!") if args.power_test: if args.app not in ["geckoview", "refbrow", "fenix"]: if platform.system().lower() not in ("darwin",): parser.error( "Power tests are only available on MacOS desktop machines or " "Firefox android browers. App requested: %s. Platform " "detected: %s." % (args.app, platform.system().lower()) ) if args.cpu_test: if args.app not in ["geckoview", "refbrow", "fenix"]: parser.error( "CPU test is only supported when running Raptor on Firefox Android " "browsers!" ) if args.memory_test: if args.app not in ["geckoview", "refbrow", "fenix"]: parser.error( "Memory test is only supported when running Raptor on Firefox Android " "browsers!" ) if args.fission: print("Fission enabled through browser preferences") args.extra_prefs.append("fission.autostart=true") else: print("Fission disabled through browser preferences") args.extra_prefs.append("fission.autostart=false") # if running on geckoview/refbrow/fenix, we need an activity and intent if args.app in ["geckoview", "refbrow", "fenix"]: if not args.activity: # if we have a default activity specified in APPS above, use that if APPS[args.app].get("default_activity", None) is not None: args.activity = APPS[args.app]["default_activity"] else: # otherwise fail out parser.error("--activity command-line argument is required!") if not args.intent: # if we have a default intent specified in APPS above, use that if APPS[args.app].get("default_intent", None) is not None: args.intent = APPS[args.app]["default_intent"] else: # otherwise fail out parser.error("--intent command-line argument is required!") if args.benchmark_repository: if not args.benchmark_revision: parser.error( "When a benchmark repository is provided, a revision is also required." ) def parse_args(argv=None): parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.host == "HOST_IP": args.host = os.environ["HOST_IP"] verify_options(parser, args) return args class _StopAction(argparse.Action): def __init__( self, option_strings, dest=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help=None, ): super(_StopAction, self).__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=0, help=help, ) class _PrintTests(_StopAction): def __init__(self, integrated_apps=INTEGRATED_APPS, *args, **kwargs): super(_PrintTests, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.integrated_apps = integrated_apps def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): from manifestparser import TestManifest here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) raptor_ini = os.path.join(here, "raptor.ini") for _app in self.integrated_apps: test_manifest = TestManifest([raptor_ini], strict=False) info = {"app": _app} available_tests = test_manifest.active_tests( exists=False, disabled=False, filters=[self.filter_app], **info ) if len(available_tests) == 0: # none for that app; skip to next continue # print in readable format if _app == "firefox": title = "\nRaptor Tests Available for %s" % APPS[_app]["long_name"] else: title = "\nRaptor Tests Available for %s (--app=%s)" % ( APPS[_app]["long_name"], _app, ) print(title) print("=" * (len(title) - 1)) # build the list of tests for this app test_list = {} for next_test in available_tests: if next_test.get("name", None) is None: # no test name; skip it continue suite = os.path.basename(next_test["manifest"])[:-4] if suite not in test_list: test_list[suite] = {"type": None, "subtests": []} # for page-load tests, we want to list every subtest, so we # can see which pages are available in which tp6-* sets if next_test.get("type", None) is not None: test_list[suite]["type"] = next_test["type"] if next_test["type"] == "pageload": subtest = next_test["name"] measure = next_test.get("measure") if measure is not None: subtest = "{0} ({1})".format(subtest, measure) test_list[suite]["subtests"].append(subtest) # print the list in a nice, readable format for key in sorted(six.iterkeys(test_list)): print("\n%s" % key) print(" type: %s" % test_list[key]["type"]) if len(test_list[key]["subtests"]) != 0: print(" subtests:") for _sub in sorted(test_list[key]["subtests"]): print(" %s" % _sub) print("\nDone.") # exit Raptor parser.exit() def filter_app(self, tests, values): for test in tests: if values["app"] in test["apps"]: yield test