[registered-property-initial.html] [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [pink, background-color\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [calc(1in + 10% + 4px)\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [scale(calc(2 + 2))\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [purple\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [scale(calc(2 + 1)) translateX(calc(3px + 1px))\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [rotate(42deg)\]] expected: FAIL [Initial inherited value can be substituted [purple, color\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [pink, inherits\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [calc(10px + 15px)\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [calc(13% + 37%), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [\t1turn, --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [calc(20 + 20 + 10), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [\tcalc(13% + 37px), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [scale(calc(2 + 2)) translateX(calc(3px + 1px)), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [2000ms, --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [ pink , --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [calc(13 + 37), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [calc(10px + 15px), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [scale(calc(2 + 2)), --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [\tfoo\t, --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial non-inherited value can be substituted [\ttest, --x\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [2.54cm\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [72pt\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [calc(10% + 20%)\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [25.4mm\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [6pc\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [1in\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for correctly computed [url(a)\]] expected: FAIL [Initial value for + correctly computed [url(a) url(a)\]] expected: FAIL