/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #ifndef AOM_AV1_ENCODER_CONTEXT_TREE_H_ #define AOM_AV1_ENCODER_CONTEXT_TREE_H_ #include "av1/common/blockd.h" #include "av1/encoder/block.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif struct AV1_COMP; struct AV1Common; struct ThreadData; typedef enum { // Search all the partition types in this plane. SEARCH_FULL_PLANE = 0, // Only search none_partition coding block. NONE_PARTITION_PLANE = 1, // Search all the partition types in this plane except split. SEARCH_SAME_PLANE = 2, // Skip search partition on this plane. Go split directly. SPLIT_PLANE = 3, } CB_TREE_SEARCH; // Structure to hold snapshot of coding context during the mode picking process typedef struct { MB_MODE_INFO mic; MB_MODE_INFO_EXT mbmi_ext; uint8_t *color_index_map[2]; uint8_t *blk_skip; tran_low_t *coeff[MAX_MB_PLANE]; tran_low_t *qcoeff[MAX_MB_PLANE]; tran_low_t *dqcoeff[MAX_MB_PLANE]; uint16_t *eobs[MAX_MB_PLANE]; uint8_t *txb_entropy_ctx[MAX_MB_PLANE]; int num_4x4_blk; int skip; // For current partition, only if all Y, U, and V transform blocks' // coefficients are quantized to 0, skippable is set to 1. int skippable; int best_mode_index; int hybrid_pred_diff; int comp_pred_diff; int single_pred_diff; // Skip certain ref frames during RD search of rectangular partitions. int skip_ref_frame_mask; // TODO(jingning) Use RD_COST struct here instead. This involves a boarder // scope of refactoring. int rate; int64_t dist; int64_t rdcost; int rd_mode_is_ready; // Flag to indicate whether rd pick mode decision has // been made. // motion vector cache for adaptive motion search control in partition // search loop MV pred_mv[REF_FRAMES]; InterpFilter pred_interp_filter; PARTITION_TYPE partition; } PICK_MODE_CONTEXT; typedef struct { int valid; int split; int skip; int64_t rdcost; int sub_block_split[4]; int sub_block_skip[4]; int64_t sub_block_rdcost[4]; } PC_TREE_STATS; typedef struct PC_TREE { int index; PARTITION_TYPE partitioning; BLOCK_SIZE block_size; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT none; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT horizontal[2]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT vertical[2]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT horizontala[3]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT horizontalb[3]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT verticala[3]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT verticalb[3]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT horizontal4[4]; PICK_MODE_CONTEXT vertical4[4]; CB_TREE_SEARCH cb_search_range; struct PC_TREE *split[4]; PC_TREE_STATS pc_tree_stats; } PC_TREE; void av1_setup_pc_tree(struct AV1Common *cm, struct ThreadData *td); void av1_free_pc_tree(struct ThreadData *td, const int num_planes); void av1_copy_tree_context(PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *dst_ctx, PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *src_ctx); #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif // AOM_AV1_ENCODER_CONTEXT_TREE_H_