#!/usr/bin/env bash DAV1D="tools/dav1d" ARGON_DIR='.' FILMGRAIN=1 CPUMASK=-1 THREADS=0 JOBS=1 usage() { NAME=$(basename "$0") { printf "Usage: %s [-d dav1d] [-a argondir] [-g \$filmgrain] [-c \$cpumask] [-t threads] [-j jobs] [DIRECTORY]...\n" "$NAME" printf "Example: %s -d /path/to/dav1d -a /path/to/argon/ -g 0 -c avx2 profile0_core\n" "$NAME" printf "Used to verify that dav1d can decode the Argon AV1 test vectors correctly.\n\n" printf " DIRECTORY one or more dirs in the argon folder to check against\n" printf " (default: everything except large scale tiles and stress files)\n" printf " -d dav1d path to dav1d executable (default: tools/dav1d)\n" printf " -a dir path to argon dir (default: 'tests/argon' if found; '.' otherwise)\n" printf " -g \$num enable filmgrain (default: 1)\n" printf " -c \$mask use restricted cpumask (default: -1)\n" printf " -t \$num number of threads per dav1d (default: 0)\n" printf " -j \$num number of parallel dav1d processes (default: 1)\n\n" } >&2 exit 1 } error() { printf "\033[1;91m%s\033[0m\n" "$*" >&2 exit 1 } fail() { printf "\033[1K\rMismatch in %s\n" "$1" (( failed++ )) } check_pids() { new_pids=() done_pids=() for p in "${pids[@]}"; do if kill -0 "$p" 2>/dev/null; then new_pids+=("$p") else done_pids+=("$p") fi done pids=("${new_pids[@]}") } wait_pids() { pid_list=("$@") for p in "${pid_list[@]}"; do if ! wait "$p"; then local file_varname="file$p" fail "${!file_varname}" fi done } block_pids() { while [ ${#pids[@]} -ge "$JOBS" ]; do check_pids if [ ${#done_pids} -eq 0 ]; then sleep 0.2 else wait_pids "${done_pids[@]}" fi done } wait_all_pids() { wait_pids "${pids[@]}" } # find tests/argon tests_dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")") if [ -d "$tests_dir/argon" ]; then ARGON_DIR="$tests_dir/argon" fi while getopts ":d:a:g:c:t:j:" opt; do case "$opt" in d) DAV1D="$OPTARG" ;; a) ARGON_DIR="$OPTARG" ;; g) FILMGRAIN="$OPTARG" ;; c) CPUMASK="$OPTARG" ;; t) THREADS="$OPTARG" ;; j) JOBS="$OPTARG" ;; \?) printf "Error! Invalid option: -%s\n" "$OPTARG" >&2 usage ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then # Everything except large scale tiles and stress files. dirs=("$ARGON_DIR/profile0_core" "$ARGON_DIR/profile0_core_special" "$ARGON_DIR/profile0_not_annexb" "$ARGON_DIR/profile0_not_annexb_special" "$ARGON_DIR/profile1_core" "$ARGON_DIR/profile1_core_special" "$ARGON_DIR/profile1_not_annexb" "$ARGON_DIR/profile1_not_annexb_special" "$ARGON_DIR/profile2_core" "$ARGON_DIR/profile2_core_special" "$ARGON_DIR/profile2_not_annexb" "$ARGON_DIR/profile2_not_annexb_special" "$ARGON_DIR/profile_switching") else mapfile -t dirs < <(printf "${ARGON_DIR}/%s\n" "$@" | sort -u) fi ver_info="dav1d $("$DAV1D" -v 2>&1) filmgrain=$FILMGRAIN cpumask=$CPUMASK" || error "Error! Can't run $DAV1D" files=() for d in "${dirs[@]}"; do if [ -d "$d/streams" ]; then files+=("${d/%\//}"/streams/*.obu) fi done if [ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then error "Error! No files found at ${dirs[*]}" fi failed=0 pids=() for i in "${!files[@]}"; do f="${files[i]}" if [ "$FILMGRAIN" -eq 0 ]; then md5=${f/\/streams\//\/md5_no_film_grain\/} else md5=${f/\/streams\//\/md5_ref\/} fi md5=$(<"${md5/%obu/md5}") || error "Error! Can't read md5 ${md5} for file ${f}" md5=${md5/ */} printf "\033[1K\r[%3d%% %d/%d] Verifying %s" "$(((i+1)*100/${#files[@]}))" "$((i+1))" "${#files[@]}" "$f" cmd=("$DAV1D" -i "$f" --filmgrain "$FILMGRAIN" --verify "$md5" --cpumask "$CPUMASK" --threads "$THREADS" -q) if [ "$JOBS" -gt 1 ]; then "${cmd[@]}" 2>/dev/null & p=$! pids+=("$p") declare "file$p=$f" block_pids else if ! "${cmd[@]}" 2>/dev/null; then fail "$f" fi fi done wait_all_pids if [ "$failed" -ne 0 ]; then printf "\033[1K\r%d/%d files \033[1;91mfailed\033[0m to verify" "$failed" "${#files[@]}" else printf "\033[1K\r%d files \033[1;92msuccessfully\033[0m verified" "${#files[@]}" fi printf " in %dm%ds (%s)\n" "$((SECONDS/60))" "$((SECONDS%60))" "$ver_info" exit $failed