package( default_applicable_licenses = ["//:license"], default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) licenses(["notice"]) # Unused on Bazel builds, where this is not defined/known; Copybara replaces # usages with an empty list. COMPAT = [ "//buildenv/target:non_prod", # includes mobile/vendor. ] # cc_library( # name = "vxsort", # srcs = [ # "vxsort/isa_detection.cpp", # "vxsort/isa_detection_msvc.cpp", # "vxsort/isa_detection_sane.cpp", # "vxsort/machine_traits.avx2.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/avx2_load_mask_tables.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.double.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.float.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.int32_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.int64_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.uint32_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.uint64_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.double.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.float.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.int32_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.int64_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.uint32_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.uint64_t.generated.cpp", # "vxsort/vxsort_stats.cpp", # ], # hdrs = [ # "vxsort/alignment.h", # "vxsort/defs.h", # "vxsort/isa_detection.h", # "vxsort/machine_traits.avx2.h", # "vxsort/machine_traits.avx512.h", # "vxsort/machine_traits.h", # "vxsort/packer.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.double.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.float.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.int32_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.int64_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.uint32_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX2.uint64_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.double.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.float.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.int32_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.int64_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.uint32_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.AVX512.uint64_t.generated.h", # "vxsort/smallsort/bitonic_sort.h", # "vxsort/vxsort.h", # "vxsort/vxsort_stats.h", # ], # compatible_with = [], # textual_hdrs = [ # "vxsort/vxsort_targets_disable.h", # "vxsort/vxsort_targets_enable_avx2.h", # "vxsort/vxsort_targets_enable_avx512.h", # ], # ) cc_library( name = "vqsort", srcs = [ # Split into separate files to reduce MSVC build time. "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ], hdrs = [ "vqsort.h", # public interface ], compatible_with = [], local_defines = ["hwy_contrib_EXPORTS"], textual_hdrs = [ "shared-inl.h", "sorting_networks-inl.h", "traits-inl.h", "traits128-inl.h", "vqsort-inl.h", # Placeholder for internal instrumentation. Do not remove. ], deps = [ # Only if VQSORT_SECURE_RNG is set. # "//third_party/absl/random", "//:hwy", # ":vxsort", # required if HAVE_VXSORT ], ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internal-only targets cc_library( name = "helpers", testonly = 1, textual_hdrs = [ "algo-inl.h", "result-inl.h", ], deps = [ ":vqsort", "//:nanobenchmark", # Required for HAVE_PDQSORT, but that is unused and this is # unavailable to Bazel builds, hence commented out. # "//third_party/boost/allowed", # Avoid ips4o and thus TBB to work around hwloc build failure. ], ) cc_binary( name = "print_network", testonly = 1, srcs = [""], deps = [ ":helpers", ":vqsort", "//:hwy", ], ) cc_test( name = "sort_test", size = "medium", srcs = [""], # Do not enable fully_static_link (pthread crash on bazel) local_defines = ["HWY_IS_TEST"], # for test_suite. tags = ["hwy_ops_test"], deps = [ ":helpers", ":vqsort", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", "//:hwy", "//:hwy_test_util", ], ) cc_binary( name = "bench_sort", testonly = 1, srcs = [""], # Do not enable fully_static_link (pthread crash on bazel) local_defines = ["HWY_IS_TEST"], deps = [ ":helpers", ":vqsort", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", "//:hwy", "//:hwy_test_util", ], ) cc_binary( name = "bench_parallel", testonly = 1, srcs = [""], # Do not enable fully_static_link (pthread crash on bazel) local_defines = ["HWY_IS_TEST"], deps = [ ":helpers", ":vqsort", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", "//:hwy", "//:hwy_test_util", ], )