# Improved JPEG decoder implementation This subdirectory contains a JPEG decoder implementation that is API and ABI compatible with libjpeg62. *NOTE*: This is still a work in progress, currently only API functions called from libjxl's benchmark_xl tool are implemented. To decompress an ```input.jpg``` file with this new library: ``` (from the libjxl root directory) $ ./ci.sh opt $ LD_PRELOAD=./build/libjpeg.so.62 ./build/tools/benchmark_xl --input input.jpg --codec=jpeg --decode_only --save_decompressed --output_dir . ``` The decompressed file will be saved as ```input.jpg.jpeg.png```. To benchmark the jpeg encoding-decoding round-trip on an ```input.png``` with the new library, first build a statically linked ```cjpeg-static``` binary, which is found in ```$PATH```, and then run: ``` (from the libjxl root directory) $ ./ci.sh opt $ LD_PRELOAD=./build/libjpeg.so.62 ./build/tools/benchmark_xl --input input.png --codec=jpeg:cjpeg-static:q90 ```