// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/jxl/color_encoding_internal.h" #include #include #include #include "lib/jxl/color_management.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" #include "lib/jxl/fields.h" #include "lib/jxl/matrix_ops.h" namespace jxl { namespace { // Highest reasonable value for the gamma of a transfer curve. constexpr uint32_t kMaxGamma = 8192; // These strings are baked into Description - do not change. std::string ToString(ColorSpace color_space) { switch (color_space) { case ColorSpace::kRGB: return "RGB"; case ColorSpace::kGray: return "Gra"; case ColorSpace::kXYB: return "XYB"; case ColorSpace::kUnknown: return "CS?"; } // Should not happen - visitor fails if enum is invalid. JXL_ABORT("Invalid ColorSpace %u", static_cast(color_space)); } std::string ToString(WhitePoint white_point) { switch (white_point) { case WhitePoint::kD65: return "D65"; case WhitePoint::kCustom: return "Cst"; case WhitePoint::kE: return "EER"; case WhitePoint::kDCI: return "DCI"; } // Should not happen - visitor fails if enum is invalid. JXL_ABORT("Invalid WhitePoint %u", static_cast(white_point)); } std::string ToString(Primaries primaries) { switch (primaries) { case Primaries::kSRGB: return "SRG"; case Primaries::k2100: return "202"; case Primaries::kP3: return "DCI"; case Primaries::kCustom: return "Cst"; } // Should not happen - visitor fails if enum is invalid. JXL_ABORT("Invalid Primaries %u", static_cast(primaries)); } std::string ToString(TransferFunction transfer_function) { switch (transfer_function) { case TransferFunction::kSRGB: return "SRG"; case TransferFunction::kLinear: return "Lin"; case TransferFunction::k709: return "709"; case TransferFunction::kPQ: return "PeQ"; case TransferFunction::kHLG: return "HLG"; case TransferFunction::kDCI: return "DCI"; case TransferFunction::kUnknown: return "TF?"; } // Should not happen - visitor fails if enum is invalid. JXL_ABORT("Invalid TransferFunction %u", static_cast(transfer_function)); } std::string ToString(RenderingIntent rendering_intent) { switch (rendering_intent) { case RenderingIntent::kPerceptual: return "Per"; case RenderingIntent::kRelative: return "Rel"; case RenderingIntent::kSaturation: return "Sat"; case RenderingIntent::kAbsolute: return "Abs"; } // Should not happen - visitor fails if enum is invalid. JXL_ABORT("Invalid RenderingIntent %u", static_cast(rendering_intent)); } static double F64FromCustomxyI32(const int32_t i) { return i * 1E-6; } static Status F64ToCustomxyI32(const double f, int32_t* JXL_RESTRICT i) { if (!(-4 <= f && f <= 4)) { return JXL_FAILURE("F64 out of bounds for CustomxyI32"); } *i = static_cast(roundf(f * 1E6)); return true; } Status ConvertExternalToInternalWhitePoint(const JxlWhitePoint external, WhitePoint* internal) { switch (external) { case JXL_WHITE_POINT_D65: *internal = WhitePoint::kD65; return true; case JXL_WHITE_POINT_CUSTOM: *internal = WhitePoint::kCustom; return true; case JXL_WHITE_POINT_E: *internal = WhitePoint::kE; return true; case JXL_WHITE_POINT_DCI: *internal = WhitePoint::kDCI; return true; } return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid WhitePoint enum value"); } Status ConvertExternalToInternalPrimaries(const JxlPrimaries external, Primaries* internal) { switch (external) { case JXL_PRIMARIES_SRGB: *internal = Primaries::kSRGB; return true; case JXL_PRIMARIES_CUSTOM: *internal = Primaries::kCustom; return true; case JXL_PRIMARIES_2100: *internal = Primaries::k2100; return true; case JXL_PRIMARIES_P3: *internal = Primaries::kP3; return true; } return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid Primaries enum value"); } Status ConvertExternalToInternalTransferFunction( const JxlTransferFunction external, TransferFunction* internal) { switch (external) { case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_709: *internal = TransferFunction::k709; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_UNKNOWN: *internal = TransferFunction::kUnknown; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_LINEAR: *internal = TransferFunction::kLinear; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_SRGB: *internal = TransferFunction::kSRGB; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_PQ: *internal = TransferFunction::kPQ; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_DCI: *internal = TransferFunction::kDCI; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_HLG: *internal = TransferFunction::kHLG; return true; case JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_GAMMA: return JXL_FAILURE("Gamma should be handled separately"); } return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid TransferFunction enum value"); } Status ConvertExternalToInternalRenderingIntent( const JxlRenderingIntent external, RenderingIntent* internal) { switch (external) { case JXL_RENDERING_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL: *internal = RenderingIntent::kPerceptual; return true; case JXL_RENDERING_INTENT_RELATIVE: *internal = RenderingIntent::kRelative; return true; case JXL_RENDERING_INTENT_SATURATION: *internal = RenderingIntent::kSaturation; return true; case JXL_RENDERING_INTENT_ABSOLUTE: *internal = RenderingIntent::kAbsolute; return true; } return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid RenderingIntent enum value"); } } // namespace CIExy Customxy::Get() const { CIExy xy; xy.x = F64FromCustomxyI32(x); xy.y = F64FromCustomxyI32(y); return xy; } Status Customxy::Set(const CIExy& xy) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(F64ToCustomxyI32(xy.x, &x)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(F64ToCustomxyI32(xy.y, &y)); size_t extension_bits, total_bits; if (!Bundle::CanEncode(*this, &extension_bits, &total_bits)) { return JXL_FAILURE("Unable to encode XY %f %f", xy.x, xy.y); } return true; } bool CustomTransferFunction::SetImplicit() { if (nonserialized_color_space == ColorSpace::kXYB) { if (!SetGamma(1.0 / 3)) JXL_ASSERT(false); return true; } return false; } Status CustomTransferFunction::SetGamma(double gamma) { if (gamma < (1.0f / kMaxGamma) || gamma > 1.0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid gamma %f", gamma); } have_gamma_ = false; if (ApproxEq(gamma, 1.0)) { transfer_function_ = TransferFunction::kLinear; return true; } if (ApproxEq(gamma, 1.0 / 2.6)) { transfer_function_ = TransferFunction::kDCI; return true; } // Don't translate 0.45.. to kSRGB nor k709 - that might change pixel // values because those curves also have a linear part. have_gamma_ = true; gamma_ = roundf(gamma * kGammaMul); transfer_function_ = TransferFunction::kUnknown; return true; } namespace { std::array CreateC2(const Primaries pr, const TransferFunction tf) { std::array c2; { ColorEncoding* c_rgb = c2.data() + 0; c_rgb->SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kRGB); c_rgb->white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; c_rgb->primaries = pr; c_rgb->tf.SetTransferFunction(tf); JXL_CHECK(c_rgb->CreateICC()); } { ColorEncoding* c_gray = c2.data() + 1; c_gray->SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kGray); c_gray->white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; c_gray->primaries = pr; c_gray->tf.SetTransferFunction(tf); JXL_CHECK(c_gray->CreateICC()); } return c2; } } // namespace const ColorEncoding& ColorEncoding::SRGB(bool is_gray) { static std::array c2 = CreateC2(Primaries::kSRGB, TransferFunction::kSRGB); return c2[is_gray]; } const ColorEncoding& ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(bool is_gray) { static std::array c2 = CreateC2(Primaries::kSRGB, TransferFunction::kLinear); return c2[is_gray]; } CIExy ColorEncoding::GetWhitePoint() const { JXL_DASSERT(have_fields_); CIExy xy; switch (white_point) { case WhitePoint::kCustom: return white_.Get(); case WhitePoint::kD65: xy.x = 0.3127; xy.y = 0.3290; return xy; case WhitePoint::kDCI: // From https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7290729 C.2 page 11 xy.x = 0.314; xy.y = 0.351; return xy; case WhitePoint::kE: xy.x = xy.y = 1.0 / 3; return xy; } JXL_ABORT("Invalid WhitePoint %u", static_cast(white_point)); } Status ColorEncoding::SetWhitePoint(const CIExy& xy) { JXL_DASSERT(have_fields_); if (xy.x == 0.0 || xy.y == 0.0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid white point %f %f", xy.x, xy.y); } if (ApproxEq(xy.x, 0.3127) && ApproxEq(xy.y, 0.3290)) { white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; return true; } if (ApproxEq(xy.x, 1.0 / 3) && ApproxEq(xy.y, 1.0 / 3)) { white_point = WhitePoint::kE; return true; } if (ApproxEq(xy.x, 0.314) && ApproxEq(xy.y, 0.351)) { white_point = WhitePoint::kDCI; return true; } white_point = WhitePoint::kCustom; return white_.Set(xy); } PrimariesCIExy ColorEncoding::GetPrimaries() const { JXL_DASSERT(have_fields_); JXL_ASSERT(HasPrimaries()); PrimariesCIExy xy; switch (primaries) { case Primaries::kCustom: xy.r = red_.Get(); xy.g = green_.Get(); xy.b = blue_.Get(); return xy; case Primaries::kSRGB: xy.r.x = 0.639998686; xy.r.y = 0.330010138; xy.g.x = 0.300003784; xy.g.y = 0.600003357; xy.b.x = 0.150002046; xy.b.y = 0.059997204; return xy; case Primaries::k2100: xy.r.x = 0.708; xy.r.y = 0.292; xy.g.x = 0.170; xy.g.y = 0.797; xy.b.x = 0.131; xy.b.y = 0.046; return xy; case Primaries::kP3: xy.r.x = 0.680; xy.r.y = 0.320; xy.g.x = 0.265; xy.g.y = 0.690; xy.b.x = 0.150; xy.b.y = 0.060; return xy; } JXL_ABORT("Invalid Primaries %u", static_cast(primaries)); } Status ColorEncoding::SetPrimaries(const PrimariesCIExy& xy) { JXL_DASSERT(have_fields_); JXL_ASSERT(HasPrimaries()); if (xy.r.x == 0.0 || xy.r.y == 0.0 || xy.g.x == 0.0 || xy.g.y == 0.0 || xy.b.x == 0.0 || xy.b.y == 0.0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid primaries %f %f %f %f %f %f", xy.r.x, xy.r.y, xy.g.x, xy.g.y, xy.b.x, xy.b.y); } if (ApproxEq(xy.r.x, 0.64) && ApproxEq(xy.r.y, 0.33) && ApproxEq(xy.g.x, 0.30) && ApproxEq(xy.g.y, 0.60) && ApproxEq(xy.b.x, 0.15) && ApproxEq(xy.b.y, 0.06)) { primaries = Primaries::kSRGB; return true; } if (ApproxEq(xy.r.x, 0.708) && ApproxEq(xy.r.y, 0.292) && ApproxEq(xy.g.x, 0.170) && ApproxEq(xy.g.y, 0.797) && ApproxEq(xy.b.x, 0.131) && ApproxEq(xy.b.y, 0.046)) { primaries = Primaries::k2100; return true; } if (ApproxEq(xy.r.x, 0.680) && ApproxEq(xy.r.y, 0.320) && ApproxEq(xy.g.x, 0.265) && ApproxEq(xy.g.y, 0.690) && ApproxEq(xy.b.x, 0.150) && ApproxEq(xy.b.y, 0.060)) { primaries = Primaries::kP3; return true; } primaries = Primaries::kCustom; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(red_.Set(xy.r)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(green_.Set(xy.g)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(blue_.Set(xy.b)); return true; } Status ColorEncoding::CreateICC() { InternalRemoveICC(); if (!MaybeCreateProfile(*this, &icc_)) { return JXL_FAILURE("Failed to create profile from fields"); } return true; } std::string Description(const ColorEncoding& c_in) { // Copy required for Implicit* ColorEncoding c = c_in; std::string d = ToString(c.GetColorSpace()); if (!c.ImplicitWhitePoint()) { d += '_'; if (c.white_point == WhitePoint::kCustom) { const CIExy wp = c.GetWhitePoint(); d += ToString(wp.x) + ';'; d += ToString(wp.y); } else { d += ToString(c.white_point); } } if (c.HasPrimaries()) { d += '_'; if (c.primaries == Primaries::kCustom) { const PrimariesCIExy pr = c.GetPrimaries(); d += ToString(pr.r.x) + ';'; d += ToString(pr.r.y) + ';'; d += ToString(pr.g.x) + ';'; d += ToString(pr.g.y) + ';'; d += ToString(pr.b.x) + ';'; d += ToString(pr.b.y); } else { d += ToString(c.primaries); } } d += '_'; d += ToString(c.rendering_intent); if (!c.tf.SetImplicit()) { d += '_'; if (c.tf.IsGamma()) { d += 'g'; d += ToString(c.tf.GetGamma()); } else { d += ToString(c.tf.GetTransferFunction()); } } return d; } Customxy::Customxy() { Bundle::Init(this); } Status Customxy::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) { uint32_t ux = PackSigned(x); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->U32(Bits(19), BitsOffset(19, 524288), BitsOffset(20, 1048576), BitsOffset(21, 2097152), 0, &ux)); x = UnpackSigned(ux); uint32_t uy = PackSigned(y); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->U32(Bits(19), BitsOffset(19, 524288), BitsOffset(20, 1048576), BitsOffset(21, 2097152), 0, &uy)); y = UnpackSigned(uy); return true; } CustomTransferFunction::CustomTransferFunction() { Bundle::Init(this); } Status CustomTransferFunction::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) { if (visitor->Conditional(!SetImplicit())) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &have_gamma_)); if (visitor->Conditional(have_gamma_)) { // Gamma is represented as a 24-bit int, the exponent used is // gamma_ / 1e7. Valid values are (0, 1]. On the low end side, we also // limit it to kMaxGamma/1e7. JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bits(24, kGammaMul, &gamma_)); if (gamma_ > kGammaMul || static_cast(gamma_) * kMaxGamma < kGammaMul) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid gamma %u", gamma_); } } if (visitor->Conditional(!have_gamma_)) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->Enum(TransferFunction::kSRGB, &transfer_function_)); } } return true; } ColorEncoding::ColorEncoding() { Bundle::Init(this); } Status ColorEncoding::VisitFields(Visitor* JXL_RESTRICT visitor) { if (visitor->AllDefault(*this, &all_default)) { // Overwrite all serialized fields, but not any nonserialized_*. visitor->SetDefault(this); return true; } JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Bool(false, &want_icc_)); // Always send even if want_icc_ because this affects decoding. // We can skip the white point/primaries because they do not. JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Enum(ColorSpace::kRGB, &color_space_)); if (visitor->Conditional(!WantICC())) { // Serialize enums. NOTE: we set the defaults to the most common values so // ImageMetadata.all_default is true in the common case. if (visitor->Conditional(!ImplicitWhitePoint())) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Enum(WhitePoint::kD65, &white_point)); if (visitor->Conditional(white_point == WhitePoint::kCustom)) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->VisitNested(&white_)); } } if (visitor->Conditional(HasPrimaries())) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->Enum(Primaries::kSRGB, &primaries)); if (visitor->Conditional(primaries == Primaries::kCustom)) { JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->VisitNested(&red_)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->VisitNested(&green_)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->VisitNested(&blue_)); } } JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR(visitor->VisitNested(&tf)); JXL_QUIET_RETURN_IF_ERROR( visitor->Enum(RenderingIntent::kRelative, &rendering_intent)); // We didn't have ICC, so all fields should be known. if (color_space_ == ColorSpace::kUnknown || tf.IsUnknown()) { return JXL_FAILURE( "No ICC but cs %u and tf %u%s", static_cast(color_space_), tf.IsGamma() ? 0 : static_cast(tf.GetTransferFunction()), tf.IsGamma() ? "(gamma)" : ""); } JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateICC()); } if (WantICC() && visitor->IsReading()) { // Haven't called SetICC() yet, do nothing. } else { if (ICC().empty()) return JXL_FAILURE("Empty ICC"); } return true; } void ConvertInternalToExternalColorEncoding(const ColorEncoding& internal, JxlColorEncoding* external) { external->color_space = static_cast(internal.GetColorSpace()); external->white_point = static_cast(internal.white_point); jxl::CIExy whitepoint = internal.GetWhitePoint(); external->white_point_xy[0] = whitepoint.x; external->white_point_xy[1] = whitepoint.y; if (external->color_space == JXL_COLOR_SPACE_RGB || external->color_space == JXL_COLOR_SPACE_UNKNOWN) { external->primaries = static_cast(internal.primaries); jxl::PrimariesCIExy primaries = internal.GetPrimaries(); external->primaries_red_xy[0] = primaries.r.x; external->primaries_red_xy[1] = primaries.r.y; external->primaries_green_xy[0] = primaries.g.x; external->primaries_green_xy[1] = primaries.g.y; external->primaries_blue_xy[0] = primaries.b.x; external->primaries_blue_xy[1] = primaries.b.y; } if (internal.tf.IsGamma()) { external->transfer_function = JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_GAMMA; external->gamma = internal.tf.GetGamma(); } else { external->transfer_function = static_cast(internal.tf.GetTransferFunction()); external->gamma = 0; } external->rendering_intent = static_cast(internal.rendering_intent); } Status ConvertExternalToInternalColorEncoding(const JxlColorEncoding& external, ColorEncoding* internal) { internal->SetColorSpace(static_cast(external.color_space)); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertExternalToInternalWhitePoint( external.white_point, &internal->white_point)); if (external.white_point == JXL_WHITE_POINT_CUSTOM) { CIExy wp; wp.x = external.white_point_xy[0]; wp.y = external.white_point_xy[1]; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(internal->SetWhitePoint(wp)); } if (external.color_space == JXL_COLOR_SPACE_RGB || external.color_space == JXL_COLOR_SPACE_UNKNOWN) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertExternalToInternalPrimaries( external.primaries, &internal->primaries)); if (external.primaries == JXL_PRIMARIES_CUSTOM) { PrimariesCIExy primaries; primaries.r.x = external.primaries_red_xy[0]; primaries.r.y = external.primaries_red_xy[1]; primaries.g.x = external.primaries_green_xy[0]; primaries.g.y = external.primaries_green_xy[1]; primaries.b.x = external.primaries_blue_xy[0]; primaries.b.y = external.primaries_blue_xy[1]; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(internal->SetPrimaries(primaries)); } } CustomTransferFunction tf; tf.nonserialized_color_space = internal->GetColorSpace(); if (external.transfer_function == JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_GAMMA) { JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(tf.SetGamma(external.gamma)); } else { TransferFunction tf_enum; // JXL_TRANSFER_FUNCTION_GAMMA is not handled by this function since there's // no internal enum value for it. JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertExternalToInternalTransferFunction( external.transfer_function, &tf_enum)); tf.SetTransferFunction(tf_enum); } internal->tf = tf; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(ConvertExternalToInternalRenderingIntent( external.rendering_intent, &internal->rendering_intent)); // The ColorEncoding caches an ICC profile it created earlier that may no // longer match the profile with the changed fields, so re-create it. if (!(internal->CreateICC())) { // This is not an error: for example, it doesn't have ICC profile creation // implemented for XYB. This should not be returned as error, since // ConvertExternalToInternalColorEncoding still worked correctly, and what // matters is that internal->ICC() will not return the wrong profile. } return true; } /* Chromatic adaptation matrices*/ static const float kBradford[9] = { 0.8951f, 0.2664f, -0.1614f, -0.7502f, 1.7135f, 0.0367f, 0.0389f, -0.0685f, 1.0296f, }; static const float kBradfordInv[9] = { 0.9869929f, -0.1470543f, 0.1599627f, 0.4323053f, 0.5183603f, 0.0492912f, -0.0085287f, 0.0400428f, 0.9684867f, }; // Adapts whitepoint x, y to D50 Status AdaptToXYZD50(float wx, float wy, float matrix[9]) { if (wx < 0 || wx > 1 || wy <= 0 || wy > 1) { // Out of range values can cause division through zero // further down with the bradford adaptation too. return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid white point"); } float w[3] = {wx / wy, 1.0f, (1.0f - wx - wy) / wy}; // 1 / tiny float can still overflow JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(std::isfinite(w[0]) && std::isfinite(w[2])); float w50[3] = {0.96422f, 1.0f, 0.82521f}; float lms[3]; float lms50[3]; Mul3x3Vector(kBradford, w, lms); Mul3x3Vector(kBradford, w50, lms50); if (lms[0] == 0 || lms[1] == 0 || lms[2] == 0) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid white point"); } float a[9] = { // /----> 0, 1, 2, 3, /----> 4, 5, 6, 7, /----> 8, lms50[0] / lms[0], 0, 0, 0, lms50[1] / lms[1], 0, 0, 0, lms50[2] / lms[2], }; if (!std::isfinite(a[0]) || !std::isfinite(a[4]) || !std::isfinite(a[8])) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid white point"); } float b[9]; Mul3x3Matrix(a, kBradford, b); Mul3x3Matrix(kBradfordInv, b, matrix); return true; } Status PrimariesToXYZ(float rx, float ry, float gx, float gy, float bx, float by, float wx, float wy, float matrix[9]) { if (wx < 0 || wx > 1 || wy <= 0 || wy > 1) { return JXL_FAILURE("Invalid white point"); } // TODO(lode): also require rx, ry, gx, gy, bx, to be in range 0-1? ICC // profiles in theory forbid negative XYZ values, but in practice the ACES P0 // color space uses a negative y for the blue primary. float primaries[9] = { rx, gx, bx, ry, gy, by, 1.0f - rx - ry, 1.0f - gx - gy, 1.0f - bx - by}; float primaries_inv[9]; memcpy(primaries_inv, primaries, sizeof(float) * 9); JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(Inv3x3Matrix(primaries_inv)); float w[3] = {wx / wy, 1.0f, (1.0f - wx - wy) / wy}; // 1 / tiny float can still overflow JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(std::isfinite(w[0]) && std::isfinite(w[2])); float xyz[3]; Mul3x3Vector(primaries_inv, w, xyz); float a[9] = { xyz[0], 0, 0, 0, xyz[1], 0, 0, 0, xyz[2], }; Mul3x3Matrix(primaries, a, matrix); return true; } Status PrimariesToXYZD50(float rx, float ry, float gx, float gy, float bx, float by, float wx, float wy, float matrix[9]) { float toXYZ[9]; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(PrimariesToXYZ(rx, ry, gx, gy, bx, by, wx, wy, toXYZ)); float d50[9]; JXL_RETURN_IF_ERROR(AdaptToXYZD50(wx, wy, d50)); Mul3x3Matrix(d50, toXYZ, matrix); return true; } } // namespace jxl