// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/jxl/color_management.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/data_parallel.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/file_io.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/random.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_color_management.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_xyb.h" #include "lib/jxl/image_test_utils.h" #include "lib/jxl/test_utils.h" #include "lib/jxl/testing.h" namespace jxl { std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const CIExy& xy) { return os << "{x=" << xy.x << ", y=" << xy.y << "}"; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const PrimariesCIExy& primaries) { return os << "{r=" << primaries.r << ", g=" << primaries.g << ", b=" << primaries.b << "}"; } namespace { using ::testing::ElementsAre; using ::testing::FloatNear; // Small enough to be fast. If changed, must update Generate*. static constexpr size_t kWidth = 16; static constexpr size_t kNumThreads = 1; // only have a single row. struct Globals { // TODO(deymo): Make this a const. static Globals* GetInstance() { static Globals ret; return &ret; } private: Globals() { in_gray = GenerateGray(); in_color = GenerateColor(); out_gray = ImageF(kWidth, 1); out_color = ImageF(kWidth * 3, 1); c_native = ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(/*is_gray=*/false); c_gray = ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(/*is_gray=*/true); } static ImageF GenerateGray() { ImageF gray(kWidth, 1); float* JXL_RESTRICT row = gray.Row(0); // Increasing left to right for (uint32_t x = 0; x < kWidth; ++x) { row[x] = x * 1.0f / (kWidth - 1); // [0, 1] } return gray; } static ImageF GenerateColor() { ImageF image(kWidth * 3, 1); float* JXL_RESTRICT interleaved = image.Row(0); std::fill(interleaved, interleaved + kWidth * 3, 0.0f); // [0, 4): neutral for (int32_t x = 0; x < 4; ++x) { interleaved[3 * x + 0] = x * 1.0f / 3; // [0, 1] interleaved[3 * x + 2] = interleaved[3 * x + 1] = interleaved[3 * x + 0]; } // [4, 13): pure RGB with low/medium/high saturation for (int32_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { interleaved[3 * (4 + c) + c] = 0.08f + c * 0.01f; interleaved[3 * (7 + c) + c] = 0.75f + c * 0.01f; interleaved[3 * (10 + c) + c] = 1.0f; } // [13, 16): impure, not quite saturated RGB interleaved[3 * 13 + 0] = 0.86f; interleaved[3 * 13 + 2] = interleaved[3 * 13 + 1] = 0.16f; interleaved[3 * 14 + 1] = 0.87f; interleaved[3 * 14 + 2] = interleaved[3 * 14 + 0] = 0.16f; interleaved[3 * 15 + 2] = 0.88f; interleaved[3 * 15 + 1] = interleaved[3 * 15 + 0] = 0.16f; return image; } public: // ImageF so we can use VerifyRelativeError; all are interleaved RGB. ImageF in_gray; ImageF in_color; ImageF out_gray; ImageF out_color; ColorEncoding c_native; ColorEncoding c_gray; }; class ColorManagementTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { public: static void VerifySameFields(const ColorEncoding& c, const ColorEncoding& c2) { ASSERT_EQ(c.rendering_intent, c2.rendering_intent); ASSERT_EQ(c.GetColorSpace(), c2.GetColorSpace()); ASSERT_EQ(c.white_point, c2.white_point); if (c.HasPrimaries()) { ASSERT_EQ(c.primaries, c2.primaries); } ASSERT_TRUE(c.tf.IsSame(c2.tf)); } // "Same" pixels after converting g->c_native -> c -> g->c_native. static void VerifyPixelRoundTrip(const ColorEncoding& c) { Globals* g = Globals::GetInstance(); const ColorEncoding& c_native = c.IsGray() ? g->c_gray : g->c_native; const JxlCmsInterface& cms = GetJxlCms(); ColorSpaceTransform xform_fwd(cms); ColorSpaceTransform xform_rev(cms); const float intensity_target = c.tf.IsHLG() ? 1000 : kDefaultIntensityTarget; ASSERT_TRUE( xform_fwd.Init(c_native, c, intensity_target, kWidth, kNumThreads)); ASSERT_TRUE( xform_rev.Init(c, c_native, intensity_target, kWidth, kNumThreads)); const size_t thread = 0; const ImageF& in = c.IsGray() ? g->in_gray : g->in_color; ImageF* JXL_RESTRICT out = c.IsGray() ? &g->out_gray : &g->out_color; ASSERT_TRUE(xform_fwd.Run(thread, in.Row(0), xform_fwd.BufDst(thread))); ASSERT_TRUE(xform_rev.Run(thread, xform_fwd.BufDst(thread), out->Row(0))); #if JPEGXL_ENABLE_SKCMS double max_l1 = 7E-4; double max_rel = 4E-7; #else double max_l1 = 5E-5; // Most are lower; reached 3E-7 with D60 AP0. double max_rel = 4E-7; #endif if (c.IsGray()) max_rel = 2E-5; JXL_ASSERT_OK(VerifyRelativeError(in, *out, max_l1, max_rel, _)); } }; JXL_GTEST_INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ColorManagementTestInstantiation, ColorManagementTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(test::AllEncodings())); // Exercises the ColorManagement interface for ALL ColorEncoding synthesizable // via enums. TEST_P(ColorManagementTest, VerifyAllProfiles) { ColorEncoding c = ColorEncodingFromDescriptor(GetParam()); printf("%s\n", Description(c).c_str()); // Can create profile. ASSERT_TRUE(c.CreateICC()); // Can set an equivalent ColorEncoding from the generated ICC profile. ColorEncoding c3; ASSERT_TRUE(c3.SetICC(PaddedBytes(c.ICC()))); VerifySameFields(c, c3); VerifyPixelRoundTrip(c); } testing::Matcher CIExyIs(const double x, const double y) { static constexpr double kMaxError = 1e-4; return testing::AllOf( testing::Field(&CIExy::x, testing::DoubleNear(x, kMaxError)), testing::Field(&CIExy::y, testing::DoubleNear(y, kMaxError))); } testing::Matcher PrimariesAre( const testing::Matcher& r, const testing::Matcher& g, const testing::Matcher& b) { return testing::AllOf(testing::Field(&PrimariesCIExy::r, r), testing::Field(&PrimariesCIExy::g, g), testing::Field(&PrimariesCIExy::b, b)); } TEST_F(ColorManagementTest, sRGBChromaticity) { const ColorEncoding sRGB = ColorEncoding::SRGB(); EXPECT_THAT(sRGB.GetWhitePoint(), CIExyIs(0.3127, 0.3290)); EXPECT_THAT(sRGB.GetPrimaries(), PrimariesAre(CIExyIs(0.64, 0.33), CIExyIs(0.30, 0.60), CIExyIs(0.15, 0.06))); } TEST_F(ColorManagementTest, D2700Chromaticity) { PaddedBytes icc = jxl::test::ReadTestData("jxl/color_management/sRGB-D2700.icc"); ColorEncoding sRGB_D2700; ASSERT_TRUE(sRGB_D2700.SetICC(std::move(icc))); EXPECT_THAT(sRGB_D2700.GetWhitePoint(), CIExyIs(0.45986, 0.41060)); // The illuminant-relative chromaticities of this profile's primaries are the // same as for sRGB. It is the PCS-relative chromaticities that would be // different. EXPECT_THAT(sRGB_D2700.GetPrimaries(), PrimariesAre(CIExyIs(0.64, 0.33), CIExyIs(0.30, 0.60), CIExyIs(0.15, 0.06))); } TEST_F(ColorManagementTest, D2700ToSRGB) { PaddedBytes icc = jxl::test::ReadTestData("jxl/color_management/sRGB-D2700.icc"); ColorEncoding sRGB_D2700; ASSERT_TRUE(sRGB_D2700.SetICC(std::move(icc))); ColorSpaceTransform transform(GetJxlCms()); ASSERT_TRUE(transform.Init(sRGB_D2700, ColorEncoding::SRGB(), kDefaultIntensityTarget, 1, 1)); const float sRGB_D2700_values[3] = {0.863, 0.737, 0.490}; float sRGB_values[3]; ASSERT_TRUE(transform.Run(0, sRGB_D2700_values, sRGB_values)); EXPECT_THAT(sRGB_values, ElementsAre(FloatNear(0.914, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.745, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.601, 1e-3))); } TEST_F(ColorManagementTest, P3HlgTo2020Hlg) { ColorEncoding p3_hlg; p3_hlg.SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kRGB); p3_hlg.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; p3_hlg.primaries = Primaries::kP3; p3_hlg.tf.SetTransferFunction(TransferFunction::kHLG); ASSERT_TRUE(p3_hlg.CreateICC()); ColorEncoding rec2020_hlg = p3_hlg; rec2020_hlg.primaries = Primaries::k2100; ASSERT_TRUE(rec2020_hlg.CreateICC()); ColorSpaceTransform transform(GetJxlCms()); ASSERT_TRUE(transform.Init(p3_hlg, rec2020_hlg, 1000, 1, 1)); const float p3_hlg_values[3] = {0., 0.75, 0.}; float rec2020_hlg_values[3]; ASSERT_TRUE(transform.Run(0, p3_hlg_values, rec2020_hlg_values)); EXPECT_THAT(rec2020_hlg_values, ElementsAre(FloatNear(0.3973, 1e-4), FloatNear(0.7382, 1e-4), FloatNear(0.1183, 1e-4))); } TEST_F(ColorManagementTest, HlgOotf) { ColorEncoding p3_hlg; p3_hlg.SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kRGB); p3_hlg.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; p3_hlg.primaries = Primaries::kP3; p3_hlg.tf.SetTransferFunction(TransferFunction::kHLG); ASSERT_TRUE(p3_hlg.CreateICC()); ColorSpaceTransform transform_to_1000(GetJxlCms()); ASSERT_TRUE( transform_to_1000.Init(p3_hlg, ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(), 1000, 1, 1)); // HDR reference white: https://www.itu.int/pub/R-REP-BT.2408-4-2021 float p3_hlg_values[3] = {0.75, 0.75, 0.75}; float linear_srgb_values[3]; ASSERT_TRUE(transform_to_1000.Run(0, p3_hlg_values, linear_srgb_values)); // On a 1000-nit display, HDR reference white should be 203 cd/m² which is // 0.203 times the maximum. EXPECT_THAT(linear_srgb_values, ElementsAre(FloatNear(0.203, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.203, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.203, 1e-3))); ColorSpaceTransform transform_to_400(GetJxlCms()); ASSERT_TRUE( transform_to_400.Init(p3_hlg, ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(), 400, 1, 1)); ASSERT_TRUE(transform_to_400.Run(0, p3_hlg_values, linear_srgb_values)); // On a 400-nit display, it should be 100 cd/m². EXPECT_THAT(linear_srgb_values, ElementsAre(FloatNear(0.250, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.250, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.250, 1e-3))); p3_hlg_values[2] = 0.50; ASSERT_TRUE(transform_to_1000.Run(0, p3_hlg_values, linear_srgb_values)); EXPECT_THAT(linear_srgb_values, ElementsAre(FloatNear(0.201, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.201, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.050, 1e-3))); ColorSpaceTransform transform_from_400(GetJxlCms()); ASSERT_TRUE( transform_from_400.Init(ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(), p3_hlg, 400, 1, 1)); linear_srgb_values[0] = linear_srgb_values[1] = linear_srgb_values[2] = 0.250; ASSERT_TRUE(transform_from_400.Run(0, linear_srgb_values, p3_hlg_values)); EXPECT_THAT(p3_hlg_values, ElementsAre(FloatNear(0.75, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.75, 1e-3), FloatNear(0.75, 1e-3))); ColorEncoding grayscale_hlg; grayscale_hlg.SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kGray); grayscale_hlg.white_point = WhitePoint::kD65; grayscale_hlg.tf.SetTransferFunction(TransferFunction::kHLG); ASSERT_TRUE(grayscale_hlg.CreateICC()); ColorSpaceTransform grayscale_transform(GetJxlCms()); ASSERT_TRUE(grayscale_transform.Init( grayscale_hlg, ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(/*is_gray=*/true), 1000, 1, 1)); const float grayscale_hlg_value = 0.75; float linear_grayscale_value; ASSERT_TRUE(grayscale_transform.Run(0, &grayscale_hlg_value, &linear_grayscale_value)); EXPECT_THAT(linear_grayscale_value, FloatNear(0.203, 1e-3)); } TEST_F(ColorManagementTest, XYBProfile) { ColorEncoding c_xyb; c_xyb.SetColorSpace(ColorSpace::kXYB); c_xyb.rendering_intent = RenderingIntent::kPerceptual; ASSERT_TRUE(c_xyb.CreateICC()); ColorEncoding c_native = ColorEncoding::LinearSRGB(false); static const size_t kGridDim = 17; static const size_t kNumColors = kGridDim * kGridDim * kGridDim; const JxlCmsInterface& cms = GetJxlCms(); ColorSpaceTransform xform(cms); ASSERT_TRUE( xform.Init(c_xyb, c_native, kDefaultIntensityTarget, kNumColors, 1)); ImageMetadata metadata; metadata.color_encoding = c_native; ImageBundle ib(&metadata); Image3F native(kNumColors, 1); float mul = 1.0f / (kGridDim - 1); for (size_t ir = 0, x = 0; ir < kGridDim; ++ir) { for (size_t ig = 0; ig < kGridDim; ++ig) { for (size_t ib = 0; ib < kGridDim; ++ib, ++x) { native.PlaneRow(0, 0)[x] = ir * mul; native.PlaneRow(1, 0)[x] = ig * mul; native.PlaneRow(2, 0)[x] = ib * mul; } } } ib.SetFromImage(std::move(native), c_native); const Image3F& in = *ib.color(); Image3F opsin(kNumColors, 1); ToXYB(ib, nullptr, &opsin, cms, nullptr); Image3F opsin2 = CopyImage(opsin); ScaleXYB(&opsin2); float* src = xform.BufSrc(0); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumColors; ++i) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { src[3 * i + c] = opsin2.PlaneRow(c, 0)[i]; } } float* dst = xform.BufDst(0); ASSERT_TRUE(xform.Run(0, src, dst)); Image3F out(kNumColors, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumColors; ++i) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { out.PlaneRow(c, 0)[i] = dst[3 * i + c]; } } auto debug_print_color = [&](size_t i) { printf( "(%f, %f, %f) -> (%9.6f, %f, %f) -> (%f, %f, %f) -> " "(%9.6f, %9.6f, %9.6f)", in.PlaneRow(0, 0)[i], in.PlaneRow(1, 0)[i], in.PlaneRow(2, 0)[i], opsin.PlaneRow(0, 0)[i], opsin.PlaneRow(1, 0)[i], opsin.PlaneRow(2, 0)[i], opsin2.PlaneRow(0, 0)[i], opsin2.PlaneRow(1, 0)[i], opsin2.PlaneRow(2, 0)[i], out.PlaneRow(0, 0)[i], out.PlaneRow(1, 0)[i], out.PlaneRow(2, 0)[i]); }; float max_err[3] = {}; size_t max_err_i[3] = {}; for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumColors; ++i) { for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { // debug_print_color(i); printf("\n"); float err = std::abs(in.PlaneRow(c, 0)[i] - out.PlaneRow(c, 0)[i]); if (err > max_err[c]) { max_err[c] = err; max_err_i[c] = i; } } } static float kMaxError[3] = {9e-4, 4e-4, 5e-4}; printf("Maximum errors:\n"); for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { debug_print_color(max_err_i[c]); printf(" %f\n", max_err[c]); EXPECT_LT(max_err[c], kMaxError[c]); } } } // namespace } // namespace jxl