// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/jxl/convolve.h" #undef HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE #define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/convolve_symmetric5.cc" #include #include #include "lib/jxl/common.h" // RoundUpTo #include "lib/jxl/convolve-inl.h" HWY_BEFORE_NAMESPACE(); namespace jxl { namespace HWY_NAMESPACE { // These templates are not found via ADL. using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Add; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Mul; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Vec; // Weighted sum of 1x5 pixels around ix, iy with [wx2 wx1 wx0 wx1 wx2]. template static float WeightedSumBorder(const ImageF& in, const WrapY wrap_y, const int64_t ix, const int64_t iy, const size_t xsize, const size_t ysize, const float wx0, const float wx1, const float wx2) { const WrapMirror wrap_x; const float* JXL_RESTRICT row = in.ConstRow(wrap_y(iy, ysize)); const float in_m2 = row[wrap_x(ix - 2, xsize)]; const float in_p2 = row[wrap_x(ix + 2, xsize)]; const float in_m1 = row[wrap_x(ix - 1, xsize)]; const float in_p1 = row[wrap_x(ix + 1, xsize)]; const float in_00 = row[ix]; const float sum_2 = wx2 * (in_m2 + in_p2); const float sum_1 = wx1 * (in_m1 + in_p1); const float sum_0 = wx0 * in_00; return sum_2 + sum_1 + sum_0; } template static V WeightedSum(const ImageF& in, const WrapY wrap_y, const size_t ix, const int64_t iy, const size_t ysize, const V wx0, const V wx1, const V wx2) { const HWY_FULL(float) d; const float* JXL_RESTRICT center = in.ConstRow(wrap_y(iy, ysize)) + ix; const auto in_m2 = LoadU(d, center - 2); const auto in_p2 = LoadU(d, center + 2); const auto in_m1 = LoadU(d, center - 1); const auto in_p1 = LoadU(d, center + 1); const auto in_00 = Load(d, center); const auto sum_2 = Mul(wx2, Add(in_m2, in_p2)); const auto sum_1 = Mul(wx1, Add(in_m1, in_p1)); const auto sum_0 = Mul(wx0, in_00); return Add(sum_2, Add(sum_1, sum_0)); } // Produces result for one pixel template float Symmetric5Border(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect, const int64_t ix, const int64_t iy, const WeightsSymmetric5& weights) { const float w0 = weights.c[0]; const float w1 = weights.r[0]; const float w2 = weights.R[0]; const float w4 = weights.d[0]; const float w5 = weights.L[0]; const float w8 = weights.D[0]; const size_t xsize = rect.xsize(); const size_t ysize = rect.ysize(); const WrapY wrap_y; // Unrolled loop over all 5 rows of the kernel. float sum0 = WeightedSumBorder(in, wrap_y, ix, iy, xsize, ysize, w0, w1, w2); sum0 += WeightedSumBorder(in, wrap_y, ix, iy - 2, xsize, ysize, w2, w5, w8); float sum1 = WeightedSumBorder(in, wrap_y, ix, iy + 2, xsize, ysize, w2, w5, w8); sum0 += WeightedSumBorder(in, wrap_y, ix, iy - 1, xsize, ysize, w1, w4, w5); sum1 += WeightedSumBorder(in, wrap_y, ix, iy + 1, xsize, ysize, w1, w4, w5); return sum0 + sum1; } // Produces result for one vector's worth of pixels template static void Symmetric5Interior(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect, const int64_t ix, const int64_t iy, const WeightsSymmetric5& weights, float* JXL_RESTRICT row_out) { const HWY_FULL(float) d; const auto w0 = LoadDup128(d, weights.c); const auto w1 = LoadDup128(d, weights.r); const auto w2 = LoadDup128(d, weights.R); const auto w4 = LoadDup128(d, weights.d); const auto w5 = LoadDup128(d, weights.L); const auto w8 = LoadDup128(d, weights.D); const size_t ysize = rect.ysize(); const WrapY wrap_y; // Unrolled loop over all 5 rows of the kernel. auto sum0 = WeightedSum(in, wrap_y, ix, iy, ysize, w0, w1, w2); sum0 = Add(sum0, WeightedSum(in, wrap_y, ix, iy - 2, ysize, w2, w5, w8)); auto sum1 = WeightedSum(in, wrap_y, ix, iy + 2, ysize, w2, w5, w8); sum0 = Add(sum0, WeightedSum(in, wrap_y, ix, iy - 1, ysize, w1, w4, w5)); sum1 = Add(sum1, WeightedSum(in, wrap_y, ix, iy + 1, ysize, w1, w4, w5)); Store(Add(sum0, sum1), d, row_out + ix); } template static void Symmetric5Row(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect, const int64_t iy, const WeightsSymmetric5& weights, float* JXL_RESTRICT row_out) { const int64_t kRadius = 2; const size_t xsize = rect.xsize(); size_t ix = 0; const HWY_FULL(float) d; const size_t N = Lanes(d); const size_t aligned_x = RoundUpTo(kRadius, N); for (; ix < std::min(aligned_x, xsize); ++ix) { row_out[ix] = Symmetric5Border(in, rect, ix, iy, weights); } for (; ix + N + kRadius <= xsize; ix += N) { Symmetric5Interior(in, rect, ix, iy, weights, row_out); } for (; ix < xsize; ++ix) { row_out[ix] = Symmetric5Border(in, rect, ix, iy, weights); } } static JXL_NOINLINE void Symmetric5BorderRow(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect, const int64_t iy, const WeightsSymmetric5& weights, float* JXL_RESTRICT row_out) { return Symmetric5Row(in, rect, iy, weights, row_out); } // Semi-vectorized (interior pixels Fonly); called directly like slow::, unlike // the fully vectorized strategies below. void Symmetric5(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect, const WeightsSymmetric5& weights, ThreadPool* pool, ImageF* JXL_RESTRICT out) { PROFILER_FUNC; const size_t ysize = rect.ysize(); JXL_CHECK(RunOnPool( pool, 0, static_cast(ysize), ThreadPool::NoInit, [&](const uint32_t task, size_t /*thread*/) { const int64_t iy = task; if (iy < 2 || iy >= static_cast(ysize) - 2) { Symmetric5BorderRow(in, rect, iy, weights, out->Row(iy)); } else { Symmetric5Row(in, rect, iy, weights, out->Row(iy)); } }, "Symmetric5x5Convolution")); } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments) } // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE } // namespace jxl HWY_AFTER_NAMESPACE(); #if HWY_ONCE namespace jxl { HWY_EXPORT(Symmetric5); void Symmetric5(const ImageF& in, const Rect& rect, const WeightsSymmetric5& weights, ThreadPool* pool, ImageF* JXL_RESTRICT out) { return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(Symmetric5)(in, rect, weights, pool, out); } } // namespace jxl #endif // HWY_ONCE