// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #if defined(LIB_JXL_DEC_TONE_MAPPING_INL_H_) == defined(HWY_TARGET_TOGGLE) #ifdef LIB_JXL_DEC_TONE_MAPPING_INL_H_ #undef LIB_JXL_DEC_TONE_MAPPING_INL_H_ #else #define LIB_JXL_DEC_TONE_MAPPING_INL_H_ #endif #include #include "lib/jxl/transfer_functions-inl.h" HWY_BEFORE_NAMESPACE(); namespace jxl { namespace HWY_NAMESPACE { namespace { // These templates are not found via ADL. using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Clamp; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Max; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::ZeroIfNegative; template class Rec2408ToneMapper { private: using V = hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Vec; public: explicit Rec2408ToneMapper(std::pair source_range, std::pair target_range, const float primaries_luminances[3]) : source_range_(source_range), target_range_(target_range), red_Y_(primaries_luminances[0]), green_Y_(primaries_luminances[1]), blue_Y_(primaries_luminances[2]) {} void ToneMap(V* red, V* green, V* blue) const { const V luminance = Mul(Set(df_, source_range_.second), (MulAdd(Set(df_, red_Y_), *red, MulAdd(Set(df_, green_Y_), *green, Mul(Set(df_, blue_Y_), *blue))))); const V pq_mastering_min = Set(df_, pq_mastering_min_); const V inv_pq_mastering_range = Set(df_, inv_pq_mastering_range_); const V normalized_pq = Min( Set(df_, 1.f), Mul(Sub(InvEOTF(luminance), pq_mastering_min), inv_pq_mastering_range)); const V ks = Set(df_, ks_); const V e2 = IfThenElse(Lt(normalized_pq, ks), normalized_pq, P(normalized_pq)); const V one_minus_e2 = Sub(Set(df_, 1), e2); const V one_minus_e2_2 = Mul(one_minus_e2, one_minus_e2); const V one_minus_e2_4 = Mul(one_minus_e2_2, one_minus_e2_2); const V b = Set(df_, min_lum_); const V e3 = MulAdd(b, one_minus_e2_4, e2); const V pq_mastering_range = Set(df_, pq_mastering_range_); const V e4 = MulAdd(e3, pq_mastering_range, pq_mastering_min); const V new_luminance = Min(Set(df_, target_range_.second), ZeroIfNegative( Mul(Set(df_, 10000), TF_PQ().DisplayFromEncoded(df_, e4)))); const V ratio = Div(new_luminance, luminance); const V inv_target_peak = Set(df_, inv_target_peak_); const V normalizer = Set(df_, normalizer_); const V multiplier = Mul(ratio, normalizer); for (V* const val : {red, green, blue}) { *val = IfThenElse(Le(luminance, Set(df_, 1e-6f)), Mul(new_luminance, inv_target_peak), Mul(*val, multiplier)); } } private: V InvEOTF(const V luminance) const { return TF_PQ().EncodedFromDisplay(df_, Mul(luminance, Set(df_, 1. / 10000))); } float InvEOTF(const float luminance) const { return TF_PQ().EncodedFromDisplay(luminance / 10000.0f); } V T(const V a) const { const V ks = Set(df_, ks_); const V inv_one_minus_ks = Set(df_, inv_one_minus_ks_); return Mul(Sub(a, ks), inv_one_minus_ks); } V P(const V b) const { const V t_b = T(b); const V t_b_2 = Mul(t_b, t_b); const V t_b_3 = Mul(t_b_2, t_b); const V ks = Set(df_, ks_); const V max_lum = Set(df_, max_lum_); return MulAdd( MulAdd(Set(df_, 2), t_b_3, MulAdd(Set(df_, -3), t_b_2, Set(df_, 1))), ks, MulAdd(Add(t_b_3, MulAdd(Set(df_, -2), t_b_2, t_b)), Sub(Set(df_, 1), ks), Mul(MulAdd(Set(df_, -2), t_b_3, Mul(Set(df_, 3), t_b_2)), max_lum))); } D df_; const std::pair source_range_; const std::pair target_range_; const float red_Y_; const float green_Y_; const float blue_Y_; const float pq_mastering_min_ = InvEOTF(source_range_.first); const float pq_mastering_max_ = InvEOTF(source_range_.second); const float pq_mastering_range_ = pq_mastering_max_ - pq_mastering_min_; const float inv_pq_mastering_range_ = 1.0f / pq_mastering_range_; // TODO(eustas): divide instead of inverse-multiply? const float min_lum_ = (InvEOTF(target_range_.first) - pq_mastering_min_) * inv_pq_mastering_range_; // TODO(eustas): divide instead of inverse-multiply? const float max_lum_ = (InvEOTF(target_range_.second) - pq_mastering_min_) * inv_pq_mastering_range_; const float ks_ = 1.5f * max_lum_ - 0.5f; const float b_ = min_lum_; const float inv_one_minus_ks_ = 1.0f / std::max(1e-6f, 1.0f - ks_); const float normalizer_ = source_range_.second / target_range_.second; const float inv_target_peak_ = 1.f / target_range_.second; }; class HlgOOTF { public: explicit HlgOOTF(float source_luminance, float target_luminance, const float primaries_luminances[3]) : HlgOOTF(/*gamma=*/std::pow( 1.111f, std::log2(target_luminance / source_luminance)), primaries_luminances) {} static HlgOOTF FromSceneLight(float display_luminance, const float primaries_luminances[3]) { return HlgOOTF(/*gamma=*/1.2f * std::pow(1.111f, std::log2(display_luminance / 1000.f)), primaries_luminances); } static HlgOOTF ToSceneLight(float display_luminance, const float primaries_luminances[3]) { return HlgOOTF( /*gamma=*/(1 / 1.2f) * std::pow(1.111f, -std::log2(display_luminance / 1000.f)), primaries_luminances); } template void Apply(V* red, V* green, V* blue) const { hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::DFromV df; if (!apply_ootf_) return; const V luminance = MulAdd(Set(df, red_Y_), *red, MulAdd(Set(df, green_Y_), *green, Mul(Set(df, blue_Y_), *blue))); const V ratio = Min(FastPowf(df, luminance, Set(df, exponent_)), Set(df, 1e9)); *red = Mul(*red, ratio); *green = Mul(*green, ratio); *blue = Mul(*blue, ratio); } bool WarrantsGamutMapping() const { return apply_ootf_ && exponent_ < 0; } private: explicit HlgOOTF(float gamma, const float luminances[3]) : exponent_(gamma - 1), red_Y_(luminances[0]), green_Y_(luminances[1]), blue_Y_(luminances[2]) {} const float exponent_; const bool apply_ootf_ = exponent_ < -0.01f || 0.01f < exponent_; const float red_Y_; const float green_Y_; const float blue_Y_; }; template void GamutMap(V* red, V* green, V* blue, const float primaries_luminances[3], float preserve_saturation = 0.1f) { hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::DFromV df; const V luminance = MulAdd(Set(df, primaries_luminances[0]), *red, MulAdd(Set(df, primaries_luminances[1]), *green, Mul(Set(df, primaries_luminances[2]), *blue))); // Desaturate out-of-gamut pixels. This is done by mixing each pixel // with just enough gray of the target luminance to make all // components non-negative. // - For saturation preservation, if a component is still larger than // 1 then the pixel is normalized to have a maximum component of 1. // That will reduce its luminance. // - For luminance preservation, getting all components below 1 is // done by mixing in yet more gray. That will desaturate it further. V gray_mix_saturation = Zero(df); V gray_mix_luminance = Zero(df); for (const V* ch : {red, green, blue}) { const V& val = *ch; const V inv_val_minus_gray = Div(Set(df, 1), (Sub(val, luminance))); gray_mix_saturation = IfThenElse(Ge(val, luminance), gray_mix_saturation, Max(gray_mix_saturation, Mul(val, inv_val_minus_gray))); gray_mix_luminance = Max(gray_mix_luminance, IfThenElse(Le(val, luminance), gray_mix_saturation, Mul(Sub(val, Set(df, 1)), inv_val_minus_gray))); } const V gray_mix = Clamp( MulAdd(Set(df, preserve_saturation), Sub(gray_mix_saturation, gray_mix_luminance), gray_mix_luminance), Zero(df), Set(df, 1)); for (V* const val : {red, green, blue}) { *val = MulAdd(gray_mix, Sub(luminance, *val), *val); } const V normalizer = Div(Set(df, 1), Max(Set(df, 1), Max(*red, Max(*green, *blue)))); for (V* const val : {red, green, blue}) { *val = Mul(*val, normalizer); } } } // namespace // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments) } // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE } // namespace jxl HWY_AFTER_NAMESPACE(); #endif // LIB_JXL_DEC_TONE_MAPPING_INL_H_