// Copyright (c) the JPEG XL Project Authors. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. #include "lib/jxl/enc_group.h" #include #include #undef HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE #define HWY_TARGET_INCLUDE "lib/jxl/enc_group.cc" #include #include #include "lib/jxl/ac_strategy.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/bits.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/compiler_specific.h" #include "lib/jxl/base/profiler.h" #include "lib/jxl/common.h" #include "lib/jxl/dct_util.h" #include "lib/jxl/dec_transforms-inl.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_aux_out.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_cache.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_params.h" #include "lib/jxl/enc_transforms-inl.h" #include "lib/jxl/image.h" #include "lib/jxl/quantizer-inl.h" #include "lib/jxl/quantizer.h" HWY_BEFORE_NAMESPACE(); namespace jxl { namespace HWY_NAMESPACE { // These templates are not found via ADL. using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Abs; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Ge; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::IfThenElse; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::IfThenElseZero; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::MaskFromVec; using hwy::HWY_NAMESPACE::Round; // NOTE: caller takes care of extracting quant from rect of RawQuantField. void QuantizeBlockAC(const Quantizer& quantizer, const bool error_diffusion, size_t c, float qm_multiplier, size_t quant_kind, size_t xsize, size_t ysize, float* thresholds, const float* JXL_RESTRICT block_in, int32_t* quant, int32_t* JXL_RESTRICT block_out) { PROFILER_FUNC; const float* JXL_RESTRICT qm = quantizer.InvDequantMatrix(quant_kind, c); float qac = quantizer.Scale() * (*quant); // Not SIMD-fied for now. if (c != 1 && (xsize > 1 || ysize > 1)) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { thresholds[i] -= Clamp1(0.003f * xsize * ysize, 0.f, 0.08f); if (thresholds[i] < 0.54) { thresholds[i] = 0.54; } } } HWY_CAPPED(float, kBlockDim) df; HWY_CAPPED(int32_t, kBlockDim) di; HWY_CAPPED(uint32_t, kBlockDim) du; const auto quantv = Set(df, qac * qm_multiplier); for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize * kBlockDim; y++) { size_t yfix = static_cast(y >= ysize * kBlockDim / 2) * 2; const size_t off = y * kBlockDim * xsize; for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize * kBlockDim; x += Lanes(df)) { auto thr = Zero(df); if (xsize == 1) { HWY_ALIGN uint32_t kMask[kBlockDim] = {0, 0, 0, 0, ~0u, ~0u, ~0u, ~0u}; const auto mask = MaskFromVec(BitCast(df, Load(du, kMask + x))); thr = IfThenElse(mask, Set(df, thresholds[yfix + 1]), Set(df, thresholds[yfix])); } else { // Same for all lanes in the vector. thr = Set( df, thresholds[yfix + static_cast(x >= xsize * kBlockDim / 2)]); } const auto q = Mul(Load(df, qm + off + x), quantv); const auto in = Load(df, block_in + off + x); const auto val = Mul(q, in); const auto nzero_mask = Ge(Abs(val), thr); const auto v = ConvertTo(di, IfThenElseZero(nzero_mask, Round(val))); Store(v, di, block_out + off + x); } } } void AdjustQuantBlockAC(const Quantizer& quantizer, size_t c, float qm_multiplier, size_t quant_kind, size_t xsize, size_t ysize, float* thresholds, const float* JXL_RESTRICT block_in, int32_t* quant) { // No quantization adjusting for these small blocks. // Quantization adjusting attempts to fix some known issues // with larger blocks and on the 8x8 dct's emerging 8x8 blockiness // when there are not many non-zeros. constexpr size_t kPartialBlockKinds = (1 << AcStrategy::Type::IDENTITY) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::DCT2X2) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::DCT4X4) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::DCT4X8) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::DCT8X4) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::AFV0) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::AFV1) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::AFV2) | (1 << AcStrategy::Type::AFV3); if ((1 << quant_kind) & kPartialBlockKinds) return; const float* JXL_RESTRICT qm = quantizer.InvDequantMatrix(quant_kind, c); float qac = quantizer.Scale() * (*quant); if (xsize > 1 || ysize > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { thresholds[i] -= Clamp1(0.003f * xsize * ysize, 0.f, 0.08f); if (thresholds[i] < 0.54) { thresholds[i] = 0.54; } } } float sum_of_highest_freq_row_and_column = 0; float hfNonZeros[4] = {}; float hfMaxError[4] = {}; for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize * kBlockDim; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize * kBlockDim; x++) { const size_t pos = y * kBlockDim * xsize + x; if (x < xsize && y < ysize) { continue; } const size_t hfix = (static_cast(y >= ysize * kBlockDim / 2) * 2 + static_cast(x >= xsize * kBlockDim / 2)); const float val = block_in[pos] * (qm[pos] * qac * qm_multiplier); const float v = (std::abs(val) < thresholds[hfix]) ? 0 : rintf(val); if (c == 1 && v == 0) { const float error = std::abs(val); if (hfMaxError[hfix] < error) { hfMaxError[hfix] = error; } } if (v != 0.0f) { hfNonZeros[hfix] += std::abs(v); if ((y == ysize * kBlockDim - 1 || x == xsize * kBlockDim - 1) && (x >= xsize * 4 && y >= ysize * 4)) { sum_of_highest_freq_row_and_column += std::abs(val); } } } } if (c == 1) { static const double kLimit = 0.49f; for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if (hfNonZeros[i] == 0.0 && hfMaxError[i] > kLimit) { thresholds[i] = 0.9999 * hfMaxError[i]; } } } // Heuristic for improving accuracy of high-frequency patterns // occurring in an environment with no medium-frequency masking // patterns. This should be improved later to be done in X and B // planes too as 32x32 and larger transforms become rather ugly // when this is not compensated for. if (15 * sum_of_highest_freq_row_and_column >= hfNonZeros[0] + 1) { constexpr int inc = 5; *quant += inc; if (8 * sum_of_highest_freq_row_and_column >= hfNonZeros[0] + 1) { *quant += inc; } if (5 * sum_of_highest_freq_row_and_column >= hfNonZeros[0] + 1) { *quant += inc; } if (3 * sum_of_highest_freq_row_and_column >= hfNonZeros[0] + 1) { *quant += inc; } if (*quant >= Quantizer::kQuantMax) { *quant = Quantizer::kQuantMax - 1; } } if (quant_kind == AcStrategy::Type::DCT) { // If this 8x8 block is too flat, increase the adaptive quantization level // a bit to reduce visible block boundaries and requantize the block. if (hfNonZeros[0] + hfNonZeros[1] + hfNonZeros[2] + hfNonZeros[3] < 11) { *quant += 1; if (*quant >= Quantizer::kQuantMax) { *quant = Quantizer::kQuantMax - 1; } } } { // Reduce quant in highly active areas. int32_t div = (xsize + ysize) / 2; int32_t activity = (hfNonZeros[0] + div / 2) / div; int32_t orig_qp_limit = std::max(4, *quant / 2); for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { activity = std::min(activity, (hfNonZeros[i] + div / 2) / div); } if (activity >= 15) { activity = 15; } int32_t qp = *quant - activity; if (qp < orig_qp_limit) { qp = orig_qp_limit; } *quant = qp; } } // NOTE: caller takes care of extracting quant from rect of RawQuantField. void QuantizeRoundtripYBlockAC(PassesEncoderState* enc_state, const size_t size, const Quantizer& quantizer, const bool error_diffusion, size_t quant_kind, size_t xsize, size_t ysize, const float* JXL_RESTRICT biases, int32_t* quant, float* JXL_RESTRICT inout, int32_t* JXL_RESTRICT quantized) { float thres_y[4] = {0.58f, 0.64f, 0.64f, 0.64f}; { int32_t max_quant = 0; int quant_orig = *quant; float val[3] = {enc_state->x_qm_multiplier, 1.0f, enc_state->b_qm_multiplier}; int clut[3] = {1, 0, 2}; for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii) { float thres[4] = {0.58f, 0.64f, 0.64f, 0.64f}; int c = clut[ii]; *quant = quant_orig; AdjustQuantBlockAC(quantizer, c, val[c], quant_kind, xsize, ysize, &thres[0], inout + c * size, quant); // Dead zone adjustment if (c == 1) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) { thres_y[k] = thres[k]; } } max_quant = std::max(*quant, max_quant); } *quant = max_quant; } QuantizeBlockAC(quantizer, error_diffusion, 1, 1.0f, quant_kind, xsize, ysize, &thres_y[0], inout + size, quant, quantized + size); PROFILER_ZONE("enc quant adjust bias"); const float* JXL_RESTRICT dequant_matrix = quantizer.DequantMatrix(quant_kind, 1); HWY_CAPPED(float, kDCTBlockSize) df; HWY_CAPPED(int32_t, kDCTBlockSize) di; const auto inv_qac = Set(df, quantizer.inv_quant_ac(*quant)); for (size_t k = 0; k < kDCTBlockSize * xsize * ysize; k += Lanes(df)) { const auto quant = Load(di, quantized + size + k); const auto adj_quant = AdjustQuantBias(di, 1, quant, biases); const auto dequantm = Load(df, dequant_matrix + k); Store(Mul(Mul(adj_quant, dequantm), inv_qac), df, inout + size + k); } } void ComputeCoefficients(size_t group_idx, PassesEncoderState* enc_state, const Image3F& opsin, Image3F* dc) { PROFILER_FUNC; const Rect block_group_rect = enc_state->shared.BlockGroupRect(group_idx); const Rect group_rect = enc_state->shared.GroupRect(group_idx); const Rect cmap_rect( block_group_rect.x0() / kColorTileDimInBlocks, block_group_rect.y0() / kColorTileDimInBlocks, DivCeil(block_group_rect.xsize(), kColorTileDimInBlocks), DivCeil(block_group_rect.ysize(), kColorTileDimInBlocks)); const size_t xsize_blocks = block_group_rect.xsize(); const size_t ysize_blocks = block_group_rect.ysize(); const size_t dc_stride = static_cast(dc->PixelsPerRow()); const size_t opsin_stride = static_cast(opsin.PixelsPerRow()); ImageI& full_quant_field = enc_state->shared.raw_quant_field; const CompressParams& cparams = enc_state->cparams; // TODO(veluca): consider strategies to reduce this memory. auto mem = hwy::AllocateAligned(3 * AcStrategy::kMaxCoeffArea); auto fmem = hwy::AllocateAligned(5 * AcStrategy::kMaxCoeffArea); float* JXL_RESTRICT scratch_space = fmem.get() + 3 * AcStrategy::kMaxCoeffArea; { // Only use error diffusion in Squirrel mode or slower. const bool error_diffusion = cparams.speed_tier <= SpeedTier::kSquirrel; constexpr HWY_CAPPED(float, kDCTBlockSize) d; int32_t* JXL_RESTRICT coeffs[3][kMaxNumPasses] = {}; size_t num_passes = enc_state->progressive_splitter.GetNumPasses(); JXL_DASSERT(num_passes > 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_passes; i++) { // TODO(veluca): 16-bit quantized coeffs are not implemented yet. JXL_ASSERT(enc_state->coeffs[i]->Type() == ACType::k32); for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { coeffs[c][i] = enc_state->coeffs[i]->PlaneRow(c, group_idx, 0).ptr32; } } HWY_ALIGN float* coeffs_in = fmem.get(); HWY_ALIGN int32_t* quantized = mem.get(); for (size_t by = 0; by < ysize_blocks; ++by) { int32_t* JXL_RESTRICT row_quant_ac = block_group_rect.Row(&full_quant_field, by); size_t ty = by / kColorTileDimInBlocks; const int8_t* JXL_RESTRICT row_cmap[3] = { cmap_rect.ConstRow(enc_state->shared.cmap.ytox_map, ty), nullptr, cmap_rect.ConstRow(enc_state->shared.cmap.ytob_map, ty), }; const float* JXL_RESTRICT opsin_rows[3] = { group_rect.ConstPlaneRow(opsin, 0, by * kBlockDim), group_rect.ConstPlaneRow(opsin, 1, by * kBlockDim), group_rect.ConstPlaneRow(opsin, 2, by * kBlockDim), }; float* JXL_RESTRICT dc_rows[3] = { block_group_rect.PlaneRow(dc, 0, by), block_group_rect.PlaneRow(dc, 1, by), block_group_rect.PlaneRow(dc, 2, by), }; AcStrategyRow ac_strategy_row = enc_state->shared.ac_strategy.ConstRow(block_group_rect, by); for (size_t tx = 0; tx < DivCeil(xsize_blocks, kColorTileDimInBlocks); tx++) { const auto x_factor = Set(d, enc_state->shared.cmap.YtoXRatio(row_cmap[0][tx])); const auto b_factor = Set(d, enc_state->shared.cmap.YtoBRatio(row_cmap[2][tx])); for (size_t bx = tx * kColorTileDimInBlocks; bx < xsize_blocks && bx < (tx + 1) * kColorTileDimInBlocks; ++bx) { const AcStrategy acs = ac_strategy_row[bx]; if (!acs.IsFirstBlock()) continue; size_t xblocks = acs.covered_blocks_x(); size_t yblocks = acs.covered_blocks_y(); CoefficientLayout(&yblocks, &xblocks); size_t size = kDCTBlockSize * xblocks * yblocks; // DCT Y channel, roundtrip-quantize it and set DC. int32_t quant_ac = row_quant_ac[bx]; for (size_t c : {0, 1, 2}) { TransformFromPixels(acs.Strategy(), opsin_rows[c] + bx * kBlockDim, opsin_stride, coeffs_in + c * size, scratch_space); } DCFromLowestFrequencies(acs.Strategy(), coeffs_in + size, dc_rows[1] + bx, dc_stride); QuantizeRoundtripYBlockAC( enc_state, size, enc_state->shared.quantizer, error_diffusion, acs.RawStrategy(), xblocks, yblocks, kDefaultQuantBias, &quant_ac, coeffs_in, quantized); // Unapply color correlation for (size_t k = 0; k < size; k += Lanes(d)) { const auto in_x = Load(d, coeffs_in + k); const auto in_y = Load(d, coeffs_in + size + k); const auto in_b = Load(d, coeffs_in + 2 * size + k); const auto out_x = NegMulAdd(x_factor, in_y, in_x); const auto out_b = NegMulAdd(b_factor, in_y, in_b); Store(out_x, d, coeffs_in + k); Store(out_b, d, coeffs_in + 2 * size + k); } // Quantize X and B channels and set DC. for (size_t c : {0, 2}) { float thres[4] = {0.58f, 0.62f, 0.62f, 0.62f}; QuantizeBlockAC(enc_state->shared.quantizer, error_diffusion, c, c == 0 ? enc_state->x_qm_multiplier : enc_state->b_qm_multiplier, acs.RawStrategy(), xblocks, yblocks, &thres[0], coeffs_in + c * size, &quant_ac, quantized + c * size); DCFromLowestFrequencies(acs.Strategy(), coeffs_in + c * size, dc_rows[c] + bx, dc_stride); } row_quant_ac[bx] = quant_ac; for (size_t c = 0; c < 3; c++) { enc_state->progressive_splitter.SplitACCoefficients( quantized + c * size, acs, bx, by, coeffs[c]); for (size_t p = 0; p < num_passes; p++) { coeffs[c][p] += size; } } } } } } } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-readability-namespace-comments) } // namespace HWY_NAMESPACE } // namespace jxl HWY_AFTER_NAMESPACE(); #if HWY_ONCE namespace jxl { HWY_EXPORT(ComputeCoefficients); void ComputeCoefficients(size_t group_idx, PassesEncoderState* enc_state, const Image3F& opsin, Image3F* dc) { return HWY_DYNAMIC_DISPATCH(ComputeCoefficients)(group_idx, enc_state, opsin, dc); } Status EncodeGroupTokenizedCoefficients(size_t group_idx, size_t pass_idx, size_t histogram_idx, const PassesEncoderState& enc_state, BitWriter* writer, AuxOut* aux_out) { // Select which histogram to use among those of the current pass. const size_t num_histograms = enc_state.shared.num_histograms; // num_histograms is 0 only for lossless. JXL_ASSERT(num_histograms == 0 || histogram_idx < num_histograms); size_t histo_selector_bits = CeilLog2Nonzero(num_histograms); if (histo_selector_bits != 0) { BitWriter::Allotment allotment(writer, histo_selector_bits); writer->Write(histo_selector_bits, histogram_idx); allotment.ReclaimAndCharge(writer, kLayerAC, aux_out); } WriteTokens(enc_state.passes[pass_idx].ac_tokens[group_idx], enc_state.passes[pass_idx].codes, enc_state.passes[pass_idx].context_map, writer, kLayerACTokens, aux_out); return true; } } // namespace jxl #endif // HWY_ONCE