import * as asn1js from "asn1js"; import * as pvutils from "pvutils"; import { EMPTY_STRING } from "./constants"; import { AsnError } from "./errors"; import { PkiObject, PkiObjectParameters } from "./PkiObject"; import { RelativeDistinguishedNames } from "./RelativeDistinguishedNames"; import * as Schema from "./Schema"; export const TYPE = "type"; export const VALUE = "value"; //#region Additional asn1js schema elements existing inside GeneralName schema /** * Schema for "builtInStandardAttributes" of "ORAddress" * @param parameters * @property names * @param optional * @returns */ function builtInStandardAttributes(parameters: Schema.SchemaParameters<{ country_name?: string; administration_domain_name?: string; network_address?: string; terminal_identifier?: string; private_domain_name?: string; organization_name?: string; numeric_user_identifier?: string; personal_name?: string; organizational_unit_names?: string; }> = {}, optional = false) { //builtInStandardAttributes ::= Sequence { // country-name CountryName OPTIONAL, // administration-domain-name AdministrationDomainName OPTIONAL, // network-address [0] IMPLICIT NetworkAddress OPTIONAL, // terminal-identifier [1] IMPLICIT TerminalIdentifier OPTIONAL, // private-domain-name [2] PrivateDomainName OPTIONAL, // organization-name [3] IMPLICIT OrganizationName OPTIONAL, // numeric-user-identifier [4] IMPLICIT NumericUserIdentifier OPTIONAL, // personal-name [5] IMPLICIT PersonalName OPTIONAL, // organizational-unit-names [6] IMPLICIT OrganizationalUnitNames OPTIONAL } const names = pvutils.getParametersValue>(parameters, "names", {}); return (new asn1js.Sequence({ optional, value: [ new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 2, // APPLICATION-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 1 // [1] }, name: (names.country_name || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new asn1js.Choice({ value: [ new asn1js.NumericString(), new asn1js.PrintableString() ] }) ] }), new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 2, // APPLICATION-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 2 // [2] }, name: (names.administration_domain_name || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new asn1js.Choice({ value: [ new asn1js.NumericString(), new asn1js.PrintableString() ] }) ] }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 0 // [0] }, name: (names.network_address || EMPTY_STRING), isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 1 // [1] }, name: (names.terminal_identifier || EMPTY_STRING), isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 2 // [2] }, name: (names.private_domain_name || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new asn1js.Choice({ value: [ new asn1js.NumericString(), new asn1js.PrintableString() ] }) ] }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 3 // [3] }, name: (names.organization_name || EMPTY_STRING), isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, name: (names.numeric_user_identifier || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 4 // [4] }, isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.personal_name || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 5 // [5] }, value: [ new asn1js.Primitive({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 0 // [0] }, isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 1 // [1] }, isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 2 // [2] }, isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 3 // [3] }, isHexOnly: true }) ] }), new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, name: (names.organizational_unit_names || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 6 // [6] }, value: [ new asn1js.Repeated({ value: new asn1js.PrintableString() }) ] }) ] })); } /** * Schema for "builtInDomainDefinedAttributes" of "ORAddress" * @param optional */ function builtInDomainDefinedAttributes(optional = false): Schema.SchemaType { return (new asn1js.Sequence({ optional, value: [ new asn1js.PrintableString(), new asn1js.PrintableString() ] })); } /** * Schema for "builtInDomainDefinedAttributes" of "ORAddress" * @param optional */ function extensionAttributes(optional = false): Schema.SchemaType { return (new asn1js.Set({ optional, value: [ new asn1js.Primitive({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 0 // [0] }, isHexOnly: true }), new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 1 // [1] }, value: [new asn1js.Any()] }) ] })); } //#endregion export interface IGeneralName { /** * value type - from a tagged value (0 for "otherName", 1 for "rfc822Name" etc.) */ type: number; /** * ASN.1 object having GeneralName value (type depends on TYPE value) */ value: any; } export type GeneralNameParameters = PkiObjectParameters & Partial<{ type: 1 | 2 | 6; value: string; } | { type: 0 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 8; value: any; }>; export interface GeneralNameSchema { names?: { blockName?: string; directoryName?: object; builtInStandardAttributes?: object; otherName?: string; rfc822Name?: string; dNSName?: string; x400Address?: string; ediPartyName?: string; uniformResourceIdentifier?: string; iPAddress?: string; registeredID?: string; }; } export interface GeneralNameJson { type: number; value: string; } /** * Represents the GeneralName structure described in [RFC5280]( */ export class GeneralName extends PkiObject implements IGeneralName { public static override CLASS_NAME = "GeneralName"; public type!: number; public value: any; /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link GeneralName} class * @param parameters Initialization parameters */ constructor(parameters: GeneralNameParameters = {}) { super(); this.type = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, TYPE, GeneralName.defaultValues(TYPE)); this.value = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, VALUE, GeneralName.defaultValues(VALUE)); if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } /** * Returns default values for all class members * @param memberName String name for a class member * @returns Default value */ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof TYPE): number; public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof VALUE): any; public static override defaultValues(memberName: string): any { switch (memberName) { case TYPE: return 9; case VALUE: return {}; default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } /** * Compares values with default values for all class members * @param memberName String name for a class member * @param memberValue Value to compare with default value */ public static compareWithDefault(memberName: string, memberValue: any): boolean { switch (memberName) { case TYPE: return (memberValue === GeneralName.defaultValues(memberName)); case VALUE: return (Object.keys(memberValue).length === 0); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } /** * @inheritdoc * @asn ASN.1 schema * ```asn * GeneralName ::= Choice { * otherName [0] OtherName, * rfc822Name [1] IA5String, * dNSName [2] IA5String, * x400Address [3] ORAddress, * directoryName [4] value, * ediPartyName [5] EDIPartyName, * uniformResourceIdentifier [6] IA5String, * iPAddress [7] OCTET STRING, * registeredID [8] OBJECT IDENTIFIER } *``` */ static override schema(parameters: GeneralNameSchema = {}): asn1js.Choice { const names = pvutils.getParametersValue>(parameters, "names", {}); return (new asn1js.Choice({ value: [ new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 0 // [0] }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier(), new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 0 // [0] }, value: [new asn1js.Any()] }) ] }), new asn1js.Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 1 // [1] } }), new asn1js.Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 2 // [2] } }), new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 3 // [3] }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ builtInStandardAttributes((names.builtInStandardAttributes || {}), false), builtInDomainDefinedAttributes(true), extensionAttributes(true) ] }), new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 4 // [4] }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [RelativeDistinguishedNames.schema(names.directoryName || {})] }), new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 5 // [5] }, name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ new asn1js.Constructed({ optional: true, idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 0 // [0] }, value: [ new asn1js.Choice({ value: [ new asn1js.TeletexString(), new asn1js.PrintableString(), new asn1js.UniversalString(), new asn1js.Utf8String(), new asn1js.BmpString() ] }) ] }), new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 1 // [1] }, value: [ new asn1js.Choice({ value: [ new asn1js.TeletexString(), new asn1js.PrintableString(), new asn1js.UniversalString(), new asn1js.Utf8String(), new asn1js.BmpString() ] }) ] }) ] }), new asn1js.Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 6 // [6] } }), new asn1js.Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 7 // [7] } }), new asn1js.Primitive({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 8 // [8] } }) ] })); } public fromSchema(schema: Schema.SchemaType): void { //#region Clear input data first pvutils.clearProps(schema, [ "blockName", "otherName", "rfc822Name", "dNSName", "x400Address", "directoryName", "ediPartyName", "uniformResourceIdentifier", "iPAddress", "registeredID" ]); //#endregion //#region Check the schema is valid const asn1 = asn1js.compareSchema(schema, schema, GeneralName.schema({ names: { blockName: "blockName", otherName: "otherName", rfc822Name: "rfc822Name", dNSName: "dNSName", x400Address: "x400Address", directoryName: { names: { blockName: "directoryName" } }, ediPartyName: "ediPartyName", uniformResourceIdentifier: "uniformResourceIdentifier", iPAddress: "iPAddress", registeredID: "registeredID" } }) ); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); //#endregion //#region Get internal properties from parsed schema this.type = asn1.result.blockName.idBlock.tagNumber; switch (this.type) { case 0: // otherName this.value = asn1.result.blockName; break; case 1: // rfc822Name + dNSName + uniformResourceIdentifier case 2: case 6: { const value = asn1.result.blockName; value.idBlock.tagClass = 1; // UNIVERSAL value.idBlock.tagNumber = 22; // IA5STRING const valueBER = value.toBER(false); const asnValue = asn1js.fromBER(valueBER); AsnError.assert(asnValue, "GeneralName value"); this.value = (asnValue.result as asn1js.BaseStringBlock).valueBlock.value; } break; case 3: // x400Address this.value = asn1.result.blockName; break; case 4: // directoryName this.value = new RelativeDistinguishedNames({ schema: asn1.result.directoryName }); break; case 5: // ediPartyName this.value = asn1.result.ediPartyName; break; case 7: // iPAddress this.value = new asn1js.OctetString({ valueHex: asn1.result.blockName.valueBlock.valueHex }); break; case 8: // registeredID { const value = asn1.result.blockName; value.idBlock.tagClass = 1; // UNIVERSAL value.idBlock.tagNumber = 6; // ObjectIdentifier const valueBER = value.toBER(false); const asnValue = asn1js.fromBER(valueBER); AsnError.assert(asnValue, "GeneralName registeredID"); this.value = asnValue.result.valueBlock.toString(); // Getting a string representation of the ObjectIdentifier } break; default: } //#endregion } public toSchema(): asn1js.Constructed | asn1js.IA5String | asn1js.ObjectIdentifier | asn1js.Choice { //#region Construct and return new ASN.1 schema for this object switch (this.type) { case 0: case 3: case 5: return new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: this.type }, value: [ this.value ] }); case 1: case 2: case 6: { const value = new asn1js.IA5String({ value: this.value }); value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = this.type; return value; } case 4: return new asn1js.Constructed({ idBlock: { tagClass: 3, // CONTEXT-SPECIFIC tagNumber: 4 }, value: [this.value.toSchema()] }); case 7: { const value = this.value; value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = this.type; return value; } case 8: { const value = new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.value }); value.idBlock.tagClass = 3; value.idBlock.tagNumber = this.type; return value; } default: return GeneralName.schema(); } //#endregion } public toJSON(): GeneralNameJson { const _object = { type: this.type, value: EMPTY_STRING } as GeneralNameJson; if ((typeof this.value) === "string") _object.value = this.value; else { try { _object.value = this.value.toJSON(); } catch (ex) { // nothing } } return _object; } }