#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Writes a build_config file. The build_config file for a target is a json file containing information about how to build that target based on the target's dependencies. This includes things like: the javac classpath, the list of android resources dependencies, etc. It also includes the information needed to create the build_config for other targets that depend on that one. Android build scripts should not refer to the build_config directly, and the build specification should instead pass information in using the special file-arg syntax (see build_utils.py:ExpandFileArgs). That syntax allows passing of values in a json dict in a file and looks like this: --python-arg=@FileArg(build_config_path:javac:classpath) Note: If paths to input files are passed in this way, it is important that: 1. inputs/deps of the action ensure that the files are available the first time the action runs. 2. Either (a) or (b) a. inputs/deps ensure that the action runs whenever one of the files changes b. the files are added to the action's depfile NOTE: All paths within .build_config files are relative to $OUTPUT_CHROMIUM_DIR. This is a technical note describing the format of .build_config files. Please keep it updated when changing this script. For extraction and visualization instructions, see build/android/docs/build_config.md ------------- BEGIN_MARKDOWN --------------------------------------------------- The .build_config file format === # Introduction This document tries to explain the format of `.build_config` generated during the Android build of Chromium. For a higher-level explanation of these files, please read [build/android/docs/build_config.md](build/android/docs/build_config.md). # The `deps_info` top-level dictionary: All `.build_config` files have a required `'deps_info'` key, whose value is a dictionary describing the target and its dependencies. The latter has the following required keys: ## Required keys in `deps_info`: * `deps_info['type']`: The target type as a string. The following types are known by the internal GN build rules and the build scripts altogether: * [java_binary](#target_java_binary) * [java_annotation_processor](#target_java_annotation_processor) * [junit_binary](#target_junit_binary) * [java_library](#target_java_library) * [android_assets](#target_android_assets) * [android_resources](#target_android_resources) * [android_apk](#target_android_apk) * [android_app_bundle_module](#target_android_app_bundle_module) * [android_app_bundle](#target_android_app_bundle) * [dist_jar](#target_dist_jar) * [dist_aar](#target_dist_aar) * [group](#target_group) See later sections for more details of some of these. * `deps_info['path']`: Path to the target's `.build_config` file. * `deps_info['name']`: Nothing more than the basename of `deps_info['path']` at the moment. * `deps_info['deps_configs']`: List of paths to the `.build_config` files of all *direct* dependencies of the current target. NOTE: Because the `.build_config` of a given target is always generated after the `.build_config` of its dependencies, the `write_build_config.py` script can use chains of `deps_configs` to compute transitive dependencies for each target when needed. ## Optional keys in `deps_info`: The following keys will only appear in the `.build_config` files of certain target types: * `deps_info['requires_android']`: True to indicate that the corresponding code uses Android-specific APIs, and thus cannot run on the host within a regular JVM. May only appear in Java-related targets. * `deps_info['supports_android']`: May appear in Java-related targets, and indicates that the corresponding code doesn't use Java APIs that are not available on Android. As such it may run either on the host or on an Android device. * `deps_info['assets']`: Only seen for the [`android_assets`](#target_android_assets) type. See below. * `deps_info['package_name']`: Java package name associated with this target. NOTE: For `android_resources` targets, this is the package name for the corresponding R class. For `android_apk` targets, this is the corresponding package name. This does *not* appear for other target types. * `deps_info['android_manifest']`: Path to an AndroidManifest.xml file related to the current target. * `deps_info['base_module_config']`: Only seen for the [`android_app_bundle`](#target_android_app_bundle) type. Path to the base module for the bundle. * `deps_info['is_base_module']`: Only seen for the [`android_app_bundle_module`](#target_android_app_bundle_module) type. Whether or not this module is the base module for some bundle. * `deps_info['dependency_zips']`: List of `deps_info['resources_zip']` entries for all `android_resources` dependencies for the current target. * `deps_info['extra_package_names']`: Always empty for `android_resources` types. Otherwise, the list of `deps_info['package_name']` entries for all `android_resources` dependencies for the current target. Computed automatically by `write_build_config.py`. * `deps_info['dependency_r_txt_files']`: Exists only on dist_aar. It is the list of deps_info['r_text_path'] from transitive dependencies. Computed automatically. # `.build_config` target types description: ## Target type `group`: This type corresponds to a simple target that is only used to group dependencies. It matches the `java_group()` GN template. Its only top-level `deps_info` keys are `supports_android` (always True), and `deps_configs`. ## Target type `android_resources`: This type corresponds to targets that are used to group Android resource files. For example, all `android_resources` dependencies of an `android_apk` will end up packaged into the final APK by the build system. It uses the following keys: * `deps_info['res_sources_path']`: Path to file containing a list of resource source files used by the android_resources target. * `deps_info['resources_zip']`: *Required*. Path to the `.resources.zip` file that contains all raw/uncompiled resource files for this target (and also no `R.txt`, `R.java` or `R.class`). If `deps_info['res_sources_path']` is missing, this must point to a prebuilt `.aar` archive containing resources. Otherwise, this will point to a zip archive generated at build time, wrapping the sources listed in `deps_info['res_sources_path']` into a single zip file. * `deps_info['package_name']`: Java package name that the R class for this target belongs to. * `deps_info['android_manifest']`: Optional. Path to the top-level Android manifest file associated with these resources (if not provided, an empty manifest will be used to generate R.txt). * `deps_info['resource_overlay']`: Optional. Whether the resources in resources_zip should override resources with the same name. Does not affect the behaviour of any android_resources() dependencies of this target. If a target with resource_overlay=true depends on another target with resource_overlay=true the target with the dependency overrides the other. * `deps_info['r_text_path']`: Provide the path to the `R.txt` file that describes the resources wrapped by this target. Normally this file is generated from the content of the resource directories or zip file, but some targets can provide their own `R.txt` file if they want. * `deps_info['srcjar_path']`: Path to the `.srcjar` file that contains the auto-generated `R.java` source file corresponding to the content of `deps_info['r_text_path']`. This is *always* generated from the content of `deps_info['r_text_path']` by the `build/android/gyp/process_resources.py` script. * `deps_info['static_library_dependent_classpath_configs']`: Sub dictionary mapping .build_config paths to lists of jar files. For static library APKs, this defines which input jars belong to each static_library_dependent_target. * `deps_info['static_library_proguard_mapping_output_paths']`: Additional paths to copy the ProGuard mapping file to for static library APKs. ## Target type `android_assets`: This type corresponds to targets used to group Android assets, i.e. liberal files that will be placed under `//assets/` within the final APK. These use an `deps_info['assets']` key to hold a dictionary of values related to assets covered by this target. * `assets['sources']`: The list of all asset source paths for this target. Each source path can use an optional `:` suffix, where `` is the final location of the assets (relative to `//assets/`) within the APK. * `assets['outputs']`: Optional. Some of the sources might be renamed before being stored in the final //assets/ sub-directory. When this happens, this contains a list of all renamed output file paths NOTE: When not empty, the first items of `assets['sources']` must match every item in this list. Extra sources correspond to non-renamed sources. NOTE: This comes from the `asset_renaming_destinations` parameter for the `android_assets()` GN template. * `assets['disable_compression']`: Optional. Will be True to indicate that these assets should be stored uncompressed in the final APK. For example, this is necessary for locale .pak files used by the System WebView feature. * `assets['treat_as_locale_paks']`: Optional. Will be True to indicate that these assets are locale `.pak` files (containing localized strings for C++). These are later processed to generate a special ``.build_config`.java` source file, listing all supported Locales in the current build. ## Target type `java_library`: This type is used to describe target that wrap Java bytecode, either created by compiling sources, or providing them with a prebuilt jar. * `deps_info['public_deps_configs']`: List of paths to the `.build_config` files of *direct* dependencies of the current target which are exposed as part of the current target's public API. This should be a subset of deps_info['deps_configs']. * `deps_info['ignore_dependency_public_deps']`: If true, 'public_deps' will not be collected from the current target's direct deps. * `deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path']`: Path to the original .jar file for this target, before any kind of processing through Proguard or other tools. For most targets this is generated from sources, with a name like `$target_name.javac.jar`. However, when using a prebuilt jar, this will point to the source archive directly. * `deps_info['device_jar_path']`: Path to a file that is the result of processing `deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path']` with various tools (ready to be dexed). * `deps_info['host_jar_path']`: Path to a file that is the result of processing `deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path']` with various tools (use by java_binary). * `deps_info['interface_jar_path']: Path to the interface jar generated for this library. This corresponds to a jar file that only contains declarations. Generated by running the `ijar` on `deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path']` or the `turbine` tool on source files. * `deps_info['dex_path']`: Path to the `.dex` file generated for this target, from `deps_info['device_jar_path']` unless this comes from a prebuilt `.aar` archive. * `deps_info['is_prebuilt']`: True to indicate that this target corresponds to a prebuilt `.jar` file. In this case, `deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path']` will point to the source `.jar` file. Otherwise, it will be point to a build-generated file. * `deps_info['java_sources_file']`: Path to a single `.sources` file listing all the Java sources that were used to generate the library (simple text format, one `.jar` path per line). * `deps_info['lint_android_manifest']`: Path to an AndroidManifest.xml file to use for this lint target. * `deps_info['lint_java_sources']`: The list of all `deps_info['java_sources_file']` entries for all library dependencies that are chromium code. Note: this is a list of files, where each file contains a list of Java source files. This is used for lint. * `deps_info['lint_aars']`: List of all aars from transitive java dependencies. This allows lint to collect their custom annotations.zip and run checks like @IntDef on their annotations. * `deps_info['lint_srcjars']`: List of all bundled srcjars of all transitive java library targets. Excludes non-chromium java libraries. * `deps_info['lint_resource_sources']`: List of all resource sources files belonging to all transitive resource dependencies of this target. Excludes resources owned by non-chromium code. * `deps_info['lint_resource_zips']`: List of all resource zip files belonging to all transitive resource dependencies of this target. Excludes resources owned by non-chromium code. * `deps_info['javac']`: A dictionary containing information about the way the sources in this library are compiled. Appears also on other Java-related targets. See the [dedicated section about this](#dict_javac) below for details. * `deps_info['javac_full_classpath']`: The classpath used when performing bytecode processing. Essentially the collection of all `deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path']` entries for the target and all its dependencies. * `deps_info['javac_full_interface_classpath']`: The classpath used when using the errorprone compiler. * `deps_info['proguard_enabled"]`: True to indicate that ProGuard processing is enabled for this target. * `deps_info['proguard_configs"]`: A list of paths to ProGuard configuration files related to this library. * `deps_info['extra_classpath_jars']: For some Java related types, a list of extra `.jar` files to use at build time but not at runtime. ## Target type `java_binary`: This type corresponds to a Java binary, which is nothing more than a `java_library` target that also provides a main class name. It thus inherits all entries from the `java_library` type, and adds: * `deps_info['main_class']`: Name of the main Java class that serves as an entry point for the binary. * `deps_info['device_classpath']`: The classpath used when running a Java or Android binary. Essentially the collection of all `deps_info['device_jar_path']` entries for the target and all its dependencies. ## Target type `junit_binary`: A target type for JUnit-specific binaries. Identical to [`java_binary`](#target_java_binary) in the context of `.build_config` files, except the name. ## Target type \ `java_annotation_processor`: A target type for Java annotation processors. Identical to [`java_binary`](#target_java_binary) in the context of `.build_config` files, except the name, except that it requires a `deps_info['main_class']` entry. ## Target type `android_apk`: Corresponds to an Android APK. Inherits from the [`java_binary`](#target_java_binary) type and adds: * `deps_info['apk_path']`: Path to the raw, unsigned, APK generated by this target. * `deps_info['incremental_apk_path']`: Path to the raw, unsigned, incremental APK generated by this target. * `deps_info['incremental_install_json_path']`: Path to the JSON file with per-apk details for incremental install. See `build/android/gyp/incremental/write_installer_json.py` for more details about its content. * `deps_info['dist_jar']['all_interface_jars']`: For `android_apk` and `dist_jar` targets, a list of all interface jar files that will be merged into the final `.jar` file for distribution. * `deps_info['final_dex']['path']`: Path to the final classes.dex file (or classes.zip in case of multi-dex) for this APK. * `deps_info['final_dex']['all_dex_files']`: The list of paths to all `deps_info['dex_path']` entries for all libraries that comprise this APK. Valid only for debug builds. * `native['libraries']` List of native libraries for the primary ABI to be embedded in this APK. E.g. [ "libchrome.so" ] (i.e. this doesn't include any ABI sub-directory prefix). * `native['java_libraries_list']` The same list as `native['libraries']` as a string holding a Java source fragment, e.g. `"{\"chrome\"}"`, without any `lib` prefix, and `.so` suffix (as expected by `System.loadLibrary()`). * `native['second_abi_libraries']` List of native libraries for the secondary ABI to be embedded in this APK. Empty if only a single ABI is supported. * `native['uncompress_shared_libraries']` A boolean indicating whether native libraries are stored uncompressed in the APK. * `native['loadable_modules']` A list of native libraries to store within the APK, in addition to those from `native['libraries']`. These correspond to things like the Chromium linker or instrumentation libraries. * `native['secondary_abi_loadable_modules']` Secondary ABI version of loadable_modules * `native['library_always_compress']` A list of library files that we always compress. * `native['library_renames']` A list of library files that we prepend "crazy." to their file names. * `assets` A list of assets stored compressed in the APK. Each entry has the format `:`, where `` is relative to `$CHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR`, and `` is relative to `//assets/` within the APK. NOTE: Not to be confused with the `deps_info['assets']` dictionary that belongs to `android_assets` targets only. * `uncompressed_assets` A list of uncompressed assets stored in the APK. Each entry has the format `:` too. * `locales_java_list` A string holding a Java source fragment that gives the list of locales stored uncompressed as android assets. * `extra_android_manifests` A list of `deps_configs['android_manifest]` entries, for all resource dependencies for this target. I.e. a list of paths to manifest files for all the resources in this APK. These will be merged with the root manifest file to generate the final one used to build the APK. * `java_resources_jars` This is a list of `.jar` files whose *Java* resources should be included in the final APK. For example, this is used to copy the `.res` files from the EMMA Coverage tool. The copy will omit any `.class` file and the top-level `//meta-inf/` directory from the input jars. Everything else will be copied into the final APK as-is. NOTE: This has nothing to do with *Android* resources. * `jni['all_source']` The list of all `deps_info['java_sources_file']` entries for all library dependencies for this APK. Note: this is a list of files, where each file contains a list of Java source files. This is used for JNI registration. * `deps_info['proguard_all_configs']`: The collection of all 'deps_info['proguard_configs']` values from this target and all its dependencies. * `deps_info['proguard_classpath_jars']`: The collection of all 'deps_info['extra_classpath_jars']` values from all dependencies. * `deps_info['proguard_under_test_mapping']`: Applicable to apks with proguard enabled that have an apk_under_test. This is the path to the apk_under_test's output proguard .mapping file. ## Target type \ `android_app_bundle_module`: Corresponds to an Android app bundle module. Very similar to an APK and inherits the same fields, except that this does not generate an installable file (see `android_app_bundle`), and for the following omitted fields: * `deps_info['apk_path']`, `deps_info['incremental_apk_path']` and `deps_info['incremental_install_json_path']` are omitted. * top-level `dist_jar` is omitted as well. In addition to `android_apk` targets though come these new fields: * `deps_info['proto_resources_path']`: The path of an zip archive containing the APK's resources compiled to the protocol buffer format (instead of regular binary xml + resources.arsc). * `deps_info['module_rtxt_path']`: The path of the R.txt file generated when compiling the resources for the bundle module. * `deps_info['module_pathmap_path']`: The path of the pathmap file generated when compiling the resources for the bundle module, if resource path shortening is enabled. * `deps_info['base_allowlist_rtxt_path']`: Optional path to an R.txt file used as a allowlist for base string resources. This means that any string resource listed in this file *and* in `deps_info['module_rtxt_path']` will end up in the base split APK of any `android_app_bundle` target that uses this target as its base module. This ensures that such localized strings are available to all bundle installs, even when language based splits are enabled (e.g. required for WebView strings inside the Monochrome bundle). ## Target type `android_app_bundle` This target type corresponds to an Android app bundle, and is built from one or more `android_app_bundle_module` targets listed as dependencies. ## Target type `dist_aar`: This type corresponds to a target used to generate an `.aar` archive for distribution. The archive's content is determined by the target's dependencies. This always has the following entries: * `deps_info['supports_android']` (always True). * `deps_info['requires_android']` (always True). * `deps_info['proguard_configs']` (optional). ## Target type `dist_jar`: This type is similar to [`dist_aar`](#target_dist_aar) but is not Android-specific, and used to create a `.jar` file that can be later redistributed. This always has the following entries: * `deps_info['proguard_enabled']` (False by default). * `deps_info['proguard_configs']` (optional). * `deps_info['supports_android']` (True by default). * `deps_info['requires_android']` (False by default). ## The `deps_info['javac']` dictionary: This dictionary appears in Java-related targets (e.g. `java_library`, `android_apk` and others), and contains information related to the compilation of Java sources, class files, and jars. * `javac['classpath']` The classpath used to compile this target when annotation processors are present. * `javac['interface_classpath']` The classpath used to compile this target when annotation processors are not present. These are also always used to known when a target needs to be rebuilt. * `javac['processor_classpath']` The classpath listing the jars used for annotation processors. I.e. sent as `-processorpath` when invoking `javac`. * `javac['processor_classes']` The list of annotation processor main classes. I.e. sent as `-processor' when invoking `javac`. ## Target type `android_app_bundle`: This type corresponds to an Android app bundle (`.aab` file). --------------- END_MARKDOWN --------------------------------------------------- """ from __future__ import print_function import collections import itertools import json import optparse import os import sys import xml.dom.minidom from util import build_utils from util import resource_utils # TODO(crbug.com/1174969): Remove this once Python2 is obsoleted. if sys.version_info.major == 2: zip_longest = itertools.izip_longest else: zip_longest = itertools.zip_longest # Types that should never be used as a dependency of another build config. _ROOT_TYPES = ('android_apk', 'java_binary', 'java_annotation_processor', 'junit_binary', 'android_app_bundle') # Types that should not allow code deps to pass through. _RESOURCE_TYPES = ('android_assets', 'android_resources', 'system_java_library') class OrderedSet(collections.OrderedDict): # Value |parameter| is present to avoid presubmit warning due to different # number of parameters from overridden method. @staticmethod def fromkeys(iterable, value=None): out = OrderedSet() out.update(iterable) return out def add(self, key): self[key] = True def update(self, iterable): for v in iterable: self.add(v) def _ExtractMarkdownDocumentation(input_text): """Extract Markdown documentation from a list of input strings lines. This generates a list of strings extracted from |input_text|, by looking for '-- BEGIN_MARKDOWN --' and '-- END_MARKDOWN --' line markers.""" in_markdown = False result = [] for line in input_text.splitlines(): if in_markdown: if '-- END_MARKDOWN --' in line: in_markdown = False else: result.append(line) else: if '-- BEGIN_MARKDOWN --' in line: in_markdown = True return result class AndroidManifest(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(path) manifests = dom.getElementsByTagName('manifest') assert len(manifests) == 1 self.manifest = manifests[0] def GetInstrumentationElements(self): instrumentation_els = self.manifest.getElementsByTagName('instrumentation') if len(instrumentation_els) == 0: return None return instrumentation_els def CheckInstrumentationElements(self, expected_package): instrs = self.GetInstrumentationElements() if not instrs: raise Exception('No elements found in %s' % self.path) for instr in instrs: instrumented_package = instr.getAttributeNS( 'http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android', 'targetPackage') if instrumented_package != expected_package: raise Exception( 'Wrong instrumented package. Expected %s, got %s' % (expected_package, instrumented_package)) def GetPackageName(self): return self.manifest.getAttribute('package') dep_config_cache = {} def GetDepConfig(path): if not path in dep_config_cache: with open(path) as jsonfile: dep_config_cache[path] = json.load(jsonfile)['deps_info'] return dep_config_cache[path] def DepsOfType(wanted_type, configs): return [c for c in configs if c['type'] == wanted_type] def DepPathsOfType(wanted_type, config_paths): return [p for p in config_paths if GetDepConfig(p)['type'] == wanted_type] def GetAllDepsConfigsInOrder(deps_config_paths, filter_func=None): def GetDeps(path): config = GetDepConfig(path) if filter_func and not filter_func(config): return [] return config['deps_configs'] return build_utils.GetSortedTransitiveDependencies(deps_config_paths, GetDeps) def GetObjectByPath(obj, key_path): """Given an object, return its nth child based on a key path. """ return GetObjectByPath(obj[key_path[0]], key_path[1:]) if key_path else obj def RemoveObjDups(obj, base, *key_path): """Remove array items from an object[*kep_path] that are also contained in the base[*kep_path] (duplicates). """ base_target = set(GetObjectByPath(base, key_path)) target = GetObjectByPath(obj, key_path) target[:] = [x for x in target if x not in base_target] class Deps(object): def __init__(self, direct_deps_config_paths): self._all_deps_config_paths = GetAllDepsConfigsInOrder( direct_deps_config_paths) self._direct_deps_configs = [ GetDepConfig(p) for p in direct_deps_config_paths ] self._all_deps_configs = [ GetDepConfig(p) for p in self._all_deps_config_paths ] self._direct_deps_config_paths = direct_deps_config_paths def All(self, wanted_type=None): if wanted_type is None: return self._all_deps_configs return DepsOfType(wanted_type, self._all_deps_configs) def Direct(self, wanted_type=None): if wanted_type is None: return self._direct_deps_configs return DepsOfType(wanted_type, self._direct_deps_configs) def DirectAndChildPublicDeps(self, wanted_type=None): """Returns direct dependencies and dependencies exported via public_deps of direct dependencies. """ dep_paths = set(self._direct_deps_config_paths) for direct_dep in self._direct_deps_configs: dep_paths.update(direct_dep.get('public_deps_configs', [])) deps_list = [GetDepConfig(p) for p in dep_paths] if wanted_type is None: return deps_list return DepsOfType(wanted_type, deps_list) def AllConfigPaths(self): return self._all_deps_config_paths def GradlePrebuiltJarPaths(self): ret = [] def helper(cur): for config in cur.Direct('java_library'): if config['is_prebuilt'] or config['gradle_treat_as_prebuilt']: if config['unprocessed_jar_path'] not in ret: ret.append(config['unprocessed_jar_path']) helper(self) return ret def GradleLibraryProjectDeps(self): ret = [] def helper(cur): for config in cur.Direct('java_library'): if config['is_prebuilt']: pass elif config['gradle_treat_as_prebuilt']: helper(Deps(config['deps_configs'])) elif config not in ret: ret.append(config) helper(self) return ret def _MergeAssets(all_assets): """Merges all assets from the given deps. Returns: A tuple of: (compressed, uncompressed, locale_paks) |compressed| and |uncompressed| are lists of "srcPath:zipPath". srcPath is the path of the asset to add, and zipPath is the location within the zip (excluding assets/ prefix). |locale_paks| is a set of all zipPaths that have been marked as treat_as_locale_paks=true. """ compressed = {} uncompressed = {} locale_paks = set() for asset_dep in all_assets: entry = asset_dep['assets'] disable_compression = entry.get('disable_compression') treat_as_locale_paks = entry.get('treat_as_locale_paks') dest_map = uncompressed if disable_compression else compressed other_map = compressed if disable_compression else uncompressed outputs = entry.get('outputs', []) for src, dest in zip_longest(entry['sources'], outputs): if not dest: dest = os.path.basename(src) # Merge so that each path shows up in only one of the lists, and that # deps of the same target override previous ones. other_map.pop(dest, 0) dest_map[dest] = src if treat_as_locale_paks: locale_paks.add(dest) def create_list(asset_map): ret = ['%s:%s' % (src, dest) for dest, src in asset_map.items()] # Sort to ensure deterministic ordering. ret.sort() return ret return create_list(compressed), create_list(uncompressed), locale_paks def _ResolveGroups(config_paths): """Returns a list of configs with all groups inlined.""" ret = list(config_paths) ret_set = set(config_paths) while True: group_paths = DepPathsOfType('group', ret) if not group_paths: return ret for group_path in group_paths: index = ret.index(group_path) expanded_config_paths = [] for deps_config_path in GetDepConfig(group_path)['deps_configs']: if not deps_config_path in ret_set: expanded_config_paths.append(deps_config_path) ret[index:index + 1] = expanded_config_paths ret_set.update(expanded_config_paths) def _DepsFromPaths(dep_paths, target_type, filter_root_targets=True, recursive_resource_deps=False): """Resolves all groups and trims dependency branches that we never want. E.g. When a resource or asset depends on an apk target, the intent is to include the .apk as a resource/asset, not to have the apk's classpath added. This method is meant to be called to get the top nodes (i.e. closest to current target) that we could then use to get a full transitive dependants list (eg using Deps#all). So filtering single elements out of this list, filters whole branches of dependencies. By resolving groups (i.e. expanding them to their constituents), depending on a group is equivalent to directly depending on each element of that group. """ blocklist = [] allowlist = [] # Don't allow root targets to be considered as a dep. if filter_root_targets: blocklist.extend(_ROOT_TYPES) # Don't allow java libraries to cross through assets/resources. if target_type in _RESOURCE_TYPES: allowlist.extend(_RESOURCE_TYPES) # Pretend that this target directly depends on all of its transitive # dependencies. if recursive_resource_deps: dep_paths = GetAllDepsConfigsInOrder(dep_paths) # Exclude assets if recursive_resource_deps is set. The # recursive_resource_deps arg is used to pull resources into the base # module to workaround bugs accessing resources in isolated DFMs, but # assets should be kept in the DFMs. blocklist.append('android_assets') return _DepsFromPathsWithFilters(dep_paths, blocklist, allowlist) def _DepsFromPathsWithFilters(dep_paths, blocklist=None, allowlist=None): """Resolves all groups and trims dependency branches that we never want. See _DepsFromPaths. |blocklist| if passed, are the types of direct dependencies we do not care about (i.e. tips of branches that we wish to prune). |allowlist| if passed, are the only types of direct dependencies we care about (i.e. we wish to prune all other branches that do not start from one of these). """ group_paths = DepPathsOfType('group', dep_paths) config_paths = dep_paths if group_paths: config_paths = _ResolveGroups(dep_paths) + group_paths configs = [GetDepConfig(p) for p in config_paths] if blocklist: configs = [c for c in configs if c['type'] not in blocklist] if allowlist: configs = [c for c in configs if c['type'] in allowlist] return Deps([c['path'] for c in configs]) def _ExtractSharedLibsFromRuntimeDeps(runtime_deps_file): ret = [] with open(runtime_deps_file) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if not line.endswith('.so'): continue # Only unstripped .so files are listed in runtime deps. # Convert to the stripped .so by going up one directory. ret.append(os.path.normpath(line.replace('lib.unstripped/', ''))) ret.reverse() return ret def _CreateJavaLibrariesList(library_paths): """Returns a java literal array with the "base" library names: e.g. libfoo.so -> foo """ names = ['"%s"' % os.path.basename(s)[3:-3] for s in library_paths] return ('{%s}' % ','.join(sorted(set(names)))) def _CreateJavaLocaleListFromAssets(assets, locale_paks): """Returns a java literal array from a list of locale assets. Args: assets: A list of all APK asset paths in the form 'src:dst' locale_paks: A list of asset paths that correponds to the locale pak files of interest. Each |assets| entry will have its 'dst' part matched against it to determine if they are part of the result. Returns: A string that is a Java source literal array listing the locale names of the corresponding asset files, without directory or .pak suffix. E.g. '{"en-GB", "en-US", "es-ES", "fr", ... }' """ assets_paths = [a.split(':')[1] for a in assets] locales = [os.path.basename(a)[:-4] for a in assets_paths if a in locale_paks] return '{%s}' % ','.join('"%s"' % l for l in sorted(locales)) def _AddJarMapping(jar_to_target, configs): for config in configs: jar = config.get('unprocessed_jar_path') if jar: jar_to_target[jar] = config['gn_target'] for jar in config.get('extra_classpath_jars', []): jar_to_target[jar] = config['gn_target'] def _CompareClasspathPriority(dep): return 1 if dep.get('low_classpath_priority') else 0 def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() build_utils.AddDepfileOption(parser) parser.add_option('--build-config', help='Path to build_config output.') parser.add_option( '--type', help='Type of this target (e.g. android_library).') parser.add_option('--gn-target', help='GN label for this target') parser.add_option( '--deps-configs', help='GN-list of dependent build_config files.') parser.add_option( '--annotation-processor-configs', help='GN-list of build_config files for annotation processors.') # android_resources options parser.add_option('--srcjar', help='Path to target\'s resources srcjar.') parser.add_option('--resources-zip', help='Path to target\'s resources zip.') parser.add_option('--package-name', help='Java package name for these resources.') parser.add_option('--android-manifest', help='Path to the root android manifest.') parser.add_option('--merged-android-manifest', help='Path to the merged android manifest.') parser.add_option('--resource-dirs', action='append', default=[], help='GYP-list of resource dirs') parser.add_option( '--res-sources-path', help='Path to file containing a list of paths to resources.') parser.add_option( '--resource-overlay', action='store_true', help='Whether resources passed in via --resources-zip should override ' 'resources with the same name') parser.add_option( '--recursive-resource-deps', action='store_true', help='Whether deps should be walked recursively to find resource deps.') # android_assets options parser.add_option('--asset-sources', help='List of asset sources.') parser.add_option('--asset-renaming-sources', help='List of asset sources with custom destinations.') parser.add_option('--asset-renaming-destinations', help='List of asset custom destinations.') parser.add_option('--disable-asset-compression', action='store_true', help='Whether to disable asset compression.') parser.add_option('--treat-as-locale-paks', action='store_true', help='Consider the assets as locale paks in BuildConfig.java') # java library options parser.add_option('--public-deps-configs', help='GN list of config files of deps which are exposed as ' 'part of the target\'s public API.') parser.add_option( '--ignore-dependency-public-deps', action='store_true', help='If true, \'public_deps\' will not be collected from the current ' 'target\'s direct deps.') parser.add_option('--aar-path', help='Path to containing .aar file.') parser.add_option('--device-jar-path', help='Path to .jar for dexing.') parser.add_option('--host-jar-path', help='Path to .jar for java_binary.') parser.add_option('--unprocessed-jar-path', help='Path to the .jar to use for javac classpath purposes.') parser.add_option( '--interface-jar-path', help='Path to the interface .jar to use for javac classpath purposes.') parser.add_option('--is-prebuilt', action='store_true', help='Whether the jar was compiled or pre-compiled.') parser.add_option('--java-sources-file', help='Path to .sources file') parser.add_option('--bundled-srcjars', help='GYP-list of .srcjars that have been included in this java_library.') parser.add_option('--supports-android', action='store_true', help='Whether this library supports running on the Android platform.') parser.add_option('--requires-android', action='store_true', help='Whether this library requires running on the Android platform.') parser.add_option('--bypass-platform-checks', action='store_true', help='Bypass checks for support/require Android platform.') parser.add_option('--extra-classpath-jars', help='GYP-list of .jar files to include on the classpath when compiling, ' 'but not to include in the final binary.') parser.add_option( '--low-classpath-priority', action='store_true', help='Indicates that the library should be placed at the end of the ' 'classpath.') parser.add_option( '--mergeable-android-manifests', help='GN-list of AndroidManifest.xml to include in manifest merging.') parser.add_option('--gradle-treat-as-prebuilt', action='store_true', help='Whether this library should be treated as a prebuilt library by ' 'generate_gradle.py.') parser.add_option('--main-class', help='Main class for java_binary or java_annotation_processor targets.') parser.add_option('--java-resources-jar-path', help='Path to JAR that contains java resources. Everything ' 'from this JAR except meta-inf/ content and .class files ' 'will be added to the final APK.') parser.add_option( '--non-chromium-code', action='store_true', help='True if a java library is not chromium code, used for lint.') # android library options parser.add_option('--dex-path', help='Path to target\'s dex output.') # native library options parser.add_option('--shared-libraries-runtime-deps', help='Path to file containing runtime deps for shared ' 'libraries.') parser.add_option( '--loadable-modules', action='append', help='GN-list of native libraries for primary ' 'android-abi. Can be specified multiple times.', default=[]) parser.add_option('--secondary-abi-shared-libraries-runtime-deps', help='Path to file containing runtime deps for secondary ' 'abi shared libraries.') parser.add_option( '--secondary-abi-loadable-modules', action='append', help='GN-list of native libraries for secondary ' 'android-abi. Can be specified multiple times.', default=[]) parser.add_option( '--native-lib-placeholders', action='append', help='GN-list of native library placeholders to add.', default=[]) parser.add_option( '--secondary-native-lib-placeholders', action='append', help='GN-list of native library placeholders to add ' 'for the secondary android-abi.', default=[]) parser.add_option('--uncompress-shared-libraries', default=False, action='store_true', help='Whether to store native libraries uncompressed') parser.add_option( '--library-always-compress', help='The list of library files that we always compress.') parser.add_option( '--library-renames', default=[], help='The list of library files that we prepend crazy. to their names.') # apk options parser.add_option('--apk-path', help='Path to the target\'s apk output.') parser.add_option('--incremental-apk-path', help="Path to the target's incremental apk output.") parser.add_option('--incremental-install-json-path', help="Path to the target's generated incremental install " "json.") parser.add_option( '--tested-apk-config', help='Path to the build config of the tested apk (for an instrumentation ' 'test apk).') parser.add_option( '--proguard-enabled', action='store_true', help='Whether proguard is enabled for this apk or bundle module.') parser.add_option( '--proguard-configs', help='GN-list of proguard flag files to use in final apk.') parser.add_option( '--proguard-mapping-path', help='Path to jar created by ProGuard step') # apk options that are static library specific parser.add_option( '--static-library-dependent-configs', help='GN list of .build_configs of targets that use this target as a ' 'static library.') # options shared between android_resources and apk targets parser.add_option('--r-text-path', help='Path to target\'s R.txt file.') parser.add_option('--fail', help='GN-list of error message lines to fail with.') parser.add_option('--final-dex-path', help='Path to final input classes.dex (or classes.zip) to ' 'use in final apk.') parser.add_option('--res-size-info', help='Path to .ap_.info') parser.add_option('--apk-proto-resources', help='Path to resources compiled in protocol buffer format ' ' for this apk.') parser.add_option( '--module-pathmap-path', help='Path to pathmap file for resource paths in a bundle module.') parser.add_option( '--base-allowlist-rtxt-path', help='Path to R.txt file for the base resources allowlist.') parser.add_option( '--is-base-module', action='store_true', help='Specifies that this module is a base module for some app bundle.') parser.add_option('--generate-markdown-format-doc', action='store_true', help='Dump the Markdown .build_config format documentation ' 'then exit immediately.') parser.add_option( '--base-module-build-config', help='Path to the base module\'s build config ' 'if this is a feature module.') parser.add_option( '--module-build-configs', help='For bundles, the paths of all non-async module .build_configs ' 'for modules that are part of the bundle.') parser.add_option('--version-name', help='Version name for this APK.') parser.add_option('--version-code', help='Version code for this APK.') options, args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args: parser.error('No positional arguments should be given.') if options.generate_markdown_format_doc: doc_lines = _ExtractMarkdownDocumentation(__doc__) for line in doc_lines: print(line) return 0 if options.fail: parser.error('\n'.join(build_utils.ParseGnList(options.fail))) lib_options = ['unprocessed_jar_path', 'interface_jar_path'] device_lib_options = ['device_jar_path', 'dex_path'] required_options_map = { 'android_apk': ['build_config'] + lib_options + device_lib_options, 'android_app_bundle_module': ['build_config', 'final_dex_path', 'res_size_info'] + lib_options + device_lib_options, 'android_assets': ['build_config'], 'android_resources': ['build_config', 'resources_zip'], 'dist_aar': ['build_config'], 'dist_jar': ['build_config'], 'group': ['build_config'], 'java_annotation_processor': ['build_config', 'main_class'], 'java_binary': ['build_config'], 'java_library': ['build_config', 'host_jar_path'] + lib_options, 'junit_binary': ['build_config'], 'system_java_library': ['build_config', 'unprocessed_jar_path'], 'android_app_bundle': ['build_config', 'module_build_configs'], } required_options = required_options_map.get(options.type) if not required_options: raise Exception('Unknown type: <%s>' % options.type) build_utils.CheckOptions(options, parser, required_options) if options.type != 'android_app_bundle_module': if options.apk_proto_resources: raise Exception('--apk-proto-resources can only be used with ' '--type=android_app_bundle_module') if options.module_pathmap_path: raise Exception('--module-pathmap-path can only be used with ' '--type=android_app_bundle_module') if options.base_allowlist_rtxt_path: raise Exception('--base-allowlist-rtxt-path can only be used with ' '--type=android_app_bundle_module') if options.is_base_module: raise Exception('--is-base-module can only be used with ' '--type=android_app_bundle_module') is_apk_or_module_target = options.type in ('android_apk', 'android_app_bundle_module') if not is_apk_or_module_target: if options.uncompress_shared_libraries: raise Exception('--uncompressed-shared-libraries can only be used ' 'with --type=android_apk or ' '--type=android_app_bundle_module') if options.library_always_compress: raise Exception( '--library-always-compress can only be used with --type=android_apk ' 'or --type=android_app_bundle_module') if options.library_renames: raise Exception( '--library-renames can only be used with --type=android_apk or ' '--type=android_app_bundle_module') if options.device_jar_path and not options.dex_path: raise Exception('java_library that supports Android requires a dex path.') if any(getattr(options, x) for x in lib_options): for attr in lib_options: if not getattr(options, attr): raise('Expected %s to be set.' % attr) if options.requires_android and not options.supports_android: raise Exception( '--supports-android is required when using --requires-android') is_java_target = options.type in ( 'java_binary', 'junit_binary', 'java_annotation_processor', 'java_library', 'android_apk', 'dist_aar', 'dist_jar', 'system_java_library', 'android_app_bundle_module') is_static_library_dex_provider_target = ( options.static_library_dependent_configs and options.proguard_enabled) if is_static_library_dex_provider_target: if options.type != 'android_apk': raise Exception( '--static-library-dependent-configs only supports --type=android_apk') options.static_library_dependent_configs = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.static_library_dependent_configs) static_library_dependent_configs_by_path = { p: GetDepConfig(p) for p in options.static_library_dependent_configs } deps_configs_paths = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.deps_configs) deps = _DepsFromPaths(deps_configs_paths, options.type, recursive_resource_deps=options.recursive_resource_deps) processor_deps = _DepsFromPaths( build_utils.ParseGnList(options.annotation_processor_configs or ''), options.type, filter_root_targets=False) all_inputs = (deps.AllConfigPaths() + processor_deps.AllConfigPaths() + list(static_library_dependent_configs_by_path)) if options.recursive_resource_deps: # Include java_library targets since changes to these targets can remove # resource deps from the build, which would require rebuilding this target's # build config file: crbug.com/1168655. recursive_java_deps = _DepsFromPathsWithFilters( GetAllDepsConfigsInOrder(deps_configs_paths), allowlist=['java_library']) all_inputs.extend(recursive_java_deps.AllConfigPaths()) direct_deps = deps.Direct() system_library_deps = deps.Direct('system_java_library') all_deps = deps.All() all_library_deps = deps.All('java_library') all_resources_deps = deps.All('android_resources') if options.type == 'java_library': java_library_deps = _DepsFromPathsWithFilters( deps_configs_paths, allowlist=['android_resources']) # for java libraries, we only care about resources that are directly # reachable without going through another java_library. all_resources_deps = java_library_deps.All('android_resources') if options.type == 'android_resources' and options.recursive_resource_deps: # android_resources targets that want recursive resource deps also need to # collect package_names from all library deps. This ensures the R.java files # for these libraries will get pulled in along with the resources. android_resources_library_deps = _DepsFromPathsWithFilters( deps_configs_paths, allowlist=['java_library']).All('java_library') if is_apk_or_module_target: # android_resources deps which had recursive_resource_deps set should not # have the manifests from the recursively collected deps added to this # module. This keeps the manifest declarations in the child DFMs, since they # will have the Java implementations. def ExcludeRecursiveResourcesDeps(config): return not config.get('includes_recursive_resources', False) extra_manifest_deps = [ GetDepConfig(p) for p in GetAllDepsConfigsInOrder( deps_configs_paths, filter_func=ExcludeRecursiveResourcesDeps) ] base_module_build_config = None if options.base_module_build_config: with open(options.base_module_build_config, 'r') as f: base_module_build_config = json.load(f) # Initialize some common config. # Any value that needs to be queryable by dependents must go within deps_info. config = { 'deps_info': { 'name': os.path.basename(options.build_config), 'path': options.build_config, 'type': options.type, 'gn_target': options.gn_target, 'deps_configs': [d['path'] for d in direct_deps], 'chromium_code': not options.non_chromium_code, }, # Info needed only by generate_gradle.py. 'gradle': {} } deps_info = config['deps_info'] gradle = config['gradle'] if options.type == 'android_apk' and options.tested_apk_config: tested_apk_deps = Deps([options.tested_apk_config]) tested_apk_config = tested_apk_deps.Direct()[0] gradle['apk_under_test'] = tested_apk_config['name'] if options.type == 'android_app_bundle_module': deps_info['is_base_module'] = bool(options.is_base_module) # Required for generating gradle files. if options.type == 'java_library': deps_info['is_prebuilt'] = bool(options.is_prebuilt) deps_info['gradle_treat_as_prebuilt'] = options.gradle_treat_as_prebuilt if options.android_manifest: deps_info['android_manifest'] = options.android_manifest if options.merged_android_manifest: deps_info['merged_android_manifest'] = options.merged_android_manifest if options.bundled_srcjars: deps_info['bundled_srcjars'] = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.bundled_srcjars) if options.java_sources_file: deps_info['java_sources_file'] = options.java_sources_file if is_java_target: if options.bundled_srcjars: gradle['bundled_srcjars'] = deps_info['bundled_srcjars'] gradle['dependent_android_projects'] = [] gradle['dependent_java_projects'] = [] gradle['dependent_prebuilt_jars'] = deps.GradlePrebuiltJarPaths() if options.main_class: deps_info['main_class'] = options.main_class for c in deps.GradleLibraryProjectDeps(): if c['requires_android']: gradle['dependent_android_projects'].append(c['path']) else: gradle['dependent_java_projects'].append(c['path']) if options.r_text_path: deps_info['r_text_path'] = options.r_text_path # TODO(tiborg): Remove creation of JNI info for type group and java_library # once we can generate the JNI registration based on APK / module targets as # opposed to groups and libraries. if is_apk_or_module_target or options.type in ( 'group', 'java_library', 'junit_binary'): deps_info['jni'] = {} all_java_sources = [c['java_sources_file'] for c in all_library_deps if 'java_sources_file' in c] if options.java_sources_file: all_java_sources.append(options.java_sources_file) if options.apk_proto_resources: deps_info['proto_resources_path'] = options.apk_proto_resources deps_info['version_name'] = options.version_name deps_info['version_code'] = options.version_code if options.module_pathmap_path: deps_info['module_pathmap_path'] = options.module_pathmap_path else: # Ensure there is an entry, even if it is empty, for modules # that have not enabled resource path shortening. Otherwise # build_utils.ExpandFileArgs fails. deps_info['module_pathmap_path'] = '' if options.base_allowlist_rtxt_path: deps_info['base_allowlist_rtxt_path'] = options.base_allowlist_rtxt_path else: # Ensure there is an entry, even if it is empty, for modules # that don't need such a allowlist. deps_info['base_allowlist_rtxt_path'] = '' if is_java_target: deps_info['requires_android'] = bool(options.requires_android) deps_info['supports_android'] = bool(options.supports_android) if not options.bypass_platform_checks: deps_require_android = (all_resources_deps + [d['name'] for d in all_library_deps if d['requires_android']]) deps_not_support_android = ( [d['name'] for d in all_library_deps if not d['supports_android']]) if deps_require_android and not options.requires_android: raise Exception('Some deps require building for the Android platform: ' + str(deps_require_android)) if deps_not_support_android and options.supports_android: raise Exception('Not all deps support the Android platform: ' + str(deps_not_support_android)) if is_apk_or_module_target or options.type == 'dist_jar': all_dex_files = [c['dex_path'] for c in all_library_deps] if is_java_target: # Classpath values filled in below (after applying tested_apk_config). config['javac'] = {} if options.aar_path: deps_info['aar_path'] = options.aar_path if options.unprocessed_jar_path: deps_info['unprocessed_jar_path'] = options.unprocessed_jar_path deps_info['interface_jar_path'] = options.interface_jar_path if options.public_deps_configs: deps_info['public_deps_configs'] = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.public_deps_configs) if options.device_jar_path: deps_info['device_jar_path'] = options.device_jar_path if options.host_jar_path: deps_info['host_jar_path'] = options.host_jar_path if options.dex_path: deps_info['dex_path'] = options.dex_path if is_apk_or_module_target: all_dex_files.append(options.dex_path) if options.low_classpath_priority: deps_info['low_classpath_priority'] = True if options.type == 'android_apk': deps_info['apk_path'] = options.apk_path deps_info['incremental_apk_path'] = options.incremental_apk_path deps_info['incremental_install_json_path'] = ( options.incremental_install_json_path) if options.type == 'android_assets': all_asset_sources = [] if options.asset_renaming_sources: all_asset_sources.extend( build_utils.ParseGnList(options.asset_renaming_sources)) if options.asset_sources: all_asset_sources.extend(build_utils.ParseGnList(options.asset_sources)) deps_info['assets'] = { 'sources': all_asset_sources } if options.asset_renaming_destinations: deps_info['assets']['outputs'] = ( build_utils.ParseGnList(options.asset_renaming_destinations)) if options.disable_asset_compression: deps_info['assets']['disable_compression'] = True if options.treat_as_locale_paks: deps_info['assets']['treat_as_locale_paks'] = True if options.type == 'android_resources': deps_info['resources_zip'] = options.resources_zip if options.resource_overlay: deps_info['resource_overlay'] = True if options.srcjar: deps_info['srcjar'] = options.srcjar if options.android_manifest: manifest = AndroidManifest(options.android_manifest) deps_info['package_name'] = manifest.GetPackageName() if options.package_name: deps_info['package_name'] = options.package_name deps_info['res_sources_path'] = '' if options.res_sources_path: deps_info['res_sources_path'] = options.res_sources_path if options.requires_android and options.type == 'java_library': if options.package_name: deps_info['package_name'] = options.package_name if options.type in ('android_resources', 'android_apk', 'junit_binary', 'dist_aar', 'android_app_bundle_module', 'java_library'): dependency_zips = [] dependency_zip_overlays = [] for c in all_resources_deps: if not c['resources_zip']: continue dependency_zips.append(c['resources_zip']) if c.get('resource_overlay'): dependency_zip_overlays.append(c['resources_zip']) extra_package_names = [] if options.type != 'android_resources': extra_package_names = [ c['package_name'] for c in all_resources_deps if 'package_name' in c ] # android_resources targets which specified recursive_resource_deps may # have extra_package_names. for resources_dep in all_resources_deps: extra_package_names.extend(resources_dep['extra_package_names']) # In final types (i.e. apks and modules) that create real R.java files, # they must collect package names from java_libraries as well. # https://crbug.com/1073476 if options.type != 'java_library': extra_package_names.extend([ c['package_name'] for c in all_library_deps if 'package_name' in c ]) elif options.recursive_resource_deps: # Pull extra_package_names from library deps if recursive resource deps # are required. extra_package_names = [ c['package_name'] for c in android_resources_library_deps if 'package_name' in c ] config['deps_info']['includes_recursive_resources'] = True if options.type in ('dist_aar', 'java_library'): r_text_files = [ c['r_text_path'] for c in all_resources_deps if 'r_text_path' in c ] deps_info['dependency_r_txt_files'] = r_text_files # For feature modules, remove any resources that already exist in the base # module. if base_module_build_config: dependency_zips = [ c for c in dependency_zips if c not in base_module_build_config['deps_info']['dependency_zips'] ] dependency_zip_overlays = [ c for c in dependency_zip_overlays if c not in base_module_build_config['deps_info']['dependency_zip_overlays'] ] extra_package_names = [ c for c in extra_package_names if c not in base_module_build_config['deps_info']['extra_package_names'] ] if options.type == 'android_apk' and options.tested_apk_config: config['deps_info']['arsc_package_name'] = ( tested_apk_config['package_name']) # We should not shadow the actual R.java files of the apk_under_test by # creating new R.java files with the same package names in the tested apk. extra_package_names = [ package for package in extra_package_names if package not in tested_apk_config['extra_package_names'] ] if options.res_size_info: config['deps_info']['res_size_info'] = options.res_size_info config['deps_info']['dependency_zips'] = dependency_zips config['deps_info']['dependency_zip_overlays'] = dependency_zip_overlays config['deps_info']['extra_package_names'] = extra_package_names # These are .jars to add to javac classpath but not to runtime classpath. extra_classpath_jars = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.extra_classpath_jars) if extra_classpath_jars: deps_info['extra_classpath_jars'] = extra_classpath_jars mergeable_android_manifests = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.mergeable_android_manifests) if mergeable_android_manifests: deps_info['mergeable_android_manifests'] = mergeable_android_manifests extra_proguard_classpath_jars = [] proguard_configs = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.proguard_configs) if proguard_configs: # Make a copy of |proguard_configs| since it's mutated below. deps_info['proguard_configs'] = list(proguard_configs) if is_java_target: if options.ignore_dependency_public_deps: classpath_direct_deps = deps.Direct() classpath_direct_library_deps = deps.Direct('java_library') else: classpath_direct_deps = deps.DirectAndChildPublicDeps() classpath_direct_library_deps = deps.DirectAndChildPublicDeps( 'java_library') # The classpath used to compile this target when annotation processors are # present. javac_classpath = set(c['unprocessed_jar_path'] for c in classpath_direct_library_deps) # The classpath used to compile this target when annotation processors are # not present. These are also always used to know when a target needs to be # rebuilt. javac_interface_classpath = set(c['interface_jar_path'] for c in classpath_direct_library_deps) # Preserve order of |all_library_deps|. Move low priority libraries to the # end of the classpath. all_library_deps_sorted_for_classpath = sorted( all_library_deps[::-1], key=_CompareClasspathPriority) # The classpath used for bytecode-rewritting. javac_full_classpath = OrderedSet.fromkeys( c['unprocessed_jar_path'] for c in all_library_deps_sorted_for_classpath) # The classpath used for error prone. javac_full_interface_classpath = OrderedSet.fromkeys( c['interface_jar_path'] for c in all_library_deps_sorted_for_classpath) # Adding base module to classpath to compile against its R.java file if base_module_build_config: javac_full_classpath.add( base_module_build_config['deps_info']['unprocessed_jar_path']) javac_full_interface_classpath.add( base_module_build_config['deps_info']['interface_jar_path']) # Turbine now compiles headers against only the direct classpath, so the # base module's interface jar must be on the direct interface classpath. javac_interface_classpath.add( base_module_build_config['deps_info']['interface_jar_path']) for dep in classpath_direct_deps: if 'extra_classpath_jars' in dep: javac_classpath.update(dep['extra_classpath_jars']) javac_interface_classpath.update(dep['extra_classpath_jars']) for dep in all_deps: if 'extra_classpath_jars' in dep: javac_full_classpath.update(dep['extra_classpath_jars']) javac_full_interface_classpath.update(dep['extra_classpath_jars']) # TODO(agrieve): Might be less confusing to fold these into bootclasspath. # Deps to add to the compile-time classpath (but not the runtime classpath). # These are jars specified by input_jars_paths that almost never change. # Just add them directly to all the classpaths. if options.extra_classpath_jars: javac_classpath.update(extra_classpath_jars) javac_interface_classpath.update(extra_classpath_jars) javac_full_classpath.update(extra_classpath_jars) javac_full_interface_classpath.update(extra_classpath_jars) if is_java_target or options.type == 'android_app_bundle': # The classpath to use to run this target (or as an input to ProGuard). device_classpath = [] if is_java_target and options.device_jar_path: device_classpath.append(options.device_jar_path) device_classpath.extend( c.get('device_jar_path') for c in all_library_deps if c.get('device_jar_path')) if options.type == 'android_app_bundle': for d in deps.Direct('android_app_bundle_module'): device_classpath.extend(c for c in d.get('device_classpath', []) if c not in device_classpath) if options.type in ('dist_jar', 'java_binary', 'junit_binary'): # The classpath to use to run this target. host_classpath = [] if options.host_jar_path: host_classpath.append(options.host_jar_path) host_classpath.extend(c['host_jar_path'] for c in all_library_deps) deps_info['host_classpath'] = host_classpath # We allow lint to be run on android_apk targets, so we collect lint # artifacts for them. # We allow lint to be run on android_app_bundle targets, so we need to # collect lint artifacts for the android_app_bundle_module targets that the # bundle includes. Different android_app_bundle targets may include different # android_app_bundle_module targets, so the bundle needs to be able to # de-duplicate these lint artifacts. if options.type in ('android_app_bundle_module', 'android_apk'): # Collect all sources and resources at the apk/bundle_module level. lint_aars = set() lint_srcjars = set() lint_java_sources = set() lint_resource_sources = set() lint_resource_zips = set() if options.java_sources_file: lint_java_sources.add(options.java_sources_file) if options.bundled_srcjars: lint_srcjars.update(deps_info['bundled_srcjars']) for c in all_library_deps: if c['chromium_code'] and c['requires_android']: if 'java_sources_file' in c: lint_java_sources.add(c['java_sources_file']) lint_srcjars.update(c['bundled_srcjars']) if 'aar_path' in c: lint_aars.add(c['aar_path']) if options.res_sources_path: lint_resource_sources.add(options.res_sources_path) if options.resources_zip: lint_resource_zips.add(options.resources_zip) for c in all_resources_deps: if c['chromium_code']: # Prefer res_sources_path to resources_zips so that lint errors have # real paths and to avoid needing to extract during lint. if c['res_sources_path']: lint_resource_sources.add(c['res_sources_path']) else: lint_resource_zips.add(c['resources_zip']) deps_info['lint_aars'] = sorted(lint_aars) deps_info['lint_srcjars'] = sorted(lint_srcjars) deps_info['lint_java_sources'] = sorted(lint_java_sources) deps_info['lint_resource_sources'] = sorted(lint_resource_sources) deps_info['lint_resource_zips'] = sorted(lint_resource_zips) deps_info['lint_extra_android_manifests'] = [] if options.type == 'android_apk': assert options.android_manifest, 'Android APKs must define a manifest' deps_info['lint_android_manifest'] = options.android_manifest if options.type == 'android_app_bundle': module_configs = [ GetDepConfig(c) for c in build_utils.ParseGnList(options.module_build_configs) ] jni_all_source = set() lint_aars = set() lint_srcjars = set() lint_java_sources = set() lint_resource_sources = set() lint_resource_zips = set() lint_extra_android_manifests = set() for c in module_configs: if c['is_base_module']: assert 'base_module_config' not in deps_info, ( 'Must have exactly 1 base module!') deps_info['base_module_config'] = c['path'] # Use the base module's android manifest for linting. deps_info['lint_android_manifest'] = c['android_manifest'] else: lint_extra_android_manifests.add(c['android_manifest']) jni_all_source.update(c['jni']['all_source']) lint_aars.update(c['lint_aars']) lint_srcjars.update(c['lint_srcjars']) lint_java_sources.update(c['lint_java_sources']) lint_resource_sources.update(c['lint_resource_sources']) lint_resource_zips.update(c['lint_resource_zips']) deps_info['jni'] = {'all_source': sorted(jni_all_source)} deps_info['lint_aars'] = sorted(lint_aars) deps_info['lint_srcjars'] = sorted(lint_srcjars) deps_info['lint_java_sources'] = sorted(lint_java_sources) deps_info['lint_resource_sources'] = sorted(lint_resource_sources) deps_info['lint_resource_zips'] = sorted(lint_resource_zips) deps_info['lint_extra_android_manifests'] = sorted( lint_extra_android_manifests) # Map configs to classpath entries that should be included in their final dex. classpath_entries_by_owning_config = collections.defaultdict(list) extra_main_r_text_files = [] if is_static_library_dex_provider_target: # Map classpath entries to configs that include them in their classpath. configs_by_classpath_entry = collections.defaultdict(list) for config_path, dep_config in (sorted( static_library_dependent_configs_by_path.items())): # For bundles, only the jar path and jni sources of the base module # are relevant for proguard. Should be updated when bundle feature # modules support JNI. base_config = dep_config if dep_config['type'] == 'android_app_bundle': base_config = GetDepConfig(dep_config['base_module_config']) extra_main_r_text_files.append(base_config['r_text_path']) proguard_configs.extend(dep_config['proguard_all_configs']) extra_proguard_classpath_jars.extend( dep_config['proguard_classpath_jars']) all_java_sources.extend(base_config['jni']['all_source']) # The srcjars containing the generated R.java files are excluded for APK # targets the use static libraries, so we add them here to ensure the # union of resource IDs are available in the static library APK. for package in base_config['extra_package_names']: if package not in extra_package_names: extra_package_names.append(package) for cp_entry in dep_config['device_classpath']: configs_by_classpath_entry[cp_entry].append(config_path) for cp_entry in device_classpath: configs_by_classpath_entry[cp_entry].append(options.build_config) for cp_entry, candidate_configs in configs_by_classpath_entry.items(): config_path = (candidate_configs[0] if len(candidate_configs) == 1 else options.build_config) classpath_entries_by_owning_config[config_path].append(cp_entry) device_classpath.append(cp_entry) device_classpath = sorted(set(device_classpath)) deps_info['static_library_proguard_mapping_output_paths'] = sorted([ d['proguard_mapping_path'] for d in static_library_dependent_configs_by_path.values() ]) deps_info['static_library_dependent_classpath_configs'] = { path: sorted(set(classpath)) for path, classpath in classpath_entries_by_owning_config.items() } deps_info['extra_main_r_text_files'] = sorted(extra_main_r_text_files) if is_apk_or_module_target or options.type in ('group', 'java_library', 'junit_binary'): deps_info['jni']['all_source'] = sorted(set(all_java_sources)) system_jars = [c['unprocessed_jar_path'] for c in system_library_deps] system_interface_jars = [c['interface_jar_path'] for c in system_library_deps] if system_library_deps: config['android'] = {} config['android']['sdk_interface_jars'] = system_interface_jars config['android']['sdk_jars'] = system_jars if options.type in ('android_apk', 'dist_aar', 'dist_jar', 'android_app_bundle_module', 'android_app_bundle'): for c in all_deps: proguard_configs.extend(c.get('proguard_configs', [])) extra_proguard_classpath_jars.extend(c.get('extra_classpath_jars', [])) if options.type == 'android_app_bundle': for c in deps.Direct('android_app_bundle_module'): proguard_configs.extend(p for p in c.get('proguard_configs', [])) if options.type == 'android_app_bundle': for d in deps.Direct('android_app_bundle_module'): extra_proguard_classpath_jars.extend( c for c in d.get('proguard_classpath_jars', []) if c not in extra_proguard_classpath_jars) if options.type == 'android_app_bundle': deps_proguard_enabled = [] deps_proguard_disabled = [] for d in deps.Direct('android_app_bundle_module'): if not d['device_classpath']: # We don't care about modules that have no Java code for proguarding. continue if d['proguard_enabled']: deps_proguard_enabled.append(d['name']) else: deps_proguard_disabled.append(d['name']) if deps_proguard_enabled and deps_proguard_disabled: raise Exception('Deps %s have proguard enabled while deps %s have ' 'proguard disabled' % (deps_proguard_enabled, deps_proguard_disabled)) deps_info['proguard_enabled'] = bool(options.proguard_enabled) if options.proguard_mapping_path: deps_info['proguard_mapping_path'] = options.proguard_mapping_path # The java code for an instrumentation test apk is assembled differently for # ProGuard vs. non-ProGuard. # # Without ProGuard: Each library's jar is dexed separately and then combined # into a single classes.dex. A test apk will include all dex files not already # present in the apk-under-test. At runtime all test code lives in the test # apk, and the program code lives in the apk-under-test. # # With ProGuard: Each library's .jar file is fed into ProGuard, which outputs # a single .jar, which is then dexed into a classes.dex. A test apk includes # all jar files from the program and the tests because having them separate # doesn't work with ProGuard's whole-program optimizations. Although the # apk-under-test still has all of its code in its classes.dex, none of it is # used at runtime because the copy of it within the test apk takes precidence. if options.type == 'android_apk' and options.tested_apk_config: if tested_apk_config['proguard_enabled']: assert options.proguard_enabled, ('proguard must be enabled for ' 'instrumentation apks if it\'s enabled for the tested apk.') # Mutating lists, so no need to explicitly re-assign to dict. proguard_configs.extend( p for p in tested_apk_config['proguard_all_configs']) extra_proguard_classpath_jars.extend( p for p in tested_apk_config['proguard_classpath_jars']) tested_apk_config = GetDepConfig(options.tested_apk_config) deps_info['proguard_under_test_mapping'] = ( tested_apk_config['proguard_mapping_path']) elif options.proguard_enabled: # Not sure why you'd want to proguard the test apk when the under-test apk # is not proguarded, but it's easy enough to support. deps_info['proguard_under_test_mapping'] = '' # Add all tested classes to the test's classpath to ensure that the test's # java code is a superset of the tested apk's java code device_classpath_extended = list(device_classpath) device_classpath_extended.extend( p for p in tested_apk_config['device_classpath'] if p not in device_classpath) # Include in the classpath classes that are added directly to the apk under # test (those that are not a part of a java_library). javac_classpath.add(tested_apk_config['unprocessed_jar_path']) javac_interface_classpath.add(tested_apk_config['interface_jar_path']) javac_full_classpath.add(tested_apk_config['unprocessed_jar_path']) javac_full_interface_classpath.add(tested_apk_config['interface_jar_path']) javac_full_classpath.update(tested_apk_config['javac_full_classpath']) javac_full_interface_classpath.update( tested_apk_config['javac_full_interface_classpath']) # Exclude .jar files from the test apk that exist within the apk under test. tested_apk_library_deps = tested_apk_deps.All('java_library') tested_apk_dex_files = {c['dex_path'] for c in tested_apk_library_deps} all_dex_files = [p for p in all_dex_files if p not in tested_apk_dex_files] tested_apk_jar_files = set(tested_apk_config['device_classpath']) device_classpath = [ p for p in device_classpath if p not in tested_apk_jar_files ] if options.type in ('android_apk', 'dist_aar', 'dist_jar', 'android_app_bundle_module', 'android_app_bundle'): deps_info['proguard_all_configs'] = sorted(set(proguard_configs)) deps_info['proguard_classpath_jars'] = sorted( set(extra_proguard_classpath_jars)) # Dependencies for the final dex file of an apk. if (is_apk_or_module_target or options.final_dex_path or options.type == 'dist_jar'): config['final_dex'] = {} dex_config = config['final_dex'] dex_config['path'] = options.final_dex_path if is_apk_or_module_target or options.type == 'dist_jar': dex_config['all_dex_files'] = all_dex_files if is_java_target: config['javac']['classpath'] = sorted(javac_classpath) config['javac']['interface_classpath'] = sorted(javac_interface_classpath) # Direct() will be of type 'java_annotation_processor', and so not included # in All('java_library'). # Annotation processors run as part of the build, so need host_jar_path. config['javac']['processor_classpath'] = [ c['host_jar_path'] for c in processor_deps.Direct() if c.get('host_jar_path') ] config['javac']['processor_classpath'] += [ c['host_jar_path'] for c in processor_deps.All('java_library') ] config['javac']['processor_classes'] = [ c['main_class'] for c in processor_deps.Direct()] deps_info['javac_full_classpath'] = list(javac_full_classpath) deps_info['javac_full_interface_classpath'] = list( javac_full_interface_classpath) elif options.type == 'android_app_bundle': # bundles require javac_full_classpath to create .aab.jar.info and require # javac_full_interface_classpath for lint. javac_full_classpath = OrderedSet() javac_full_interface_classpath = OrderedSet() for d in deps.Direct('android_app_bundle_module'): javac_full_classpath.update(d['javac_full_classpath']) javac_full_interface_classpath.update(d['javac_full_interface_classpath']) javac_full_classpath.add(d['unprocessed_jar_path']) javac_full_interface_classpath.add(d['interface_jar_path']) deps_info['javac_full_classpath'] = list(javac_full_classpath) deps_info['javac_full_interface_classpath'] = list( javac_full_interface_classpath) if options.type in ('android_apk', 'dist_jar', 'android_app_bundle_module', 'android_app_bundle'): deps_info['device_classpath'] = device_classpath if options.tested_apk_config: deps_info['device_classpath_extended'] = device_classpath_extended if options.type in ('android_apk', 'dist_jar'): all_interface_jars = [] if options.interface_jar_path: all_interface_jars.append(options.interface_jar_path) all_interface_jars.extend(c['interface_jar_path'] for c in all_library_deps) config['dist_jar'] = { 'all_interface_jars': all_interface_jars, } if is_apk_or_module_target: manifest = AndroidManifest(options.android_manifest) deps_info['package_name'] = manifest.GetPackageName() if not options.tested_apk_config and manifest.GetInstrumentationElements(): # This must then have instrumentation only for itself. manifest.CheckInstrumentationElements(manifest.GetPackageName()) library_paths = [] java_libraries_list = None if options.shared_libraries_runtime_deps: library_paths = _ExtractSharedLibsFromRuntimeDeps( options.shared_libraries_runtime_deps) java_libraries_list = _CreateJavaLibrariesList(library_paths) all_inputs.append(options.shared_libraries_runtime_deps) secondary_abi_library_paths = [] if options.secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps: secondary_abi_library_paths = _ExtractSharedLibsFromRuntimeDeps( options.secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps) all_inputs.append(options.secondary_abi_shared_libraries_runtime_deps) native_library_placeholder_paths = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.native_lib_placeholders) secondary_native_library_placeholder_paths = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.secondary_native_lib_placeholders) loadable_modules = build_utils.ParseGnList(options.loadable_modules) secondary_abi_loadable_modules = build_utils.ParseGnList( options.secondary_abi_loadable_modules) config['native'] = { 'libraries': library_paths, 'native_library_placeholders': native_library_placeholder_paths, 'secondary_abi_libraries': secondary_abi_library_paths, 'secondary_native_library_placeholders': secondary_native_library_placeholder_paths, 'java_libraries_list': java_libraries_list, 'uncompress_shared_libraries': options.uncompress_shared_libraries, 'library_always_compress': options.library_always_compress, 'library_renames': options.library_renames, 'loadable_modules': loadable_modules, 'secondary_abi_loadable_modules': secondary_abi_loadable_modules, } config['assets'], config['uncompressed_assets'], locale_paks = ( _MergeAssets(deps.All('android_assets'))) deps_info['locales_java_list'] = _CreateJavaLocaleListFromAssets( config['uncompressed_assets'], locale_paks) config['extra_android_manifests'] = [] for c in extra_manifest_deps: config['extra_android_manifests'].extend( c.get('mergeable_android_manifests', [])) # Collect java resources java_resources_jars = [d['java_resources_jar'] for d in all_library_deps if 'java_resources_jar' in d] if options.tested_apk_config: tested_apk_resource_jars = [d['java_resources_jar'] for d in tested_apk_library_deps if 'java_resources_jar' in d] java_resources_jars = [jar for jar in java_resources_jars if jar not in tested_apk_resource_jars] config['java_resources_jars'] = java_resources_jars if options.java_resources_jar_path: deps_info['java_resources_jar'] = options.java_resources_jar_path # DYNAMIC FEATURE MODULES: # Make sure that dependencies that exist on the base module # are not duplicated on the feature module. if base_module_build_config: base = base_module_build_config RemoveObjDups(config, base, 'deps_info', 'device_classpath') RemoveObjDups(config, base, 'deps_info', 'javac_full_classpath') RemoveObjDups(config, base, 'deps_info', 'javac_full_interface_classpath') RemoveObjDups(config, base, 'deps_info', 'jni', 'all_source') RemoveObjDups(config, base, 'final_dex', 'all_dex_files') RemoveObjDups(config, base, 'extra_android_manifests') if is_java_target: jar_to_target = {} _AddJarMapping(jar_to_target, [deps_info]) _AddJarMapping(jar_to_target, all_deps) if base_module_build_config: _AddJarMapping(jar_to_target, [base_module_build_config['deps_info']]) if options.tested_apk_config: _AddJarMapping(jar_to_target, [tested_apk_config]) for jar, target in zip(tested_apk_config['javac_full_classpath'], tested_apk_config['javac_full_classpath_targets']): jar_to_target[jar] = target # Used by bytecode_processor to give better error message when missing # deps are found. config['deps_info']['javac_full_classpath_targets'] = [ jar_to_target[x] for x in deps_info['javac_full_classpath'] ] build_utils.WriteJson(config, options.build_config, only_if_changed=True) if options.depfile: build_utils.WriteDepfile(options.depfile, options.build_config, sorted(set(all_inputs))) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))