/* * Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "modules/audio_device/include/test_audio_device.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "api/array_view.h" #include "api/make_ref_counted.h" #include "common_audio/wav_file.h" #include "modules/audio_device/include/audio_device_default.h" #include "rtc_base/buffer.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/event.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "rtc_base/platform_thread.h" #include "rtc_base/random.h" #include "rtc_base/synchronization/mutex.h" #include "rtc_base/task_queue.h" #include "rtc_base/task_utils/repeating_task.h" #include "rtc_base/thread_annotations.h" #include "rtc_base/time_utils.h" namespace webrtc { namespace { constexpr int kFrameLengthUs = 10000; constexpr int kFramesPerSecond = rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerSec / kFrameLengthUs; // TestAudioDeviceModule implements an AudioDevice module that can act both as a // capturer and a renderer. It will use 10ms audio frames. class TestAudioDeviceModuleImpl : public webrtc_impl::AudioDeviceModuleDefault { public: // Creates a new TestAudioDeviceModule. When capturing or playing, 10 ms audio // frames will be processed every 10ms / `speed`. // `capturer` is an object that produces audio data. Can be nullptr if this // device is never used for recording. // `renderer` is an object that receives audio data that would have been // played out. Can be nullptr if this device is never used for playing. // Use one of the Create... functions to get these instances. TestAudioDeviceModuleImpl(TaskQueueFactory* task_queue_factory, std::unique_ptr capturer, std::unique_ptr renderer, float speed = 1) : task_queue_factory_(task_queue_factory), capturer_(std::move(capturer)), renderer_(std::move(renderer)), process_interval_us_(kFrameLengthUs / speed), audio_callback_(nullptr), rendering_(false), capturing_(false) { auto good_sample_rate = [](int sr) { return sr == 8000 || sr == 16000 || sr == 32000 || sr == 44100 || sr == 48000; }; if (renderer_) { const int sample_rate = renderer_->SamplingFrequency(); playout_buffer_.resize( SamplesPerFrame(sample_rate) * renderer_->NumChannels(), 0); RTC_CHECK(good_sample_rate(sample_rate)); } if (capturer_) { RTC_CHECK(good_sample_rate(capturer_->SamplingFrequency())); } } ~TestAudioDeviceModuleImpl() override { StopPlayout(); StopRecording(); } int32_t Init() override { task_queue_ = std::make_unique(task_queue_factory_->CreateTaskQueue( "TestAudioDeviceModuleImpl", TaskQueueFactory::Priority::NORMAL)); RepeatingTaskHandle::Start(task_queue_->Get(), [this]() { ProcessAudio(); return TimeDelta::Micros(process_interval_us_); }); return 0; } int32_t RegisterAudioCallback(AudioTransport* callback) override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); RTC_DCHECK(callback || audio_callback_); audio_callback_ = callback; return 0; } int32_t StartPlayout() override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); RTC_CHECK(renderer_); rendering_ = true; return 0; } int32_t StopPlayout() override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); rendering_ = false; return 0; } int32_t StartRecording() override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); RTC_CHECK(capturer_); capturing_ = true; return 0; } int32_t StopRecording() override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); capturing_ = false; return 0; } bool Playing() const override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); return rendering_; } bool Recording() const override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); return capturing_; } // Blocks forever until the Recorder stops producing data. void WaitForRecordingEnd() override { done_capturing_.Wait(rtc::Event::kForever); } private: void ProcessAudio() { MutexLock lock(&lock_); if (capturing_) { // Capture 10ms of audio. 2 bytes per sample. const bool keep_capturing = capturer_->Capture(&recording_buffer_); uint32_t new_mic_level = 0; if (recording_buffer_.size() > 0) { audio_callback_->RecordedDataIsAvailable( recording_buffer_.data(), recording_buffer_.size() / capturer_->NumChannels(), 2 * capturer_->NumChannels(), capturer_->NumChannels(), capturer_->SamplingFrequency(), 0, 0, 0, false, new_mic_level); } if (!keep_capturing) { capturing_ = false; done_capturing_.Set(); } } if (rendering_) { size_t samples_out = 0; int64_t elapsed_time_ms = -1; int64_t ntp_time_ms = -1; const int sampling_frequency = renderer_->SamplingFrequency(); audio_callback_->NeedMorePlayData( SamplesPerFrame(sampling_frequency), 2 * renderer_->NumChannels(), renderer_->NumChannels(), sampling_frequency, playout_buffer_.data(), samples_out, &elapsed_time_ms, &ntp_time_ms); const bool keep_rendering = renderer_->Render( rtc::ArrayView(playout_buffer_.data(), samples_out)); if (!keep_rendering) { rendering_ = false; done_rendering_.Set(); } } } TaskQueueFactory* const task_queue_factory_; const std::unique_ptr capturer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); const std::unique_ptr renderer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); const int64_t process_interval_us_; mutable Mutex lock_; AudioTransport* audio_callback_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); bool rendering_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); bool capturing_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); rtc::Event done_rendering_; rtc::Event done_capturing_; std::vector playout_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); rtc::BufferT recording_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); std::unique_ptr task_queue_; }; // A fake capturer that generates pulses with random samples between // -max_amplitude and +max_amplitude. class PulsedNoiseCapturerImpl final : public TestAudioDeviceModule::PulsedNoiseCapturer { public: // Assuming 10ms audio packets. PulsedNoiseCapturerImpl(int16_t max_amplitude, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) : sampling_frequency_in_hz_(sampling_frequency_in_hz), fill_with_zero_(false), random_generator_(1), max_amplitude_(max_amplitude), num_channels_(num_channels) { RTC_DCHECK_GT(max_amplitude, 0); } int SamplingFrequency() const override { return sampling_frequency_in_hz_; } int NumChannels() const override { return num_channels_; } bool Capture(rtc::BufferT* buffer) override { fill_with_zero_ = !fill_with_zero_; int16_t max_amplitude; { MutexLock lock(&lock_); max_amplitude = max_amplitude_; } buffer->SetData( TestAudioDeviceModule::SamplesPerFrame(sampling_frequency_in_hz_) * num_channels_, [&](rtc::ArrayView data) { if (fill_with_zero_) { std::fill(data.begin(), data.end(), 0); } else { std::generate(data.begin(), data.end(), [&]() { return random_generator_.Rand(-max_amplitude, max_amplitude); }); } return data.size(); }); return true; } void SetMaxAmplitude(int16_t amplitude) override { MutexLock lock(&lock_); max_amplitude_ = amplitude; } private: int sampling_frequency_in_hz_; bool fill_with_zero_; Random random_generator_; Mutex lock_; int16_t max_amplitude_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(lock_); const int num_channels_; }; class WavFileReader final : public TestAudioDeviceModule::Capturer { public: WavFileReader(absl::string_view filename, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels, bool repeat) : WavFileReader(std::make_unique(filename), sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels, repeat) {} int SamplingFrequency() const override { return sampling_frequency_in_hz_; } int NumChannels() const override { return num_channels_; } bool Capture(rtc::BufferT* buffer) override { buffer->SetData( TestAudioDeviceModule::SamplesPerFrame(sampling_frequency_in_hz_) * num_channels_, [&](rtc::ArrayView data) { size_t read = wav_reader_->ReadSamples(data.size(), data.data()); if (read < data.size() && repeat_) { do { wav_reader_->Reset(); size_t delta = wav_reader_->ReadSamples( data.size() - read, data.subview(read).data()); RTC_CHECK_GT(delta, 0) << "No new data read from file"; read += delta; } while (read < data.size()); } return read; }); return buffer->size() > 0; } private: WavFileReader(std::unique_ptr wav_reader, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels, bool repeat) : sampling_frequency_in_hz_(sampling_frequency_in_hz), num_channels_(num_channels), wav_reader_(std::move(wav_reader)), repeat_(repeat) { RTC_CHECK_EQ(wav_reader_->sample_rate(), sampling_frequency_in_hz); RTC_CHECK_EQ(wav_reader_->num_channels(), num_channels); } const int sampling_frequency_in_hz_; const int num_channels_; std::unique_ptr wav_reader_; const bool repeat_; }; class WavFileWriter final : public TestAudioDeviceModule::Renderer { public: WavFileWriter(absl::string_view filename, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) : WavFileWriter(std::make_unique(filename, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels), sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels) {} int SamplingFrequency() const override { return sampling_frequency_in_hz_; } int NumChannels() const override { return num_channels_; } bool Render(rtc::ArrayView data) override { wav_writer_->WriteSamples(data.data(), data.size()); return true; } private: WavFileWriter(std::unique_ptr wav_writer, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) : sampling_frequency_in_hz_(sampling_frequency_in_hz), wav_writer_(std::move(wav_writer)), num_channels_(num_channels) {} int sampling_frequency_in_hz_; std::unique_ptr wav_writer_; const int num_channels_; }; class BoundedWavFileWriter : public TestAudioDeviceModule::Renderer { public: BoundedWavFileWriter(absl::string_view filename, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) : sampling_frequency_in_hz_(sampling_frequency_in_hz), wav_writer_(filename, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels), num_channels_(num_channels), silent_audio_( TestAudioDeviceModule::SamplesPerFrame(sampling_frequency_in_hz) * num_channels, 0), started_writing_(false), trailing_zeros_(0) {} int SamplingFrequency() const override { return sampling_frequency_in_hz_; } int NumChannels() const override { return num_channels_; } bool Render(rtc::ArrayView data) override { const int16_t kAmplitudeThreshold = 5; const int16_t* begin = data.begin(); const int16_t* end = data.end(); if (!started_writing_) { // Cut off silence at the beginning. while (begin < end) { if (std::abs(*begin) > kAmplitudeThreshold) { started_writing_ = true; break; } ++begin; } } if (started_writing_) { // Cut off silence at the end. while (begin < end) { if (*(end - 1) != 0) { break; } --end; } if (begin < end) { // If it turns out that the silence was not final, need to write all the // skipped zeros and continue writing audio. while (trailing_zeros_ > 0) { const size_t zeros_to_write = std::min(trailing_zeros_, silent_audio_.size()); wav_writer_.WriteSamples(silent_audio_.data(), zeros_to_write); trailing_zeros_ -= zeros_to_write; } wav_writer_.WriteSamples(begin, end - begin); } // Save the number of zeros we skipped in case this needs to be restored. trailing_zeros_ += data.end() - end; } return true; } private: int sampling_frequency_in_hz_; WavWriter wav_writer_; const int num_channels_; std::vector silent_audio_; bool started_writing_; size_t trailing_zeros_; }; class DiscardRenderer final : public TestAudioDeviceModule::Renderer { public: explicit DiscardRenderer(int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) : sampling_frequency_in_hz_(sampling_frequency_in_hz), num_channels_(num_channels) {} int SamplingFrequency() const override { return sampling_frequency_in_hz_; } int NumChannels() const override { return num_channels_; } bool Render(rtc::ArrayView data) override { return true; } private: int sampling_frequency_in_hz_; const int num_channels_; }; } // namespace size_t TestAudioDeviceModule::SamplesPerFrame(int sampling_frequency_in_hz) { return rtc::CheckedDivExact(sampling_frequency_in_hz, kFramesPerSecond); } rtc::scoped_refptr TestAudioDeviceModule::Create( TaskQueueFactory* task_queue_factory, std::unique_ptr capturer, std::unique_ptr renderer, float speed) { return rtc::make_ref_counted( task_queue_factory, std::move(capturer), std::move(renderer), speed); } std::unique_ptr TestAudioDeviceModule::CreatePulsedNoiseCapturer(int16_t max_amplitude, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) { return std::make_unique( max_amplitude, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels); } std::unique_ptr TestAudioDeviceModule::CreateDiscardRenderer(int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) { return std::make_unique(sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels); } std::unique_ptr TestAudioDeviceModule::CreateWavFileReader(absl::string_view filename, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) { return std::make_unique(filename, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels, false); } std::unique_ptr TestAudioDeviceModule::CreateWavFileReader(absl::string_view filename, bool repeat) { WavReader reader(filename); int sampling_frequency_in_hz = reader.sample_rate(); int num_channels = rtc::checked_cast(reader.num_channels()); return std::make_unique(filename, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels, repeat); } std::unique_ptr TestAudioDeviceModule::CreateWavFileWriter(absl::string_view filename, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) { return std::make_unique(filename, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels); } std::unique_ptr TestAudioDeviceModule::CreateBoundedWavFileWriter(absl::string_view filename, int sampling_frequency_in_hz, int num_channels) { return std::make_unique( filename, sampling_frequency_in_hz, num_channels); } } // namespace webrtc