/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "modules/pacing/bitrate_prober.h" #include #include "absl/memory/memory.h" #include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event.h" #include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log.h" #include "logging/rtc_event_log/events/rtc_event_probe_cluster_created.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" namespace webrtc { namespace { constexpr TimeDelta kProbeClusterTimeout = TimeDelta::Seconds(5); constexpr size_t kMaxPendingProbeClusters = 5; } // namespace BitrateProberConfig::BitrateProberConfig( const FieldTrialsView* key_value_config) : min_probe_delta("min_probe_delta", TimeDelta::Millis(2)), max_probe_delay("max_probe_delay", TimeDelta::Millis(10)), min_packet_size("min_packet_size", DataSize::Bytes(200)) { ParseFieldTrial({&min_probe_delta, &max_probe_delay, &min_packet_size}, key_value_config->Lookup("WebRTC-Bwe-ProbingBehavior")); } BitrateProber::BitrateProber(const FieldTrialsView& field_trials) : probing_state_(ProbingState::kDisabled), next_probe_time_(Timestamp::PlusInfinity()), config_(&field_trials) { SetEnabled(true); } void BitrateProber::SetEnabled(bool enable) { if (enable) { if (probing_state_ == ProbingState::kDisabled) { probing_state_ = ProbingState::kInactive; RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bandwidth probing enabled, set to inactive"; } } else { probing_state_ = ProbingState::kDisabled; RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Bandwidth probing disabled"; } } void BitrateProber::OnIncomingPacket(DataSize packet_size) { // Don't initialize probing unless we have something large enough to start // probing. // Note that the pacer can send several packets at once when sending a probe, // and thus, packets can be smaller than needed for a probe. if (probing_state_ == ProbingState::kInactive && !clusters_.empty() && packet_size >= std::min(RecommendedMinProbeSize(), config_.min_packet_size.Get())) { // Send next probe right away. next_probe_time_ = Timestamp::MinusInfinity(); probing_state_ = ProbingState::kActive; } } void BitrateProber::CreateProbeCluster( const ProbeClusterConfig& cluster_config) { RTC_DCHECK(probing_state_ != ProbingState::kDisabled); while (!clusters_.empty() && (cluster_config.at_time - clusters_.front().requested_at > kProbeClusterTimeout || clusters_.size() > kMaxPendingProbeClusters)) { clusters_.pop(); } ProbeCluster cluster; cluster.requested_at = cluster_config.at_time; cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_probes = cluster_config.target_probe_count; cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes = (cluster_config.target_data_rate * cluster_config.target_duration) .bytes(); RTC_DCHECK_GE(cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes, 0); cluster.pace_info.send_bitrate_bps = cluster_config.target_data_rate.bps(); cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_id = cluster_config.id; clusters_.push(cluster); RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe cluster (bitrate:min bytes:min packets): (" << cluster.pace_info.send_bitrate_bps << ":" << cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes << ":" << cluster.pace_info.probe_cluster_min_probes << ")"; // If we are already probing, continue to do so. Otherwise set it to // kInactive and wait for OnIncomingPacket to start the probing. if (probing_state_ != ProbingState::kActive) probing_state_ = ProbingState::kInactive; } Timestamp BitrateProber::NextProbeTime(Timestamp now) const { // Probing is not active or probing is already complete. if (probing_state_ != ProbingState::kActive || clusters_.empty()) { return Timestamp::PlusInfinity(); } return next_probe_time_; } absl::optional BitrateProber::CurrentCluster(Timestamp now) { if (clusters_.empty() || probing_state_ != ProbingState::kActive) { return absl::nullopt; } if (next_probe_time_.IsFinite() && now - next_probe_time_ > config_.max_probe_delay.Get()) { RTC_DLOG(LS_WARNING) << "Probe delay too high" " (next_ms:" << next_probe_time_.ms() << ", now_ms: " << now.ms() << "), discarding probe cluster."; clusters_.pop(); if (clusters_.empty()) { probing_state_ = ProbingState::kSuspended; return absl::nullopt; } } PacedPacketInfo info = clusters_.front().pace_info; info.probe_cluster_bytes_sent = clusters_.front().sent_bytes; return info; } DataSize BitrateProber::RecommendedMinProbeSize() const { if (clusters_.empty()) { return DataSize::Zero(); } DataRate send_rate = DataRate::BitsPerSec(clusters_.front().pace_info.send_bitrate_bps); return send_rate * config_.min_probe_delta; } void BitrateProber::ProbeSent(Timestamp now, DataSize size) { RTC_DCHECK(probing_state_ == ProbingState::kActive); RTC_DCHECK(!size.IsZero()); if (!clusters_.empty()) { ProbeCluster* cluster = &clusters_.front(); if (cluster->sent_probes == 0) { RTC_DCHECK(cluster->started_at.IsInfinite()); cluster->started_at = now; } cluster->sent_bytes += size.bytes(); cluster->sent_probes += 1; next_probe_time_ = CalculateNextProbeTime(*cluster); if (cluster->sent_bytes >= cluster->pace_info.probe_cluster_min_bytes && cluster->sent_probes >= cluster->pace_info.probe_cluster_min_probes) { clusters_.pop(); } if (clusters_.empty()) { probing_state_ = ProbingState::kSuspended; } } } Timestamp BitrateProber::CalculateNextProbeTime( const ProbeCluster& cluster) const { RTC_CHECK_GT(cluster.pace_info.send_bitrate_bps, 0); RTC_CHECK(cluster.started_at.IsFinite()); // Compute the time delta from the cluster start to ensure probe bitrate stays // close to the target bitrate. Result is in milliseconds. DataSize sent_bytes = DataSize::Bytes(cluster.sent_bytes); DataRate send_bitrate = DataRate::BitsPerSec(cluster.pace_info.send_bitrate_bps); TimeDelta delta = sent_bytes / send_bitrate; return cluster.started_at + delta; } } // namespace webrtc